kivy has a background_color which affects opacity but 0 doesn't make it transparent only grey. How can I make the player_frame transparent? Set Tkinter Window Background Color. In this tutorial, we will learn how to change the background color of Tkinter window. import tkinter import tkinter. savefig uses savefig. Tk() frame= tk. Tkinter also provides widgets to build the components and skeletons of an application. finndude wants to set the background of the canvas widget background to Feb 21, 2019 · The essence of this answer is the same as @cdlane's answer: obtain a reference to the Tk root window, and set its transparency with myroot. 1. May 28, 2022 · The background color should be the same as the fg_color of your master as long as you haven't defined explicitly a bg_color for your widget. geometry("400x200") # Set window color. So, the color used to make it transparent is #d4d4e2 (For this image, there was only one place where this color pixel was used, so it goes unnoticable. May 25, 2021 · Configure tkinter ttk widgets with transparent backgrounds - Tkinter has many feature attributes and properties to frame the structure of an application and configure the widget. wm_attributes('-transparentcolor', '#2a1863') and then the widgets having that colour as background color assune a transparent background but I do not see, as I would expect, the canvas background image, instead I see what is on my LCD screen. Nov 28, 2019 · As per other references question tk. This doesn't work on a mac mind you. wm_attributes('-transparentcolor', "red") Jun 21, 2021 · Tkinter has attributes('-alpha',07) but this is applied to all assets. Label(window, text="Hello World!", bg="yellow") # Pack the May 25, 2021 · Creating a transparent background in a Tkinter windownn - Tkinter window provides many inbuilt functions and properties to help an application work seamlessly. config(bg="") Step 5: Pack the Label. Jan 19, 2018 · When you assign a parent to widgets like Label(root, ) when the widget is displayed, by default the widget occupies some space over its parent. 7, “Bitmaps”. make sure to take an image that does not have the background; to provide bg color to the image and assign the same color to wm_attributes command. not working for me s. configure('Wild. How it works. mainloop() The one-liner will produce a semi-transparent Tkinter window. This stops the widget from changing colors when hovered, because it's just changing to the same color the background already was. configure(bg="yellow") image=Image. . RGB values with Hex code for the colour is listed here. If -indicatoron is false, this color is used as the background for the entire widget, in place of -background or -activeBackground, whenever the widget is selected. Mar 9, 2022 · For the edges/borders of this image to retain the partially 'white' transparent background, the choice of color needs to be some shade of 'white'. Label(root, text="Label with transparent background") May 1, 2024 · Customize Indicator Background Color. To get a list of possible resources, use keys. The solution is to map 'active' - when the mouse hovers the widget, to the same color as the root window background color ('active', 'dark grey'). This colour denotes the foreground colour of a widget. Jan 27, 2024 · Step 4: Set the Background Color to Transparent. This will add the label to the window: Jul 1, 2020 · I'm writing a program with a black background and white foreground. Tk() text = tk. frame, text='Non-transperant Button', bg_color='white') self. Everything ( Entries, labels, buttons ) work fine. mainloop() Output: It's not that the Label can't show a transparent image, it's rather label has its own background color which is not transparent or the same as its parent. Thanks in advance. 0 Popularity 10/10 Helpfulness 5/10 Language python. I did that by using Label. Background color of tkinter label will not change (python 3. When it renders, the buttons image is well defined and the entire background is transparent. Label with yellow background color. Tk() master. attributes('-transparentcolor', 'red') red = tk. root = tk. Is there any way to solve this issue? I am new to tkinter but proficient in pygame and I have already applied this idea in pygame and it seems to work. Tk() label = tk. See tkdoc for details. There are two ways to change the color of a Label in Tkinter: By using the configure(bg = ‘ ‘) method of the tkinter. The default background color of a GUI with Tkinter is grey. Label, I use root. May 25, 2021 · A Tkinter widget in an application can be provided with Transparent background. When I use something similar to the code below, i. Program. Sep 21, 2017 · my only question is how to make a transparent text in tkinter : any type of widget with transparent background is a good answer. jpg images don't have transparent backgrounds so the easiest is to just convert those images to . 6: from tkinter import * import time From what I understand tkinter natively supports transparency on images like GIF. facecolor is the main background color and the axes. 3). grid(column=0, row=1 ) Label(frame, bg='black', fg="white", text="test test test test test test "). This works on Windows and the background of the button is transparent, but on Ubuntu it gives the error: May 30, 2011 · I add my answer a little late but I would like to add a clarification! As @Bryan well said, the command to change the background and foreground color is fine: Nov 27, 2020 · Tkinter label transparent background. Therefore background-color: rgba(0,0,0,. See the following code: Dec 28, 2021 · Changing the background color of a tkinter window using colorchooser module - Tkinter offers a wide variety of modules and class libraries using which we can create fully functional applications. the grey part is the still visible player_frame. wm_attributes option but is making the Text transparent but not the Background Right now My display looks like as mentioend below. Entry(window, bg="#FFFF00") In this tutorial, you will learn how to set the background color of an Entry background= Background color, used for pixels that are “off”. But I am running into a problem. from tkinter import *. First, I tried to put this line of code: raiz. attributes('-alpha', 0. 0, 'Hello World') before calling the tag_add and tag_config methods, that tag will be attached to the inserted text. Frame or CTkFrame: width: button width in px Well this works like a charm making a specific color transparent but there are 2 major problems: a) Like Gary02127 said it makes all widgets transparent but not that it seems like (at least on Windows 10) it also makes all areas with the specified color permable too. __ini Mar 28, 2022 · In this article we will see how we can set background color to the check box when it is pressed. Tkinter does not know how to compose them with transparency unless you use the canvas widget. However, to provide a transparent background to a particular widget, we have to use wm_attributes ('transparentcolor', 'colorname') method. 5", and I have tried to add two more digits in the end of the color Jan 29, 2024 · I have written a working script for it and you can find below it. config(bg Oct 27, 2018 · Now if you move your piece having transparent background you will see through the transparent part of the piece the chessboard displayed by the window in background creating this way the illusion of moving only the visible part of the chess-piece over the chessboard displayed in the foreground window. Finally, pack the label using the pack() function. tk. We can configure Feb 23, 2012 · I'm trying to set a background colour for a Tkinter text widget - I'm trying to copy the example here and here, both of which seem in indicate that I can do this: w. I need this for apply the text on a picture. 08-Sept-2022 Jul 8, 2019 · For windows, you can create a Text widget, specify the background colour, and then use wm_attributes to set that colour transparent. bg_color is just to camouflage with the background frame color, but it will not work if your background is an image. root. Thanks for any type of Available since version 0. self. I don't know why, but bg="black" doesn't change indicator background ( that little box you are clicking at ) to black. 6 on Windows 7, btw. I do not want the background to be the default color, so I have gone about changing the background of most widgets. May 12, 2019 · tkinter first creates white background and draws red text with anti-aliasing which creates pixels with mixed color - red and white - so they are not pure white. You can change that to any color based on your application’s requirement. Aug 31, 2020 · default background color in tkinter; how to make label background transparent in tkinter Comment . gui. The only exception is being able to make a whole window (and everything it it) transparent Mar 24, 2023 · @NotchApple1703 The background portion of the button cannot be transparent because all tkinter canvas widgets are square in shape. I tried the same method for background color and it did Aug 4, 2023 · self. grid(column=0, row=0) Button(frame, text="Open file", command=None). 0,1. They configure the GUI of the application as well. 2. overrideredirect(True) # Make the root window always on top. can't background color in tkinter. geometry("400x300") # Change the background color using configure root. Any Help? My OS: Ubuntu. Nov 13, 2022 · tkinter Label does not support transparent. That said, if your root window isn't Dec 22, 2020 · I'm trying to remove the background of my buttons in tkinter. May 1, 2020 · Since the background color is chosen when creating a new canvas, is there any way to change this later on in the program without creating a new canvas? The best solution I can think of is creating a big rectangle that covers the whole screen with the desired background color, but the actual background color remains the same after I do this and I'm using Tkinter as GUI for my program, but as I see, many programs don't have standard look as Tkinter does. One workaround would simply be using its parent's bg as its own bg: May 30, 2023 · To make the label background transparent in Tkinter in Python, you can use the config method to set the background option to "none" and the bg option to a color value of transparent. gui = Tk(className='Python Examples - Window Color') # Set window size. Colors Used. grid(column=0 Feb 8, 2022 · I'm trying to find a solution to make the background of my image-button transparent. pack() parent. However you can use the Canvas widget to show the image, text and other widgets, then you can have transparent text but other widgets are still not transparent. Is there anyway to remove that background and make it blend in (be transparent)? Jan 3, 2015 · I'm trying to create a root window with a black background to blend with my button backgrounds. Example Code Jun 12, 2019 · You just need to use the canvas widget in Tkinter. Label(parent, text = ' color \n is \n transparent ', bg = 'red') red. Aug 19, 2020 · AFAIK, tkinter doesn't support transparency as the widget level. – Dec 12, 2016 · If there is only the title on this row, you can use columspan so that the title span over all columns and expand the label horizontally:. Jan 20, 2019 · I'm making a tkinter app with a background image and three labels. While displaying the image, it tends to lose its transparency. How can i change it to the default grey color? From this post i understood how we can change the foreground color. tkinter ttk Entry widget -disabledforeground. My only issue now is with the background of the labels, they are covering the background making the app ugly. But you can use Canvas as the background and its drawing function . 4) 0. I'm also hoping to set the background colour to grey. But the problem is, I want the frames above the image to be transparent so that only the main content remains visible while I don't get the white background, I get the image. In Windows you can also set the "-alpha" attribute to set the opacity/transparency of the window (0 is transparent, 1 is opaque, between 0 and 1 is translucent to varying degrees). But when I would make a checkbutton, I also would like to make it with black bg and white fg. title("Tkinter Window Background Color") # Set the window size root. How do I make a semi transparent background in CSS? To achieve this, use a color value which has an alpha channel—such as rgba. configure("Treeview", background="#383838") It's work perfectly just for the cell, but the rest of the Treeview stay white. PNG image with transparent portions in tkinter. 4 with tkinter. Jun 26, 2021 · What ya have there is a catch-22. config(bg="gray") you can try to make the background colour transparent: May 12, 2015 · I am using Tkinter to create a GUI in python. import tkinter as tk # Create the main window root = tk. In this section, we will learn how to set the color to transparent in Python Tkinter. Tk() window. The background of the label is yellow in colour here. To get the current value for that key, you would use cget: root. In future I might add pictures rectangles etc to the window. To set the background color of an Entry widget in Tkinter, pass required color value to the bg parameter to the Entry class constructor, as shown below. Apr 30, 2010 · I'm writing a slideshow program with Tkinter, but I don't know how to change the background color to black instead of the standard light gray. I only want screen to be transparent. Jun 26, 2021 · Read: Python Tkinter OptionMenu Python Tkinter Color Transparent. CTkButton(self. attributes('-transparent', 1) and set the background color of the turtle canvas to "systemTransparent". You can create text on a Canvas though, this text by default doesn't have a background:. configure(background='black') Should do the job. As per other references question tk. I want to make like a "png" label, with no background. Replace self. The default color of a Tkinter Label is gray. test_canvas = Canvas(main_window,100,100, bd=0, highlightthickness=0) And after placing it, it has a white background. – Apr 19, 2022 · To do that I used root. overrideredirect(True) # Make the root window always on top root. So try if it is possible to change you're backround from grey to for example red with: tag: bg="red", if that is possible, you can just change the color to the blue background. ttk as tk from tkinter import * root = tkinter. You need the Button defined in order to configure its background. Everything in CTk is ultimately implemented using plain Tkinter widgets - which simply do not support any sort of actual transparency between widgets. we tried in all colors but grey works . import tkinter as tk # Create the main window window = tk. It can also be Jan 18, 2019 · If the Label widget supported a transparent background color (the empty string "") it should be possible to write a style that used that color for everything but text foreground, and the shape of the transparent elements wouldn't matter. cget('bg'). # Set the root window background color to a transparent color root. I have a background for the actual window but the buttons are hiding it. Another method, as @TheLizzard suggested, is to use a Canvas. config(background="black") and your resize the window, you can see the black background. How do I make the labels and buttons background to be transparent as the background is covering my GIF image? Jan 20, 2018 · Tk widgets have a property background, which denoted their background color. wm_attributes('-transparentcolor',color) Tkinter Button bg. Below is a way to remove multiple colors by using a color switching function: Here is a car: Here is another function to switch colors, which can be implemented before making a color transparent. insert(tk. attributes making the whole window actually transparent. bg with the above code and change black to reflect the desired color. I found a couple posts here, but they only cover bg transparency on Windows and Mac OS. Mar 5, 2021 · I got a bit frustrated by trying to match the background color of the axes/figure with the background color of the tkinter app on each platform so I did a little digging: In general, two things need to be done: Tell matplotlib to use a transparent background for the figure and axes object by setting the facecolor to "none": Oct 11, 2022 · Tkinter Background Colour. 7 tkinter application. player_frame= customtkinter. ) disabledbackground= disabledbitmap= disabledforeground= foreground= Aug 4, 2013 · I'm here to ask you how to change background of a treeview, I tried that. Actually you should define 2 TTK styles (One for empty and another for filled states) and that styles should be changed with a callback function if the Entry widget (Basically the value of StringVariable object) is filled or it's empty. I'm trying, ultimately, to create "oddly-shaped windows" with Python using the Tkinter module. But I want all of them to visible with a transparent background. Style(). show() from the code above results in the following output: Nov 19, 2020 · To create a transparent window, we will use the attributes () method. A typical value would be stipple='gray25'. The wm_attributes('-transparentcolor', 'color') method is used for providing the transparent b Oct 6, 2018 · I'm sure this is somewhere in SO but I can't see to find it anywhere. Tk() root. See Section 5. 0. So change the bg_color of your button according to the image color. create_text() to draw some text on it with transparency. mainloop() Jun 8, 2021 · How to make a Tkinter canvas rectangle transparent - The canvas widget is one of the most versatile widgets in Tkinter Library. player_frame. insert(1. wm_attributes option but is making the Text transparent but not the Background Right now My display looks like as mentioned in the attachment. Only the canvas widget supports transparency. wm_attributes('-transparentcolor' , raiz["bg"]) 在Tkinter窗口中创建透明背景 Tkinter窗口提供了许多内置的函数和属性,以帮助应用程序无缝地工作。 它们也配置了应用程序的GUI。 如果我们想在应用程序中创建一个透明的窗口,那么我们应该在 attributes('-transparentcolor', 'color') 方法中定义颜色。 Nov 28, 2015 · Just set the background of the button to the background colour of the window. Does anyone know how to do that? I have tried to specify alpha=". But actually you can change both the font and background colors of specific items, by using the itemconfig method of your Listbox object Aug 18, 2016 · Default is stipple="", which means a solid color. I'm trying to alter the colour transparency or alpha for a pie chart in matplotlib. facecolor as the main background color rather than figure. Is there any way to achieve this in python, can anyone please he Colour names can directly used instead of Hex codes. config(bg Jul 5, 2012 · cget returns the value of a widget resource. I don't g Nov 29, 2021 · Hi I'm trying to make a canvas to create images onto it, but when I create the canvas, it has this ugly white background. I'm on macos and in tkinter in a new GUI I'm trying to make a label's background transparent but all the methods I've tried have not worked, it's meant to be so the background of some text is transparent with the image. Canvas is the best option but is there any other way to make the background of text transparent using tk. Feb 6, 2022 · I'm not aware of a way to make Label backgrounds transparent. In this article, we will see how to set Tkinter widgets with a transparent background. The widgets have their own background colors which are not necessarily transparent, thus If a widget has its bg set to 'red' while it's parent's bg is set to 'white' there are basically three outcomes: Hi folks, trying to build a screensaver, that reads random images and shows them in fullscreen mode. Aug 29, 2016 · I'm looking to add an image in the background of a Text widget in tkinter, but as far as I'm concerned, that is not possible. All widgets are essentially rectangular so there is no way to have a picture shaped button without the area around it being there. configure("red. Example code: root. bg which stores the background color, however dont set it. png and make the background transparent for those (there actually is a website or two for doing exactly that), otherwise don't think it is too simple, maybe using . pack() root. Mar 22, 2017 · I am trying to change the color of a Tkinter label when ever the user clicks the check button. By standard look I mean standard title bar, borders, etc. TRadiobutton', # First argument is the name of style. All pixels with transparent_color do transparent hole, you have to check if the color of pixel is exactly the same transparent_color, like green or '#008000`. 4. create_text(*textSet, text=i[3] Mar 10, 2020 · I need the background of the photo to be transparent; below is my code: from tkinter import * from PIL import ImageTk,Image root=Tk() root. Tkinter, transparent background, Linux. For example, Tkinter's title bar: vs GitHub's title bar: See how they have their own custom exit, resize and minimize buttons? Is it possible to achieve that look using Tkinter? Feb 2, 2019 · You can try setting the background colour using the following code: label. Note: For all who face the same problem, I changed my Library to WXPython. Nov 1, 2023 · Transparent backgrounds for labels aren’t supported in Tkinter. I tried using the. Nov 17, 2021 · I cannot change the background color of my python 2. Frame(root) frame. Output in macOS. I want to get the background to be transparent so my overlay can be something else. com Certainly! Below is a tutorial on how to make label text background transparent using Tkinter in Python. See BitmapImage for more information. Sidebar: #2E3A4B at 53% Button: #2C2F33 at 100% from tkinter import * def btn_clicked(): Jan 14, 2022 · Display a color with transparency (see this) How to make a tkinter Label background transparent? 3. Horizontal. geometry("300x300") root. Jun 10, 2017 · It sounds like you are asking how to make your Label have a transparent background. One alternative is to use a Canvas widget as the base for the whole thing, then use the create_image method to add the background image, and create_text to make the text labels. In other words, removing all the colors from the background so that background things start appearing through the window. Unable to put transparent PNG over a normal image Python Tkinter. We can use these backgrounds in our output image backgrounds. master. 如果你在寻找能够让Tkinter的组件背景Background变为透明的方法,比如Label、Button、Canvas什么的,到这里你可以死心了,答案是至今不能。 是的,既然选择了Tkinter,就已经是掉坑里了。 I am looking to make the background of the tkinter canvas transparent, but still have Mouse events of the canvas, here is my code, I am on Windows 10, Python 3. But for now I will settle for being able to make the background transparent while keeping child widgets fully-visible. You may set this to the toolbar itself, and also for the message box setting the coordinates. Here's an example showing that the frame actually shows the background image (created using a Label) when the background is set to an empty string. It is like cutting a porthole in the window so you can see through. non_transparent_button. END,"This is a test message") text. Generally, it is used to draw shapes, animate objects, and create complex graphics in any application. Apr 21, 2019 · import tkinter as tk root = tk. The alpha is Used for transparency. Solid Backgroun I think the background color is the issue, however, it might not be. Apr 14, 2013 · For whatever reason, processing transparency multiple times with the above function can result in viewing errors in tkinter. These configurations allow you to tweak and customize the look and feel of your application's windows and forms so that they look modern and nice in the eyes of your app's users. facecolor, so make sure to change this parameter accordingly. As of right now, your code is just overlaying two images. On various sites I have been seeing that the Frame widget can get a different background using Frame. May 6, 2017 · I have been attempting to make a directory browser for a recent project of mine that I'm developing in python 3. The background color of the entry field while disabled is a light blue shade. I didn't have any trouble until I got to the Treeview. Jul 25, 2023 · These properties may include the window's width, height, position, transparency, title bar, background color, and more. Look at the configure method of the BaseClass and follow it to the detect_color_of_master. I am trying to understand how to apply a button to a transparent background while keeping its shape. That makes the tkinter window transparent so you can see the desktop. columnconfigure(0, weight=1) # make the column 1 expand when the window is resized nb_of_columns = 2 # to be replaced by the relevant number titlelabel = Tkinter. The value that has to be passed for this option is a string specifying the proportion of red, green, and blue in hexadecimal digits. Colour names are used here for foreground and background colours of a Tkinter Button. Jun 6, 2020 · I have been trying to display a . When I generate the code below, there is a gray background around the border that appears, and i Mar 28, 2023 · Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly The main color of a widget is called fg_color: The colors can either be set to a single color name ("red"), a single hex color string ("#FF0000") or a tuple color for a light mode color and dark mode color (("red", "darkred")). Tk(). Style() # Creating style element s. I want to add a frame with no background so that I can arrange elements in the window, but, still see the background behind these elements. At least on Windows! import tkinter as tk parent = tk. pack() text. Below is some poc code. I am trying to make the background of the frame and canvas image so that you can see the text before it is covered by the rounde May 2, 2014 · It does work. attributes('-transparentcolor', '<color name or hex code>'), so you could set it to something like 'magenta' (or any color you're not using, really). To create shapes like Rectangle, we use the create_rectangle(x,y, x+ width, y+ height, **options) method. Then anywhere that color is used (say, as the background of a Label or Button) will appear transparent. However, you need the background function defined, in order to pass that as a callback for the button Feb 1, 2019 · I want to simply set a background color to the frame within the tkinter window. This background color will only appear check box get pressed. Style class: self. wm_attributes("-transparent", True) # Set the root window background color to a transparent color. configure(font=("Times New Roman", 12, "bold")) root. The current color will then be picked by the widget automatically according to the current appearance mode. Text(root,bg="white") text. I am having trouble writing the function correctly and connecting that to the command parameter. import Tkinter master = Tkinter. Jun 13, 2024 · Here’s how you can do it: Python. title("PythonExamples. g. Tkinter Button bg option sets the background color of button. Download this code from https://codegive. import tkinter as tk root = tk. Tk() parent. Label Mar 18, 2011 · According to the effbot. Simply entering bg='color_name or color_code' is not working. Summary/Discussion Aug 11, 2020 · from tkinter import * root = Tk() testbutton = Button(root, text="If this was an image I should be able to click the image only"). By default there is no background color associated with it. Tk() # Hide the root window drag bar and close button root. If we want to create a transparent window in an application, then we should have to define the color in the attributes('-transparentcolor', 'color' Mar 25, 2019 · I don't think you can make a Label transparent. 0 it means fully transparent, 1. Style(self) Code language: Python (python) Second, change the font of the TLabel and TButton‘s styles using the configure() method of the Style object: Mar 7, 2024 · import tkinter as tk root = tk. Color Values for Button Background. Under Windows, this color is used as the background for the indicator regardless of the select state. Also we will how to create transparent and backgrounds with color gradients. style = ttk. 3. ttk as ttk root = Tk() # Main window myColor = '#40E0D0' # Its a light blue color root. configure(background='SteelBlue1') master. Set option background_color of your Text element to one specified color for transparency, like '#add123'. Also help with spacing the buttons vertically would be nice. In this tutorial, we will learn how to use bg option of Button() class with examples. Tk class. So, how to do that, i'm sure that you know. configure(bg=myColor) # Setting color of main window to myColor s = ttk. Python Program. e. facecolor the background color of the actual plot. I have a ttk Entry which is in "disabled" state. org") window. I can come up with a solution with create_image but i need to be able to add text to the buttons. It looks like the image png transparency is supported but the grey you can see is from the button background itself. 4. Transparency in Tkinter PhotoImage. 5, rely=1, anchor= customtkinter. To set the background color to transparent, you need to use the config() function to modify the label's properties. And later system/wm (wm = windows manager) removes only pure white pixels to create transparent background. I tried using: window. Syntax: To create a transparent background, we need to use the -alpha argument in the attributes () method. transparent background in a tkinter window Sep 24, 2020 · while developing my app I finally succeeded in making everything I want to, the latest being attaching a background image to the app window. 0]. place(relx=0. plt. A workaround is to make a particular colour transparent using the wm_attribute() function of the root instance. , without specifying the bg color, I get a frame with a grey background. config(background="color"). Tkinter Entry with lightgreen background color . I'm aware this is done with wxPython and some other modules, but I'm inquiring as to the limits of Tkinter. Oct 25, 2017 · With tkinter, I can apply an image as a frame background or a solid colour using bg, or even make the frame, or the whole window transparent with alpha. 3. Entry(window, bg="lightgreen") tk. The background property of any widget is controlled by the widget itself. Use an empty string to make the background transparent. 1. First, create a new instance of the ttk. Code for buttons: Mar 11, 2022 · Transparent background of Text in popupis not supported. However, at the time it's currently being called, there's no index to insert the tag at, so there's effectively no tag. Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates how to do this: import tkinter as tk root = tk. mainloop() This makes a button but it has a grey background that a. attributes and then setting some color to transparent don't know if it works for images like this tho Sep 9, 2019 · I put in a partially transparent PNG image in Tkinter and all I get is this How do I make the dark triangle on the right clear? (like it's supposed to be) This is python 2. configure(background=bg) The resulting code would be May 31, 2020 · Is there a better way to make the fill of a polygon transparent, rather than using stipple? Heres an example: import tkinter as tk class GUI: def __init__(self, master, x, y): self. make a clean background with an image with Tkinter in If you want your background red to be transparent (no color) then this snippet will do it. conflicts with my window background and b. You can change this to any color you want depending on your application needs. – acw1668 Jul 12, 2020 · I have a canvas with a background image in Tkinter. only an image will appear the rest frame will be invisible. The background color for the window was successfully set, but not for the frame inside. wm_attributes("-topmost", True) # Turn off the window shadow. non_transparent_button = customtkinter. For whatever reason, plt. In other words I don't want my objects to be transparent. The problem that I have is that these labels have a white background and I don't want that. wm_attributes Aug 20, 2020 · The figure. Feb 17, 2018 · However, this is not what I want. Tk() # Hide the root window drag bar and close button. Default is transparent. cdlane's answer obtains the rootwindow by starting from Tk, and constructing all the necessary Tk objects before constructing a TurtleScreen and Turtle. Set the bg property to an empty string: label. Tkinter Apr 17, 2018 · if you use root. This has to do with how Tkinter draws the display. Transparent background means you can see through the frame. Transparent canvas in Aug 7, 2020 · And then later when I defined my button, I set the background colour to be grey. I have the following: class Application(Frame): def __init__(self, parent): Frame. For eg: Here in the above image green us the background color of GeeksforGeeks logo so lets start with the code. And the section on bitmaps states that only a few stipple options are available by default, but none of them are completely transparent. the objective is to make the label's background the same as the frame in both dark and light themes import tkinter as tk. Here Sep 30, 2017 · Tkinter, transparent background, Linux. TProgressbar", foreground='red', background='red') Feb 5, 2022 · I am trying to understand how to apply a button to a transparent background while keeping its shape. place(x=200, y=300, anchor=CENTER) Transparent background. bitmap= The bitmap descriptor. keys shows bg, menu and many other things among the 21 resource keys. – Oct 3, 2014 · I am just trying to add background colors as gradient colors! This may look my Tkinter-GUI more attractive than common color codes. Here is an example code: Feb 27, 2020 · Looks like you have the basic grey background to you're added picture by tkinter. If the transparency value is 0. S) Afterwards, the other p_frames are being added to the player_frame with a green background color. You can set the indicator (circle) background color of radio button using the selectcolor property:. Feb 9, 2023 · You can specify a transparent color with root. In this example, we will change the Tkinter window’s background color to blue. CTkFrame(self, corner_radius=0, fg_color="transparent") self. This one-liner creates a new Tkinter window instance and immediately sets its transparency to 50% with no intermediate variable assignment or additional setup required. Jan 29, 2018 · If -indicatoron is true then the color applies to the indicator. Source self. New popup function required and defined by yourself in PySimpleGUI. May 15, 2016 · from tkinter import * import tkinter. argument value; master: root, tkinter. What I did was I insert a GIF image into the background and also created labels and buttons. (To display a BitmapImage object, use the create_image function. You make a variable called self. In order to add background color to the check box we have to change the style sheet code, below is the style sheet code to do this. Mar 15, 2020 · I want to add a background image in Tkinter. StringVar(value=options[0]) def create_radio_buttons(): for option in options: radio_button May 21, 2023 · In CTk, "transparent" as a color simply means to use the background color of the parent. wm_attributes('-transparentcolor','black') This will make the black colour transparent. org documentation regarding the Listbox widget you cannot change the color of spefic items: The listbox can only contain text items, and all items must have the same font and color. I tried to change the background of the window, the frame too, but it does not work. To click-through, only option transparent_color work. So by 1. ttk. There are two ways through which you can change the background color of window in Tkinter. import datetime import Feb 12, 2019 · I need to make my tkinter rectangles transparent. 5", opacity=". The standard tkinter Jan 15, 2022 · I n this tutorial, we are going to see how to change label background color in Tkinter. Set option transparent_color in Window to the specified color for transparency. If you insert text: text. As with opacity , a value of 1 for the alpha channel value makes the color fully opaque. ) Still, the edges will have sharp corners and cuts. ma Is it possible to change the color of a frame background or any other widget to transparent light blue or any other transparent color? Tkinter, transparent May 29, 2022 · You can try calling root. wm_attributes('-topmost', True) # Turn off the window shadow root. Mar 8, 2024 · In this article we will learn how we can create a background with a solid color. 5) root. The colorchooser module in tkinter is one of them which provides a huge set of colors so that u Nov 22, 2012 · I find out that for me it wont work, I don't want to say this is wrong however I have found use [ troughcolor ] to change background and [ background ] for indicator bar. Mar 14, 2018 · and it will be transparent, as in it will show the bottom widgets, including a background image if there is one, unlike root. Nov 27, 2023 · tkinter widgets do not support transparent background. It works in the widget only after adding the same Nov 5, 2021 · Option Alpha_channel cannot work together with transparent_color at same pixel of window. 5); will set the background color to 50% opacity. geometry("300x200") # Create a label widget with background color label = tk. 0 means fully opaque The range is [0. So root. Change background color using bg property. Has no effect unless the fill has been set to some color. e. configure(bg='lightblue') # Run the application root. foreground. When I generate the code below, there is a gray background around the border that appears, and it also looks like it loses its shape. From what I have read this appears to be a difficult problem and possibly requires OS level changes, some related stack questions with no answers linked here and here. To make the UI look better I have removed the border of the buttons with this parameters borderwidth=0,highlightthickness = 0, bd = 0 . Jun 13, 2023 · You can change the background color of a button to the background color if the background color is just one simple color. 0. So, to work around this, I'm wondering if it is possible to make the background of a Text widget transparent. The Linux related one is only alpha? linux mint tkinter transparent window. How can one set the background color of a ttk frame? Oct 7, 2009 · It would change the background color of the button. I want to place some datetime information on top of the image. title("Adjusting Radio Button Select/Unselect Colors") options = ["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"] selected_option = tk. In this example, we shall create a Label with yellow background color, and display it in the main window. Jun 15, 2021 · . allows users to click the image background. Reference Code I have been creating an Email program using Tkinter, in Python 3. wm_attributes('-transparent', True) # Set the root window background color to a transparent color root. rxrry kssac tshfeso xvsug weldxi qrpr ihwtcx wjfzsf skuv pqpynlb