Anavar cutting reddit. I want to lose 5 percent body fat and put on some muscle.

Anavar cutting reddit Anavar & cutting: scale weight Hello, I’m currently on a 6 week var cycle, first time user. Lgd VS rad 140 Vs Anavar for cutting Hi I have previous done a bulking cycle using Lgd 4033 @ 10mg for 8 weeks and saw great results I’m looking to cut now and wondering what substance would be the best to shred fat any advice would be great thanks in advance I’m curious to hear input from other users a on if there is really any additional benefit to adding anavar at 50 mg to a test/tren cycle. I wouldn’t fuck with the Anavar yet until you get your doses dialed in on the other 3. I cut out all sugar from my diet. Once I noticed this I stopped cutting because I liked the strength I had gained in just a few days. Because of its qualities, it can be used effectively with no drawbacks while cutting or bulking. Where is Anavar available? In the United States, Anavar is available to be prescribed to patients through certain remote compounding pharmacies. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I started it with a mild calorie deficit and 5mg ED split in 2 doses. Anavar side effects - okay, here goes nothing. Thoughts on how long I should run each of these and how I should adjust my dosage? Currently I hit the gym for about an hour every night, heavy lifting. Jun 9, 2023 · Been natty all my life but after a lot of research, advice, speaking to others who have cycled I’ve decided to try a cut/bulk cycle starting off on anavar and test. But hey, do your research, listen to your body, and stay informed. My doses would be 400mg of test, 350mg of tren, and 50 mg of var. I wouldn't compare the 2 at all but there is a lot of anavar lovers here, so maybe someone would say something that ridiculous. Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) This is when I thought of cutting it short as my skin was starting to get affected, started to find beginnings of pimples on back and skin feeling awful. After reading some feedback on a possible tren cycle I’m looking into using mast for my cut instead. I had a couple more anavar test laying around ( get back to that in a sec) . Pros: Super fast strength gains, really nice for bulk/recomp, elevated libido, mood and energy (albeit for me it was only the first half of cycle). Anavar is a mild steroid that is less harsh on the body than other cutting agents, making it a good choice for beginners. I took var three years ago, starting small 5mg per day, then up to 10. Plus, it's often used during cutting cycles to keep your muscle while getting rid of fat. Take 50mg anavar / day (25mg pre workout, 25mg before bed) for the first 4 weeks. On week 7 of var now, gone up 10 lbs in weight since introducing the var. It obviously preserves muscle while on a cut, but requires more discipline and willpower than I possess to stay in a calorie deficit. Anavar will be fine last weeks as a finisher. In general just consider your baseline expenditure might be slightly increased so if you bump up a few hundred calories then dial it in that’s all a coach would do with you. if you're not diving below 7-8% BF that you're not really going to have any justification for it and would be better placed using a yohimbine and beta agonist once progress starts to crawl. 5 adex M/W/F. 100mg was too much for a pump (hurt like a fuck), 50mg was my sweet spot Anavar is traditionally used for cutting, but it makes me ravenous and I retain a fair amount of water, so I prefer to use it for a bulk. Keep the cardio for your heart but don’t use it as a weight loss tool or you’re going to fail. Kept me dry so i can actually differentiate between fat loss and water Retention. Plus the bro science of anavar used for cutting and other steroid used for bulking is all bullshit. even split the total daily dosage. Our objective is to create an in-depth background of performance enhancing drugs from every background while building a community around discussion of these substances. cranking T3 and T4 is a legit risk to your long term thyroid health. I'm gojg to run the var long term low dose (like medical literature prescribed dose) you'll see people running it like 70 to 100 MG a day. Gonna run test e, var, and EQ. Jun 9, 2023 · the point of using Anavar is to increase anabolism. When to choose tbol vs anavar is very very easy: Anavar is the king of oral steroids, and maybe even roids in general, for fat loss effects. Add anavar after week 12-13, when you start hitting plateaus. anavar, masteron, trenbolone, and mtren, all have changed my fat distribution, all of them make me dry and hard and provide good lean gains. Your maintenance is around 2700-3600/ day depending on your metabolism/lifestyle. If you’re taking it to cut, it’s not going to accomplish anything for you. I might have to cut my dose of Semaglutide because I am not eating enough. if you use 50 mg/day, go for 25 mg AM and 25 mg PM daily! Plus, 50 mg/day of Anavar seem to be a "standard" everywhere online for beginners, but it's actually pretty high. Also Anavar has always seemed to tighten my midsection up even in a bulk. But here’s where I’m at . Was eating the same amount of calories both times. Would I be able to continue my cut without losing muscle? My main concern here is the high estrogen sides. I also wouldn’t rule out both together if DHTs are your thing - something to the effect of test + Masteron for 16 weeks plus Anavar for the final 8 Apr 5, 2023 · Anavar is always good for finishing a cut, 50/70mg per day for 4/6 weeks max it's ok. I will be cutting after pct so that I'm fairly lean once I start my cycle. Testosterone Base Weeks 1-8: 100-200 mg of Testosterone Enanthate or Cypionate per week. Also it is "dry", and people look hard and vascular while on it. Awesome results so far, added it to the last 8 weeks of my blast. Anavar can be a great choice if you use it responsibly and alongside a good training program and diet plan. I’d go 200 testosterone, 500 Primobolan and 50 anavar. For you people out there, Anavar is the most sort out steroid either for cutting, recomp or bulking. Yes, even compared to tren, mg per mg anavar Proviron will lower SHBG, so more free test, so more Estrogen and might find difficult to control your E2. Apr 12, 2023 · Best Anavar Stack for Cutting Anavar for Cutting Cycle – How It Works. -Low side effects. By the time I was up to 15-20mg I started noticing the lethargy coming on. Our comprehensive articles cover everything from bulking and cutting cycles to post-cycle therapy and side effects. It allowed me to keep all my muscle and strength, and lose a shiii ton a fat. I want to see if I can maximise my hard work even further! Aug 8, 2016 · Planning my next cycle boys. the crashing of the thyroid function is why tren causes a huge increase in feed efficiency in the cattle studies. I like it on a cut. Mate, we have literally 20 threads a day on reddit with ppl asking "Can I go for anavar only cycle, give me the dose length and PCT guys please" while its written fucking everywhere on the internet it's the most stupid thing you can do. Sounded like I could achieve my goals on mast with less sides. Pumps are unreal. Took me from 112kg to 105. strength gains have been impressive, vascularity noticeably increased and just overall having a feeling of being slightly pumped all the time. Those 2 are roughly the same total weekly dosage but the test+anavar would bring very little water weight (IM and subq) so that could be why it looked like the test only cycle added more weight. For me I love it. Continue taking . I experience almost zero sides from Anavar. Would 200 mg of test split into 2 doses and 25 mg of Pharma Anavar help me cut? If so would 6 or 8 weeks be a better cycle time? Should I up the Anavar dose later in the cycle? Currently 5’9, 155 lbs and 13. I was thinking about adding a anavar cycle this spring. You will need to drop calories, up cardio or Both. I did a cut last year with anavar and lost weight faster than this year cutting without it. Wate Your ultimate guide to anabolic steroids. I’d say cut some cals and increase cardio before that, but again if you choose to: 20mcg for 9 days, 40 for 9, 60 for 9, off for at least nine, if you choose to go again after 9 days, start again at 20. It does make for some obnoxiously tight pumps as well In an interview, Dr. Anavar can give you a hard vascular look like most DHT derivatives but you have to already be at low BF. I want to lose 5 percent body fat and put on some muscle. Currently, I'm around 12% body fat and not significantly overweight, but I'd like to aim for 8-9% body fat with about 4 weeks left. LGD) Archived post. Any advice would be appreciated! I'm cruising at the moment on 200mg/wk with anavar at 50mg a day and ipamorelin 300mg/day (half morning, half evening) and started an aggressive cut March 1 - first 28 days, according to a body scan, I dropped 6. When it comes to cutting cycles, Anavar is a popular choice for bodybuilders and athletes looking to lose fat while preserving muscle mass. When on anavar is the time fo do something like that and you can cut in just a few weeks a significant amount of fat and almost no muscle- but mentally it’s tough. You can run 15mg of Ostarine, and while it doesn't match the 50mg of Anavar, I'd say at that lower range 10-20 you get more out of a MG of Ostarine. Benefits of Anavar for me personally; it shines during a cut where you’re depleted of carbs and energy. Thinking CJC or ipamorelin. Learn about the benefits and risks of steroids, how to use them safely. 5kg at 5'9", roughly 16% bodyfat. Id say highish trt+var is all you need maybe throw in like 100mg tren a week near the end when calories are getting really low or you just want to look freaky. That's a great idea - you'd be fine w/ just the 300mg though. Ha ha😂. you also would want to preferably add tren later into a cut, cos of what it does to your thyroid function, whereby you get an initial peaking which helps the cut, before it crashes after weeks 8-9. It will just destroy your lipid but it's temporary, juste double the dose of your omega 3. I can literally only fit a little bit of food in my stomach in a day so I basically just eat protein. In long enough cycles of it (8-12 weeks) low dose anavar(20-40mg) have provided just as much if not more actual contractile tissue than my shorter runs of 4-6 weeks with Superdrol, Dbol, Adrol, etc. Been on TRT for a few years. Or you could be a very good responder to test. Big vaca coming up with other, much younger, very fit ladies. Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) 40mg of anavar 6 weeks and Winstrol for last 2 at the end, you need a test base tho. Just finished my first cycle (test only 500mg/wk). Is this your first cycle? If yes I would run test alone with primobolan for 16 weeks first 500/500 mg a week. anavar does not do anything for fat loss specifically but i like it in a cut to maintain strength/muscle. Currently stats: 5'8" 180lbs, 16% bf. Fantastic man. You’ll burn more calories in 30 minutes of heavy fast pace lifting than you will in an hour of p90x. ideally you only add them in once you have bloods showing that you need thyroid support on the cut. It does take like a month for your levels to build up so you could do var + test for the first month and then drop the var if you want to minimize stress on your body. If you have proper anavar then you won’t at all be disappointed with the results. As the days progress I notice a nice bump in strength, my stamina stays decent while In a cut, and since I’m in a cut while using it I notice a “hardening” effect that isn’t there before anavar is introduced. Anavar is used as a cutting agent because it counteracts glucocorticoids, therefore its highly anti-catabolic. I would suggest keeping your TRT dose where it’s at and adding in 20-40mg anavar daily for 6-8 weeks. 7kg fat mass - much of it, visibly, was visceral. Var, strength, pump, good headspace. Apr 5, 2023 · Anavar is always good for finishing a cut, 50/70mg per day for 4/6 weeks max it's ok. Boldenone or anavar for summer cut? Hi, im on 15% body fat and i wanna cut for summer My last cycle was test, 300mg/week during 12 weeks, my problem with test is that i get lot of water retention even at low doses Your ultimate guide to anabolic steroids. Anavar Weeks 1-8: 20-30 mg per day, split between morning and evening. Since you are 26% bf you just need to put the fork down (look into glp-1s for pharmacological help), 200mg test per week is plenty to offset any catabolism, given you are Hey Reddit community, I'm currently on week 2 of a 13-week 300mg Test E cycle and considering adding Anavar after it. Click Join now to receive . Of that list anavar is the easiest to use, but the weakest in terms of temporary cosmetic benefits. Winny for a cut, var is super versatile. Click Join now to receive I haven’t. I just hired an experienced personal traine and I’m confident my doc will prescribe me an anavar cycle of I ask I have a core, but no definition, flabby arms and legs. About to run the same thing for the next 3-4 weeks to finish a cut. My goals are to preserve muscle while cutting down to 6-8% bf and getting that hard dry vascular look. And I started ostarine from the beginning of my cut to the end (12 weeks start to finish). 25 mg to 0. To be honest, I’m not sure if you’ll even notice a sarm while cutting with testosterone. Anavar is prescribed in low dose to children for burn injury repair and is even well tolerated by women. My sides were: a little acne and an insatiable sex drive. Anavar also lets you get more aggressive with a calorie deficit and potentially hold onto more muscle too. Strength is great. :-) If I had a partner at that time - he would have been happy. That means if your calories are correct then you should have been losing AT LEAST 1lb/week. Depends on what your looking for. . 5kg total mass and 6. Estrogenic compound like dbol, test or estrogen receptor agonistic like anadrol will cause bulking and pure DHT base like anavar would be dry as estrogen causes bloating. I would do something like 400 Test/400 Deca/400 Mast. For cutting you don't need that high a dosage as you won't really build much muscle regardless and just alittle will help your maintain everything. Here's what I'm planning: 1-17 - Test e 375mg 1-16 - EQ 600mg 1-6 - Anavar Jun 11, 2024 · Most times I've ran it, I'm cutting. Click Join now to receive It can help you build lean muscle, get stronger, and make your veins pop. Increase cycle length to 20-22 weeks. 100mg was too much for a pump (hurt like a fuck), 50mg was my sweet spot My doctor prescribed me Anavar. Also, I have to keep carbs on hand (or my grapefruit juice for the anavar) because I regularly go borderline hypoglycemic (blood sugar around 50-55). I’m 5’10 , 200 lb and would say around 12%to 15%BF… Thoughts? Anavar has a fast half-life so you can get an impact quickly, drop it quickly, plus adds a nice amount of glycogen retention for sarcoplasmic hypertrophy (if that’s the goal). I’m on my first cycle, 16 weeks of - 300mg test + 75-100mg anavar per week (25mg pre workout 3-4x) and I’m looking to cut. Click Join now to receive Anavar will blow any sarm out of the water. Increase your Test to around 500 when you feel comfortable for it. I would bring down your Test and up your Deca and Mast. And, it has been running through my mind of adding 20 mg of anavar for 8 weeks this upcoming spring . So you gained almost half a kilo a week on a 1700 cal diet. want to run anavar with a peptide to help with the cut. The difference between a cutting cycle and a contest prep cycle is that contest prep insinuates that you're already massively muscular and cutting to <8% bf. Using pellets for HRT and progesterone at night. This is when I thought of cutting it short as my skin was starting to get affected, started to find beginnings of pimples on back and skin feeling awful. Anavar is the least hepatotoxic compound (and one of my favourite). You can run Anavar at 50mg and it is incredibly effective and anabolic. you could take it for both phases with a long break in between (time on=time off), but if you're doing these back to back and only going to cycle for one id vote for growing phase. Gives you an extra boost but most importantly for me (especially with this nerve injury) is that it GREATLY increases my mind-muscle connection. I do love me some far as a nice addition when cutting or finishing a blast. This is a horrible insult to the trenbolona. I also wouldn’t rule out both together if DHTs are your thing - something to the effect of test + Masteron for 16 weeks plus Anavar for the final 8 14 votes, 45 comments. That’s not going to cut it, lose the p90x, start lifting heavy weights, heavy weight. Your ultimate guide to anabolic steroids. The goal is to bulk while minimizing fat gain. I expected it!! I unknowingly joined the subreddit few hours ago. Anavar has a fast half-life so you can get an impact quickly, drop it quickly, plus adds a nice amount of glycogen retention for sarcoplasmic hypertrophy (if that’s the goal). Either cut with only testosterone, or use test+var. 5 mg every other day if needed. Personally I prefer to run masteron, because like i said, I cant mix anavar with another dht compound. It worked miracles my dude, I already had the muscle from 4+years of bulking and cutting naturally, and right after my enhanced bulking cycle, I hopped onto this cycle to cut down. true. Winny is gonna dry you out, would want to be at a lower bf. Right now I’m on 200 mg a week of test cyp. Get the information you need to make informed decisions about your bodybuilding journey. If high dose anavar is like tren, then tren = garbage. I’d stay on the anavar 4 weeks on 4 weeks off the 8 weeks on to complete a 16 week cycle. I read reports of people taking 50mg+. News, articles, personal pictures, videos & advice on everything related to bodybuilding - nutrition, supplementation, training, contest preparation, and more. Side Effect Profile: Winstrol: May cause joint discomfort, androgenic side effects, and potential liver strain. And there you go gentlemen, anavar from a woman's This subreddit is for questions and discussion related to testosterone replacement therapy and testosterone. Ya Anavar is the most popular compound used in female bodybuilding community, if not the only one. It is purported to be more anti catabolic vs other AAS and gives me that extra edge when cutting. I would call Turinabol a hybrid of Dianabol and Anavar - somewhere inbetween the two. Gender Suitability: On it right now, 500mg test/wk 50mg anavar per day. I never went higher than that. I was thinking of stacking 40mg Anavar 20mg MK677 For 6-8 weeks to get cut for summer, thoughts? I also have mk2866 that I thought about adding in too, should I add this in aswell or leave it? Anavar: Known for aiding in fat loss, particularly during cutting phases. I've ordered Anavar from Driada, what do you think? Does it make sense to add Anavar for these 4 weeks in combination with a 500-calorie deficit? What dosage should I aim for, and what should I be mindful of? Does Ostarine have any other unique advantage in cutting or healing besides lower suppression and water retention (vs. Anavar is known to trash your lipids pretty bad, but not raise your liver enzymes Tbol is more likely to raise your liver enzymes and mildly trash your lipids. Cutting with TRT test / 100 mast p + 50mg var ED PWO was wonderful Stayed full. Anavar also has a shorter half-life and needs to be dosed more frequently to be used optimally. Is it okay to introduce Anavar post-Test E cycle, and if so, any recommendations on dosage and duration? Additionally, I'd appreciate guidance on the post-cycle therapy (PCT) process. Gives more fullness and strength than Anavar, but not as much strength and none of the bloat of dbol. Also doesn’t take much. I’m 5’3” and 140. I was cutting with anavar and just after the first 2 days I noticed how light weight was that I was doing the previous week…was repping weight I couldn’t the week before. I’ve used anavar alongside TRT dosing test at 50mg a day. 50mg of anavar will wreck your kidney markers if you run it for 12 weeks. I feel the target muscle MUCH more while on Anavar. And then finish off with anavar and maybe winstrol for last 4-6 weeks. At this point in my life I'm not doing much if any bulking cycles. It also focuses on lifestyle activities like exercise and nutrition for raising testosterone levels naturally or anything else related to testosterone the substance. Post menopausal due to trauma at age 40. Anavar: Generally well-tolerated, with fewer androgenic side effects and a lower risk of liver toxicity. Now short term 48 (I will just say 50mg) of Anavar is relatively safe, though long term it is not advisable. 8% body fat. The mast will keep you cut and the deca will help you add muscle. IMO drop proviron. Have you ever tried starting very low and adding just 5mg every 3-4 days? Yes sir, that's exactly how I tried it this last time. what's the point of fluctuating anabolism levels? of course you should use it daily. My buddy says cutting on 300mg will lead to muscle loss and 500mg is more ideal for sparing muscle. Due to these two factors, Anavar is well-known for its fat-burning potential and is often used during the cutting phase of a cutting-bulking cycle. Mike Istaerel said that a 4 week cycle of anavar only in the 10-30mg range won't shut down your natural test production, I don't think he touched on suppression (i am assuming it obviously will suppress you). Trying to cut down to sun 12% body fat. It may not be the best use but anavar definitely works for this purpose in my experience. It isn’t that expensive if you use it towards the end for that aesthetic finish and at a low dose. So for example compounds like Tren are totally unnecessary for a normal person cutting as muscle retention isn't difficult for us mere mortals. So the test in this pic is from pro anavar 50 mg beligas ( scratch code came back as authentic) ( all beligas product have a scratch code on them that you type in and it will come back as authentic or not , meaning straight from the manufacturer beligas , it’s basically a I'm trying to run a cycle for cutting, mostly. Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) Will have Anastrozole (Arimidex) on hand for any estrogenic symptoms, starting with 0. 36 years old, 265lbs getting ready to cut to hopefully 245. Just trying to stay lean and hard. /r/PEDs is dedicated to information about enhancing performance. First - I am a woman. I never use high testosterone it’s a side affect bomb. I don’t want to run to high mg , just something to give me that extra cut. ahrcxl sfyfv dips tbgfh oluqy xmypv bwl gikz hti rxrtlf bzpk rebszp wzmiegc orpr bextp