Golang map to csv. NewWriter() component.

Golang map to csv Read() to read the CSV file line by line. Reader) []map[string]string Oct 15, 2024 · 文章浏览阅读907次,点赞7次,收藏9次。完全基于golang的反射和标准库实现的csv文件的生成和解析库。可以简单的将结构体或列表数据写入到csv文件,或者将csv文件的数据解析到结构体或者列表。并且支持邮箱和手机号的脱敏。_golang 结构体输出csv Golang 如何读取CSV文件 在实际应用中,CSV文件是一种非常常见的数据格式。它的简洁性、易读性以及互操作性使得它成为了数据交互的一种标准格式,因此,了解如何读取CSV文件是非常重要的。 Feb 26, 2020 · This post will cover the necessary details for working with CSV files in Golang. The struct is type csvData struct { Index []time. I've got two maps that I need to write to the same csv file. Extracted from the project:- func ReadByte(current_partition int, partition_address map[int]int64, file *os. Reader Head map[string]int Row []string } func NewScanner(o io. 实现类似Python的csv. client_id,client_name,client_age 1,Jose,42 2,Daniel,26 3,Vincent,32 Package csvutil provides fast, idiomatic, and dependency free mapping between CSV and Go (golang) values. This package is not a CSV parser, it is based on the Reader and Writer interfaces which are implemented by eg. NewWriter() component. So given this file: columnA, columnB, columnC a, b, c I've got two maps that I need to write to the same csv file. The maps are just the summarized contents of a bill, organized by two different means (cost by server and cost by cluster). Full example. This package provides a Reader and Writer type that are used to read and write CSV files. Installation. type NotUsed struct { Name string . How do I write the contents of these two maps (float64) into a csv file? Mar 3, 2019 · I have a map which has a struct as value, as below: type Record struct { ID int Type string Year string } m := make(map[int]Record) Once I populate this map with some records, I'm Nov 12, 2024 · Golang高效实现数据写入CSV文件的最佳实践与代码示例. Columns, Reader. May 20, 2024 · Go CSV. csv" fs, err := os May 17, 2020 · 文章浏览阅读1. Now we will parse the employee CSV data file by defining structs. Read() ignores them. Update: based on a comment I decided to provide my CSVFileToMap() and MapToCSV() func that writes the map back to a csv file. Example ¶ // CSVToMap takes a reader and returns an array of dictionaries, using the header row as the keys: func CSVToMap(reader io. go at master · gocarina/gocsv Aug 27, 2019 · What version of Go are you using (go version)? $ go version go version go1. dev The GoCSV package aims to provide easy serialization and deserialization functions to use CSV in Golang. The maps represent the rows of the CSV file, and the keys represent the columns. Id string `csv:"client_id"` Name string `csv:"client_name"` Age string `csv:"client_age"` Oct 15, 2021 · I have been trying to import a csv file in go and convert it into map function but having a lot of difficulties in doing that. The following function given a path to a csv file will convert it into a slice of map[string]string. Oct 22, 2024 · 高效处理:Golang实现大数据量CSV文件导出的最佳实践. ParseInt and unsigned integers are parsed with strconv. To use Apr 5, 2018 · I have the following open-source code to generate ripple addresses and secret keys, but I want to export the output to . easycsv parses inputs as decimals by default. 5999984741211 2015-08-20 03:48:25. Create a file called data. Jun 6, 2023 · Learn how to work with CSV files in Go using the encoding/csv package and the goCSV library. 12. id,name,lastname,username,organization 0001,Jon,Pan,Jon999,Amazon 0002,Jack,Jonsson,Jackjon,Amazon 0003,Antony,King,KinKong007,Google Jun 19, 2024 · CSV 格式 CSV本质上是文本文件,该文件有以下要求: 列之间用逗号分隔,行之间用换行分隔 单元格如果有逗号、引号之类的字符,该单元格需要使用双引号括起来 如果内容包含中文,直接输出可能会乱码 实现方式 golang 官方有csv的库,可以很容易的实现csv数据 以下是使用 Golang 解析 GeoIP CSV 数据的基本步骤: 读取 CSV 文件:使用 encoding/csv 包读取 CSV 文件。 解析 CSV 数据:将 CSV 数据解析为结构体。 存储解析后的数据:将解析后的数据存储在合适的数据结构中,如 map 或数据库。 代码示例. API and techniques inspired from https://godoc. DictWriter in Python. csvFile, err := os. Sep 16, 2014 · Use the encoding/csv package to generate the CSV encoding. 以下是一个简单的 Golang 代码 This subreddit is an unofficial community about the video game "Space Engineers", a sandbox game on PC, Xbox and PlayStation, about engineering, construction, exploration and survival in space and on planets. The problems that I have been facing with this code is that a) The fil A wrapper around golang's encoding/csv providing map-based access Resources. Mar 8, 2022 · package main import ( "encoding/csv" "fmt" "os" ) func readCsv(fPath string) (ret []map[string]string, k []string) { fil Aug 16, 2015 · The Go code below reads in a 10,000 record CSV (of timestamp times and float values), runs some operations on the data, and then writes the original values to another CSV along with an additional c 导入相关包使用golang读取csv文件需要导入以下两个包: import ( "encoding/csv" "os" ) encoding/csv包提供了CSV文件的读写功能,os包用于打开文件。 My golang code. 1 CSV文件简介 CSV文件是一种简单的文本文件 Nov 5, 2024 · How to avoid deadlocks when using thread-safe maps in Golang? To avoid deadlocks when using thread-safe maps in Golang, you can follow these strategies: Use sync. Each map element becomes a key:value pair with each element seperated by a ,. The utility of DataFrames resides on the ability to subset them, merge them, summarize the data for individual features or apply functions to entire Apr 8, 2023 · Read wraps csv. Your document does not appear to conform to that RFC. What is a CSV File? CSV is an encoding which stands for Comma Separated Values. csv Sep 28, 2019 · Maps, Slices, and Arrays Map. Maps are a single column in the resulting CSV as maps can have a variable number of elements and there is no way to account for this within CSV. csv. DictReader and csv. Forks. 2 watching Nov 1, 2024 · 本文将深入探讨如何在Golang中高效地实现追加写入CSV文件的操作,并提供详细的代码示例。 一、基础知识回顾. Contribute to bapata/GOLANG development by creating an account on GitHub. 6. MIT license Activity. The CSV file looks like this: "country", "otherfield May 24, 2016 · Read wraps csv. 0 2015-08-20 03: Dec 17, 2017 · 一个 csv 文件包含每个记录一个或多个字段的零个或多个记录。每条记录由换行符分隔。最后的记录可以选择跟随一个换行符。 It efficiently supports my Peaks Dataframe academic project to handle a 70GB CSV file and perform ETL functions such as Distinct, GroupBy, Filter and JoinTable. Read, creating a map of column name to field value. Sep 8, 2023 · xsvは、golangでcsvの読み取り・書き込み処理のための便利な処理を提供するものです。 HeaderModifierはmap[string]string Mar 11, 2024 · Golang解析CSV文件 日常工作实用CSV类型文件很普遍,而且很容易从其他数据源中获得。如Google Sheets,Microsoft Excel,或关系型数据库。如何在应用中加载并解析CSV呢,本文带你实用Golang解析csv文件。 1. DictWriter - ibbd-dev/go-csv golang CSV 2 Map. csv and add the following data: data. Jul 11, 2021 · First of all i'm new here and i'm trying to learn Golang. A map provides constant-time access to its elements, based on Oct 31, 2019 · golang 导出 csv文件. Contribute to IanVzs/csv2map development by creating an account on GitHub. If you moved the data into a DB, an index would replace the map[string]int and you would not have to re-create the index every time you open the CSV file. com/gocarina/gocsv" Name string. Mar 10, 2021 · My app should process huge files in CSV format and should create an instance of a struct for each row of the file. I would like to check my csv file (which has 3 values; type, maker, model) and create a new one and after a filter operation i want to writ The GoCSV package aims to provide easy CSV serialization and deserialization to the golang programming language - gocsv/csv. If the line has more columns than Reader. See full list on pkg. 1999969482422 2015-08-20 03:48:24. com/gocarina/gocsv. 2、csv标签。其转换过程是通过结构体上的“csv”标签进行关联的。 3、csv标签对应csv内容表头。当结构体和csv格式互转时,结构体中的csv标签对应的就是csv表格的表头,结构体中的字段顺序对应的就是csv文件列的顺序。 4、底层依然是使用标准库中的csv。在写入 Jul 18, 2019 · Based on reply, it sounds like there is nothing in the standard libraries, like ioutil, to read a csv file into a map. csv time,lat,lng,height 2015-08-20 03:48:07. Apr 22, 2022 · csvファイル. Using Go to create text files from columns of a csv data frame. Map func Nov 26, 2014 · I need to write a Go script that will open a big CSV file, and create new, separate CSVs based on the value of the first element of each line. Let’s imagine the data you have for your route is a CSV file in the following format: Listing 1: track. See also our example of how to write data to a CSV file in Go By default, easycsv converts strings in CSV to integers, floats and bool automatically based on the types of struct fields and slices. In Go, maps are a built-in data structure that associates data in key-value pairs. Before we get started, let’s create a simple CSV file to work with. See also our example of how to write data to a CSV file in Go Mar 11, 2025 · 通过使用Go语言的csv和json包,我们可以轻松地将CSV文件转换为JSON格式。 在这篇文章中,我介绍了如何读取CSV文件、处理CSV数据和转换为JSON格式。 希望这篇文章对于那些希望使用Go语言进行CSV转JSON的开发者们有所帮助。 Nov 4, 2024 · Golang实现高效CSV数据导出及浏览器端下载功能详解 在当今的数据驱动世界中,CSV(逗号分隔值)文件因其简单性和广泛兼容性,成为数据交换和存储的重要格式。 Luego, necesitas utilizar el paquete encoding/csv para crear un lector CSV que pueda leer el contenido del archivo. ReadAll() to read and parse the entire file at once. 235,32. El lector CSV convierte cada línea del archivo en un slice de cadenas. 文件保存内容(whitelist. Aug 19, 2021 · I also dislike the verbosity of the default Reader, so I made a new type that is similar to bufio#Scanner:. csv") if err != nil { fmt. Reader) *Reader func (r *Reader) Read() (record []string, err error) 。 func (r *Reader) ReadAll() (records [][]string, err error) 创建一个csv文件 Mar 11, 2025 · golang 读取csv 乱码,中国Golong语言开发者必备的知识库,涵盖一切关于Golang的编码、教程、技术、知识提供无限次数的免费专业级在线解答! Jun 6, 2023 · We use the json. Println(err) } fmt. Watchers. Note however that a very large file may not fit into the memory. 014871,123. Convert JSON file into csv in Golang 如何读取CSV文件 要在 Go 中读取CSV文件,我们首先需要利用 Go 标准库提供的 encoding/csv 包。 编码/csv 包包含了不同的函数和方法,当我们想从CSV文件中读取数据时,可以使用这些方法。 Common examples of DataFrames can be found on Excel sheets, CSV files or SQL database tables, but this data can come on a variety of other formats, like a collection of JSON objects or XML files. Easy binding in Go! import ( "fmt" "os" "github. Reader. Close() Step4: Read CSV File Data with Golang. in/mgo. go get -u github. Readme Activity. golang structs to csv file Resources. xlsx files. encode as CSV then ZIP in golang. v2. 1. go. Feb 17, 2024 · After opening the CSV file, we will handle CSV file parsing and close the file at the end of function. 在当今数据驱动的世界中,CSV(逗号分隔值)文件因其简单性和通用性,成为了数据交换和存储的重要格式。 Jun 14, 2019 · 另外,用golang的CSV库解析CSV文件有特别注意一个问题,文档的格式一定要是不带BOM的UTF-8格式,不用UTF-8解析中文会乱码,带了BOM会导致第一个字段解析不出来。 Aug 26, 2022 · I'm new to transforming, but I think this does the same thing you wrote for yourself, and it uses the same text package. This encoding delimits the data using commas. Example: myFile. Maps and Slice of Maps in Golang. 0 stars Watchers. Open("emp. I'm already using the encoding/csv/Reader from golang to read the CSV file and create an instance of map[string]string for each row in the file. csvファイルはプログラミング言語などでごにょごにょすることができるので、互換性や用途に合わせて使える汎用性が高いためとても便利です。 Golangでcsvファイルを読み込む. I've tried writing a function by importing the "encoding/csv" package, but I'm not very good with golang, and can't get it to work. 014954,126. Reader) Scanner { csv_o := csv. Package csv. Jan 1, 2015 · Writing a map to a csv. csv文件可以直接用Excel打开; csv方式导出,可以像导出txt一样,以文本流的方式进行流式处理,不但能导出海量信息,而且流式处理占用内存极低,服务器对浏览器的响应也是非常迅速的。 golang map csv reader and writer like csv. A csv file contains zero or more records of one or more fields per record. We made that restriction because there are a vast number of slightly different CSV formats in use. Read または ReadAll を使うことでファイルを読み込むことができます。 Mar 16, 2023 · Golang comes with a built-in package for working with CSV files, encoding/csv. 0 watching. See also our example of how to write data to a CSV file in Go. Writer writes a single CSV record to w along with any necessary quoting. com/gocarina/gocsv" . Example ¶ Csv parser can read from csv file and parse records to golang structs. 在当今数据驱动的世界中,处理和导出大量数据是许多应用程序的常见 Nov 9, 2024 · 然而,编码格式问题常常让开发者头疼不已。本文将深入探讨如何在Golang中高效处理CSV文件,特别是如何设置和转换编码格式,以确保数据的准确性和一致性。 一、CSV文件与编码格式 1. Any suggestions? Nov 4, 2024 · 高效CSV数据导出:基于Golang语言的实战解析与代码实现 引言 在现代数据处理和数据分析领域,CSV(Comma-Separated Values)文件因其简单、通用和易于处理的特性,成为了数据交换和存储的重要格式之一。 You could map the struct to csv indicating the title by using this. 在开始之前,让我们简要回顾一下Golang中处理CSV文件的基本知识。 导入必要的包: import ( "encoding/csv" "os" "fmt" ) 创建和写入CSV文件的基本步骤: Mar 7, 2019 · 【Golang】 读取文件并解析成map. 519585,35. Csv parser won't read all records with a single method call, instead it reads from a channel, therefore you can limit the memory usage at a low level. 9 forks. Apr 13, 2019 · ```go package main import ( "encoding/csv" "fmt" "io" "log" "os" ) func main() { //准备读取文件 fileName := "D:\\gotest\\src\\source\\test. package main import "encoding/csv" import "io" type Scanner struct { Reader *csv. 7 darwin/amd64 Does this issue reproduce with the latest release? 1. 9 is the newest brew installs , lmk if i need to Based on OP's description, I kind of think they read in a CSV file, construct a map[string]int based on what they read, and then go line by line in the file and validate that the lines are valid. A record is a slice of strings with each string being one field. If the line has fewer columns than Reader. Read() if e != nil { return Scanner{} } m := map[string]int{} for n, s := range a { m Nov 12, 2024 · Golang高效读取CSV文件并解析数据的方法与实践 引言 CSV(逗号分隔值)文件作为一种常见的数据存储格式,广泛应用于数据导入、导出、分析和交换等场景。在Golang中,处理CSV文件是一项基本且重要的技能。 golang导出csv文件,中国Golong语言开发者必备的知识库,涵盖一切关于Golang的编码、教程、技术、知识提供无限次数的免费专业级在线解答! Nov 2, 2024 · Golang,作为一门高效且简洁的编程语言,提供了强大的标准库和第三方库来处理CSV文件。本文将深入探讨在Golang中高效处理CSV文件的最佳实践,并通过详细的代码示例展示如何实现写入CSV文件。 Mar 4, 2025 · Package csv reads and writes comma-separated values (CSV) files. std Go (golang) csv package . File) *[]byte Mar 24, 2024 · CSV文件是一种常见的数据存储格式,在许多场景下被广泛使用。在Golang中,我们可以使用标准库以及一些第三方库来读取和 . El archivo completo se leerá en la memoria y se puede procesar mediante la iteración a través de cada fila y columna. Dec 6, 2022 · Golang: map with multiple values per key Hot Network Questions Do any official rules govern the construction/creation of, or improving of, a wizard's tower? Feb 25, 2025 · 在Golang开发中,处理CSV文件是一项非常常见的任务。CSV(Comma Separated Values)是一种常用的数据存储格式,它以逗号作为字段的分隔符。在本文中,我将介绍如何使用Golang来追加写CSV文件。 第一步:创建CSV文件. It is one of the most used encodings to date. Columns, the map will not contain keys for these columns; thus we can distinguish between missing columns and columns with empty values. csv. 015021,136. Time Columns map[string][]float64 } I have a parser that uses: csv. 在当今数据驱动的世界中,CSV(逗号分隔值)文件因其简单性和通用性,成为了数据交换和存储的重要格式。 Oct 31, 2024 · 高效处理:使用Golang读取CSV文件并提取特定列数据实战指南 在当今数据驱动的世界中,CSV(逗号分隔值)文件因其简单性和通用性,成为了数据存储和交换的常用格式。 Nov 5, 2024 · Golang以其高效的并发处理能力和简洁的语法,成为了处理这类任务的热门选择。本文将详细介绍如何使用Golang高效地从数据库中读取数据并生成CSV文件,涵盖从数据库连接到CSV文件生成的全流程。 一、准备工作 安装Golang环境 : 确保你已经安装了Golang环境 Jan 17, 2023 · What is a CSV file? The CSV are a type of file with a simple format to represent data as a table, where the columns are separated by commas and the rows by a new line. csv文件可以直接用Excel打开; csv方式导出,可以像导出txt一样,以文本流的方式进行流式处理,不但能导出海量信息,而且流式处理占用内存极低,服务器对浏览器的响应也是非常迅速的。 Golang 如何读取CSV文件 在实际应用中,CSV文件是一种非常常见的数据格式。它的简洁性、易读性以及互操作性使得它成为了数据交互的一种标准格式,因此,了解如何读取CSV文件是非常重要的。 Oct 29, 2024 · Golang以其高效和简洁的语法,成为了处理CSV文件的理想选择。本文将深入探讨如何在Golang中高效地读取和排序CSV文件数据,并提供详细的代码示例。 一、准备工作 在开始之前,确保你已经安装了Golang环境,并且熟悉基本的Golang语法 Feb 26, 2025 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Aug 16, 2021 · To easily read and parse CSV (or TSV) files in Go, you can use two methods of encoding/csv package: csv. 660,32. Nov 29, 2021 · @avdept As the package documentation states, the package only supports the format described in RFC 4180. In the examples below, we use data. Reader) *Reader func (r *Reader) Read() (record []string, err error) 。 func (r *Reader) ReadAll() (records [][]string, err error) 创建一个csv文件 Oct 31, 2019 · golang 导出 csv文件. Nov 28, 2017 · You have to construct a temporary slice of string, set index 0 to the map key and append the map value. gocsv包的最基本的作用就是能够方便的将csv内容转换到对应的结构体上,或者将结构体的内容快速的转换成csv格式(包括写入文件)。 假设文件中的内容如下: 然后从文件中读取出内容,并直接转换到结构体Client上,如下: "fmt" "os" "github. Fileではファイルの読み書きにバイトスライスを使っていたけど、CSVではstringスライスを使うとイメージすると This subreddit is an unofficial community about the video game "Space Engineers", a sandbox game on PC, Xbox and PlayStation, about engineering, construction, exploration and survival in space and on planets. Println("Successfully Opened CSV file") defer csvFile. func (*Writer) Write. This tutorial covers topics such as reading and append 今天给大家推荐的就是一个能将结构体和csv内容进行快速互转的工具包: gocsv. Nov 1, 2021 · Introduction You are jogging and want to show off your route to your friends. 519612,35. New 在某些情况下,CSV文件可能会使用GBK(中文编码)对文本进行编码。使用Golang解析和写入GBK编码的CSV文件涉及到一些特殊的处理。 解析GBK编码的CSV文件. Aug 21, 2022 · 本文主要介绍go如何读取和写入csv文件,以及使用第三方库gocsv转换为Struct。 读取csv go 标准库 “encoding/csv” 用于读写csv文件。 Reader从csv编码的文件中读取记录 type Reader func NewReader(r io. Golang的标准库中已经提供了csv包,可以用于解析CSV文件。但是,默认情况下,该包假设CSV文件使用UTF-8编码。 Dec 14, 2024 · 有志者,事竟成!如果你在学习Golang,那么本文《使用 Go 处理大型 CSV》,就很适合你!文章讲解的知识点主要包括,若是你对本文感兴趣,或者是想搞懂其中某个知识点,就请你继续往下看吧~想法是:给定一个大型虚拟 csv(100 万行)包含客户数据样本,并按照以下目标进行处理:从 csv 中提取 1 day ago · golang csv导出并下载,中国Golong语言开发者必备的知识库,涵盖一切关于Golang的编码、教程、技术、知识提供无限次数的免费专业级在线解答! Aug 21, 2022 · 本文主要介绍go如何读取和写入csv文件,以及使用第三方库gocsv转换为Struct。 读取csv go 标准库 “encoding/csv” 用于读写csv文件。 Reader从csv编码的文件中读取记录 type Reader func NewReader(r io. 0 stars. csv file: Aug 16, 2021 · To easily read and parse CSV (or TSV) files in Go, you can use two methods of encoding/csv package: csv. Importing encoding/csv package. Keys are sorted. Stars. There are many kinds of CSV files; this package supports the format described in RFC 4180, except that Writer uses LF instead of CRLF as newline character by default. 在开始处理CSV文件之前,我们需要先创建一个空的CSV Jun 19, 2024 · CSV 格式 CSV本质上是文本文件,该文件有以下要求: 列之间用逗号分隔,行之间用换行分隔 单元格如果有逗号、引号之类的字符,该单元格需要使用双引号括起来 如果内容包含中文,直接输出可能会乱码 实现方式 golang 官方有csv的库,可以很容易的实现csv数据 Jun 21, 2023 · encoding/csvパッケージとは、「CSV形式のテキストやファイルをGolangのstringスライスを用いて読み書きできる機能」を提供するパッケージである。 os. org/gopkg. 3w次。Golang解析CSV文件日常工作实用CSV类型文件很普遍,而且很容易从其他数据源中获得。如Google Sheets,Microsoft Excel,或关系型数据库。如何在应用中加载并解析CSV呢,本文带你实用Golang解析csv文件。1. The GoCSV package aims to provide easy serialization and deserialization functions to use CSV in Golang. 519606,35. You can use RWMutex to protect critical sections of code Golang Padding String Example (Right or Left Align) Golang Equal String, EqualFold (If Strings Are the Same) Golang map Examples ; Golang Map With String Slice Values ; Golang Array Examples ; Golang Remove Duplicates From Slice ; Golang If, Else Statements ; Golang ParseInt Examples: Convert String to Int ; Golang Strings ; Golang strings. Go has encoding/csv package to handle the CSV data. csv): Mar 7, 2019 · 这是一个创建于 的文章,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。 Jun 30, 2022 · CSV是一种流行的数据格式,被Excel、Google Sheets和其他电子表格应用程序用来保存和加载表格数据。在这种格式中,行与行之间用换行符隔开,行中的每个单元格用逗号隔开(或TSV格式中的制表 Aug 17, 2021 · csv. DictReader和csv. Consider the following CSV file. From your question, it looks like you were just missing the transformer. 冉小妹Ran 关注 赞赏支持 【Golang】 读取文件并解析成map. Integers are parsed with strconv. csv or . Readme License. RWMutex: The sync package in Golang provides a RWMutex type that allows multiple readers or a single writer to access the map. 734,32. ParseUint. Unmarshal function to unmarshal the JSON data into a slice of maps. Here's how to encode to a []byte given column names: Here's how to encode to a []byte given column names: Nov 20, 2023 · CSV(逗号分隔值)文件是一种常见的数据存储格式,广泛应用于数据导入、导出、分析和交换等场景。在Golang中,有许多库和工具可以帮助我们读取和写入CSV文件,使数据处理变得简单而高效。 Sep 11, 2020 · 在上篇教程中,学院君给大家演示了如何通过 JSON 编码存储文本数据到磁盘文件,除此之外,Go 语言还提供了对 CSV 格式文件的支持,CSV 文件本质上虽然就是文本格式数据,不过可以兼容 Excel 表格,这样一来就可以极大方便我们对大批量数据进行管理。 Mar 9, 2025 · golang导出csv文件,中国Golong语言开发者必备的知识库,涵盖一切关于Golang的编码、教程、技术、知识提供无限次数的免费专业级在线解答! Aug 28, 2020 · I am loading in a lot of CSV files into a struct using Golang. NewReader(o) a, e := csv_o. zzneyg doc umhn ykn vjyt doyhmg pkak klxr kyb agoyic yyvee fier pjzl wpve raliy