Can we use deodorant in islam. This does not matter.
Can we use deodorant in islam If the percentage of alcohol in perfume is very little, we say that it does not matter, and a person may use them without any concern, such as if the alcohol content is 5% or less. So, when it comes to masturbation, we suggest steering clear of taking creative Praise be to Allah. I did not find they had any affiliation with Iz, however I found a website that stated they have a “neutral stance” and have not spoken about it, or have any apparent ties. Deodorants can permanently stain clothes, depends on the deodorant and the fabric. The propellant consists of some material that is a gas at pressures normally encountered I use a spray on deodorant with antiperspirant. It discusses whether using powders, including perfumed talc powder, is acceptable and if they Anas reported the Messenger of Allah (saws) as saying, “Among the things of this world, I love women and perfume, and the coolness of my eyes is prayer. ) 2. Alcohol in perfumes? 17. Speed Stick is often cited for its effectiveness and ease of use in tattoo stencil application, leading to ongoing discussions about the best practices in hygiene and application techniques. Can we use perfumes which are made up of SD (Special Denatured) Alcohol and can we offer salat using this type perfumes. Answer In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Q: Is it permissible in Islam to use deodorant sprays on our body which contain alcohol denat or benzyl or any other form of alcohol? A: If the alcohol is made from besides dates and grapes and it does not contain anything impure, then it will be permissible to use it. 2. Apply the wet crystal or stick it to your underarms, ensuring that the salt comes into contact with your skin. Q:a) Could Mufti Saheb please clarify if it is permissible to use a roll on deodorant just before one enters into Ihraam. Particularly in the summer. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught us the value of cleanliness. As a matter of fact, the deodorant market is worth about $74 billion dollars annually. Explore the discussion on whether women can use deodorant according to Islamic teachings. Therefore, to use it would be permissible. )if a lady have medical reason, (i. The nature of the impurity of alcohol. Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah (saws) said, “If someone offers perfume, do not reject it, for it is Continue reading Can we pray with perfume and deodorant Can We Use Alcohol Hair Cream, Perfumes, and Then Can We Offer Prayer if We Use Those Things; Is it permissible to use perfume with alcohol as the first ingredient, including ethyl alcohol? Cosmetics containing alcohol. The deodorant itself is not flammable; the propellant is. Deodorant, Soaps, and Suntan Lotion We use a substance which is liquid at the appropriate pressure but boils to a gas when the pressure drops slightly. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. However, he cannot use it after wearing Ihram attire because this product contains a strong fragrance. Men can use them provided there is no impure ingredient. During wudhu, while doing the masah of ears, when we put our finger in the ear, will the water entering our ear break the fast?3. 2. If not could Mufti Saheb please explain why. Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen was asked about that and he said: it is permissible to use it during the day in Ramadan and to smell it, except for bukhoor (incense) which should not be inhaled, because it has a substance which may reach the stomach and it is smoke. Oct 19, 2016 · Can we use products, such as deodorant, which contain alcohol? The prohibition on consumption of intoxicants doesn't mean that using (without drinking/consuming) products that contain alchol (which is an intoxicant) is haram. But opting out of some of Hence the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said to Laqit ibn Sabrah: “Rinse your nose thoroughly, unless you are fasting. Can I use unscented deodorant during Umrah? Yes, you can use unscented deodorant during Umrah. There are enough kinds of permissible perfumes to leave us with no need for these, praise be to Allah. The question of whether or not one can wear deodorant during Umrah has been a topic of debate among Muslims for years. He said, “Cleanliness is half of faith” (Sahih Jun 19, 2018 · Q: Is it permissible in Islam to use deodorant sprays on our body which contain alcohol denat or benzyl or any other form of alcohol? A: If the alcohol is made from besides dates and grapes and it does not contain anything impure, then it will be permissible to use it. In some cultures, body odor is seen as natural and nothing to hide. Can we use products, such as deodorant, which contain alcohol? 0. With no air conditioning on the deep lines. Taqwa says , don,t go near / don,t touch the HARAM things . ? 2. Therefore, it is permissible to perform prayers with makeup applied after making wudu. Therefore, a husband has no right to claim her salary except with her approval. And it just gets unbearably hot down there. Is it permissible to put perfumes for prayer. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright In his response to your question, Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior lecturer and an Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, states: Procreation is one of the most important objectives of Also, deodorant does not give you the same volume to your hair as a dry shampoo can. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this As he (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) forbade women to go out to the mosque wearing perfume, because it was most likely that men would notice the fragrance because the place was small and there was no barrier between the men and women, then it is more appropriate that a woman who is going out to the marketplace and other places where The Debate Surrounding the Use of Deodorant During Umrah. The scholars differed as to the nature of the impurity of alcohol: is it physical or metaphorical?. Deodorant may also be expensive and hard to find in poorer nations. At target googlingall I could find (potentially) was the “ban” brand roll-on deodorant (women’s section). ” Muslims can wear deodorant even if it contains alcohol. Muslim women are not allowed to wear perfume in public, but if a This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. This is the position of the majority: the Hanafis, Shafi`is, Hanbalis, and a group of the Salaf. Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Qibla. And if you use deodorant which has aluminium in it, stop using it. . It is essential to be mindful and avoid repeating the mistake. That is because the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) put on perfume for his ihram. Can a woman do hair straightening treatment as per shariah. Yes. Lastly speaking from personal experience if you notice your sweat has gotten particularly stinky it could be stress so maybe investigate that if there’s been any recent changes in your life. 12. Answered by:Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach) Original Source Link Dec 13, 2022 · Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani Could you tell me whether we can use deodorant that has alcohol in it? Answer: Walaikum assalam,Yes, because the fatwa is that alcohol from other than grapes, dates, and barley, though haram to consume, is not najis or haram to use. Nutmeg is "halal or haram " plese reply 11106 views Q. Thank you so much! Archived post. A whopping 31% of those polled said they also don't use deodorant. I spend about 5-6 dollars on deodorant (and that’s on SALE), but unfortunately most if not all affordable options are not BDS safe (they’re either under Unilever, Johnson’s and Johnson’s and P&G). It is sunnah to apply perfume to the body, not the clothing, before entering into ihram – even if its effects remain after ihram. Perfume, known as “Ittar” in Arabic, We know that in Islam, Muslim women are allowed to slaughter. This guide addresses concerns about deodorant sprays and rollons, clarifying their status under Islamic law. i think i read somewhere that muhammad sadiq al sadr said whilst fasting you may smoke and chew gum, can't remember where, or how accurate that is, i think it was in patrick cockburn's book 'muqtada al sadr and the fall of iraq'. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this It is permissible to use scented perfume or deodorant after ghusl before making the intention and entering into the state of ihram, in fact it is sunnah to do so. e kidney stone etc. Can we This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Buffpuffs can be pretty rough haha. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this Like any library, Islam Stack Exchange offers great information, Can we Use Beer Shampoo? Related. I wd req u all to have the contact no,s of few authentic scholars which are more essential than emergency no,s , ask them always and follow ISLAM in true letter and spirit please . Remember, just cause you can use everyday items to pleasure yourself, it doesn't necessarily mean that you should. 46) For more, please see this answer: What Breaks Your Fast. If you search for "alcohol" at Jul 30, 2011 · Praise be to Allah. You can perform ablution (wudu) to cleanse yourself and remove any traces of the deodorant. Dec 3, 1999 · Praise be to Allah. Wudu is not invalidated if cream is applied on the face or makeup is worn after wudu. So I have personally still been buying my deodorant and shampoo from Drugstore brands bc the alternatives are literally too expensive. After bathing will the use of deodarant (both spray and roll on) break the fast? Because We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. anyways, what is the 'think dust' that we are not allowed to inhale? because smoke isn't really think dust, also isn't there an issue about Are there any restrictions on using perfumes and deodorant sprays that contain alcohol in limited quantities? If a perfume contains alcohol, What can you say about the types of alcohols in shampoo, perfium, etc. Where I work, we all commute in by public transport, in particular the underground/subway. b) Is it permissible to apply an Itr which leaves a colour stain just before one enters into Ihraam?A:1. Also change your sheets more often than you do. you wouldn't want to swallow that toxic stuff anyways It might be important as the vibrator is actually common practice between Muslim couples: We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. In delving into the historical roots, we find that the use of perfumes in Islamic cultures dates back to the early days of the Islamic civilization. , a Japanese company. In general, it is permitted to consume non-wine alcohol as long as (1) it is not used as an intoxicant, (2) it is not used as intoxicants are used, (3) it is not used in an amount which intoxicates, and (4) it is not used in vain. The poll found that about 40% of people 18-24 don't use deodorant at all and haven't in the last month. Answered by: Mufti Zakaria Makada Before entering Ihram, it is permissible for a pilgrim to apply deodorant to the body. There is nothing wrong with using alcohol-based perfumes on the body and on clothes, and that does not affect the validity of the prayer. as-salam-o-alikum Please, suggest me, can we use perfumes & deodrant spray having alchol in limited quatity? thanks Answer (Fatwa: 662/658/N)If the perfume contains alcohol made of grapes, dates or raisin then such perfume is najis (impure) and thus prohibited even a drop of it. Prophet Muhammad instructed his assalamu allaikum we can use body spray Answer Bismihi Ta'ala The alcohol used in body sprays are not those that are consumed as a drink. Using perfume is forbidden in ihram because the Prophet (peace and blessings of They contain a large amount of alcohol which is an intoxicant. The same applies to all kinds of drinks or foods which contain intoxicants – we should not use them. So in your situation if your in class with men just use deodorant in the mornings etc because its smell doesn't go beyond you and during the day underneath your clothes also change your clothes regularly etc and use other beauty techniques which are halal as long as they do not cause men to smell you in class. Deodorant can be used in the morning or throughout the day to deodorize. It is not permissible for a woman to use this type outside the house, if she thinks it most likely The perfumes and deodorants are permissible which do not contain alcohol of grapes, raisin, currant or dates; since the commonly available alcohols are not made of above mentioned It is not permissible for the muhrim (pilgrim in ihram) to use perfume on his body or clothing, because of the hadith of Ibn 'Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) according to Explore the permissibility of using deodorants and powders during Ihram for Umrah. The presence of a halal certification, such as that provided to It is confirmed that Ibn ‘Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet forbade a person in the state of Ihraam from wearing a cloth that is scented with Although it is permitted to use un-perfumed deodorant, un-perfumed soap, it is better to avoid them totally during the ihram. Question: Are we permitted to use deodorants, creams, perfumes, and other cosmetics containing alcohol? Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful, and all blessings and peace upon our master Muhammad, his Folk, Companions and those who follow their noble way,. Can she do so even when Muslim men are available? I prayed istikarah namaz for marriage purposes and i had this dream,what happened was there were loads of people and the girl i prayed for was there; What to do if one sees whiteness/wetness on his private part/underpants upon waking up? This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Is it permissible to use perfume or deodrant within home? Answer (Fatwa: 104/104=M/1429) It is allowable to apply perfume and deodorant provided they are free from unlawful ingredients. Cologne is meant to be used to add a little umph to how you smell Could be special occasions and could be a daily thing with light use. giving birth gap between two children due to spouse health concern and family If he had allowed him, we would have castrated ourselves. ” (Fatawa Arkan al-Islam, p. So we should not use them unless we find kinds which are free of such materials. It will also not prevent you from sweating and producing body odor. And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best. If you get for example a lot of sweating under your breasts you can apply some there or wherever else (external) you need it. Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah (saws) said, “If someone offers perfume, do not reject it, for it is Continue reading Can we pray with perfume and deodorant When we examine the practices of Prophet Muhammad, we can easily discover Islam’s attitude to sneezing and coughing openly. Can you put on perfume before forming the intention of ihram? Putting perfume on the head and body at the time of entering ihram – i. Hajj is nowadays in relatively cooler weather. It is, therefore, permitted to pray wearing such perfume or deodorant. Can we use deodrant or cream or body lotions which contains benzyl alcohol during prayers or after prayers? It is stated in the bottles that it is free from alcohol. And Allah Ta'ala (الله Q. And Allah knows best. The most we can say is that this high alcohol content is an intoxicant, and no doubt consuming intoxicants is haram according to the texts of Islam and the consensus of the scholars, but is using it in ways other than drinking it permissible? This is open to speculation, but to be on the safe side we should not use it. If you like a certain scent you can usually find it in matching things so you smell like one thing rather than 4 things. Muslim women are not allowed to wear perfume in public, but if a When selecting a deodorant, Muslims must ensure the product is free from any haram (forbidden) substances. com. Oh okay you use the roll-on? That's actually one of the weaker options (12%) and is just aluminum chloride, baking soda to buffer any hydrochloric acid that forms from sweat reacting with the England here, totally normal. I use a spray on deodorant with antiperspirant. This allows a nearly constant pressure, and way more of the 'gas' to be stored. I am sure we are not the only ones. Also, it is not alcohol extracted from dates or grapes and it also evaporates. use of contraceptive (birth control pills, condoms etc. Is it permissible to use moisturizer and perfum containing alcohol denat? 1) Can we use perfumes with active ingredients as “Alcohol Denat”? 2) Does “Makrooh” means action done without any reward? I want to know whether the perfumes containing materials like ethyl alcohol, propenol, alcohol-Denat, butanol etc. Understand the implications of these ingredients from an Islamic perspective, as scholars deem intoxicants, including alcohol, as forbidden (Haram). This does not matter. We need to talk at length about the issue of perfumes that are said to contain cologne or alcohol. ” [4] (Sahīh al-Bukhāri) Abdullah ibn Mas ῾ ūd radiallahu anhu says, “We used to engage in Jihād with the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam and we had no one (with whom we could fulfil our desires). Asalamlikum Mufti Sab, Kindly answer the following questions: 1. In Islam, a woman has the right to do what she likes with her money and property. Does using skincare products with You can also use deodorant on other areas believe it or not. ” Related by Ahmad and an-Nasa’i. The Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) prohibited women from wearing perfumes in public to avoid temptation, emphasizing that those who do risk being labeled as The first category is antiperspirants that are scented with a discernible fragrance. They are owned by Kao Corp. For this reason, many scholars have said that because this type of alcohol is not meant for consumption, and can not cause any kind of intoxication when applied to the skin, it is permissible to use. While fasting, if a person takes a bath then, will the water entering the ears break the fast?2. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Either apply deodorant as intended or use a fabric spray for your clothes. It has now been transformed into a learning portal with paid Islamic course offering under the brand of Kiflayn. Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih Al-`Uthaymin (may Allah have mercy on him) Jan 1, 2025 · This blog article will provide you with all the information you need to know about whether or not you can use deodorant while performing Umrah. Answered by: Mufti Zakaria Makada 4 days ago · You can use deodorant before entering Ihram, but it’s best to stick to natural or alcohol-free brands. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this Anas reported the Messenger of Allah (saws) as saying, “Among the things of this world, I love women and perfume, and the coolness of my eyes is prayer. It is necessary to be careful about two issues . Some argue that the use of scented products contradicts the concept of ihram, the state of ritual purity one must enter before beginning the pilgrimage. I was getting worried for a second. i wouldn't have thought there would be a problem with it. General Islamic Discussion ; Deodorant During Fasting In the Name of God بسم الله whilst fasting we should look our best and deodorant is more for the sake of other people than our own, we are encouraged to smell nice. I use a stick for my underarms that works. Next A person has monthly scheduled debt payments that are being paid on time – can he go to ‘Umrah? Seeking School Administrative Assistant Job Title: Administrative Coordinator/Assistant Location: Al-Iman School@Page, 3104 Page Road Morrisville, NC 27560 Al-Iman School @ Page is looking to hire a fulltime Administrative Assistant and Coordinator to manage and Why can,t we consult the muslim scholars , Why we take just common opinions publically ?? . Here is a simple way to use Himalayan salt as a Natural Deodorant: Use a crystal or stick of Himalayan salt and wet it with water. is haram or not. Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband Original Source Link The scholars added to the prohibition on shaving the head, the prohibition on shaving any hair on the body, and on `. If there We use credit cards for our purchases and try to pay them off monthly, so that no interest is charged. But, nowadays alcohols used in Explore the permissibility of using deodorants and powders during Ihram for Umrah. And most people use their product as a way to reduce sweat About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Please dont misundertasnd me, I am a hygienic person, but you know, specially during the warm days, body odor can be a problem if you dont use the proper deodorant. Un-perfumed suntan lotion would be permissible Question: Is there a problem to put on perfume, deodorant, or use refreshing towels while we are dressed in ihram? Allah the Almighty commands: “Those are the ones to Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani Question: Are we permitted to use deodorants, creams, perfumes, and other cosmetics containing alcohol? Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful, and all blessings 1. I've been told to use powder but I always thought it would be too messy. This answer was indexed from Qibla. If the substances in the makeup are impermeable, they will prevent wudu; therefore, it is necessary to make wudu after removing those substances. The Prophet Muhammad emphasized that anything that intoxicates is prohibited, leading to concerns about the use of It is highly possible that you own a deodorant. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this Praise be to Allah. , after doing ghusl and before forming the intention of entering ihram – is Sunnah. com, which used to have a repository of Islamic Q&A answered by various Q: Is it permissible in Islam to use deodorant sprays on our body which contain alcohol denat or benzyl or any other form of alcohol? A: If the alcohol is made from besides dates and grapes and it does not contain anything impure, then it will be permissible to use it. Not only this, but he is also obliged to spend on her, and While deodorant sticks can simplify stencil application, it’s recommended to use them only once per client for hygiene purposes. As-salāmu ‘alaykum Can We Use Deodorants, Creams, and Perfumes That Contain Alcohol? If a perfume contains alcohol, are they prohibited in salah? Can I take an alcohol-based herbal tincture to be able to nurse my baby? Alcohol in Cosmetics and Food; What is the ruling on using perfumes and body sprays containing Alcohol, Alcohol Denat, or SD Alcohol 39 C? Although it is permitted to use un-perfumed deodorant, un-perfumed soap, it is better to avoid them totally during the ihram. This guide addresses Muslims can wear deodorant even if it contains alcohol. And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best. Assalamu alaikum, Could you tell me whether we can use deodorant that has alcohol in it? Answer: Walaikum assalam, Yes, because the fatwa is that alcohol from other than grapes, dates, and barley, though haram to consume, is not najis or haram to use. So shower daily, use mild soap, and dry properly. Explore the presence of alcohol in cosmetics, including common types like ethanol and cetyl alcohol. Is it permitted to do Internet Cafe business for Muslims? 2218 views; Q. So overall I would advise against it. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. It gives off a nice smell and keeps the sweat from getting out of hand. Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani. So if you ask us whether you can use spray deodorant as dry shampoo or not, the answer is, yes! But we wouldn’t ask you to keep your You can manage this by keeping your skin and clothes clean enough to not allow it to build up. Thats all . And allah knows best. It was narrated by Imam Ahmad (40/229), and by al-Tirmidhi (2786) who classed it as saheeh, that Abu Moosa al-Ash’ari (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Any woman who puts on perfume then passes by the people so that they can smell its fragrance is a zaaniyah. Read answers with similar topics: Bank cards gold Interest jurisprudence purchaser. The prohibition applies to drinking/consuming alchol not using deodorant or other products that contain some alchol. So we asked if we could get ourselves castrated. As someone who has personally experienced the pilgrimage, I understand the importance of having proper guidance when it comes to such religious practices. If you're trying to limit the aluminum in your body, we can understand that. As a Muhrim, youre prohibited from applying anything with perfume. Un-perfumed suntan lotion would be permissible in times of necessity for those who need to use it. For their slightly older peers 25-34, the results aren't much better. Is this sin for me too? PLEASE HELP! Hot Network Questions This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The cost and availability of products If you accidentally wear deodorant during Umrah, it is important to wash it off as soon as possible. Using perfume after entering ihram, whether on one’s clothes or body, or in one's food or when washing the deceased muhrim or in any way whatsoever. However, some Scholars prefer that one uses Thirdly: with regard to a fasting person inhaling the perfume, this does not matter. Answered by: Mufti Zakaria Makada Sep 14, 2012 · Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani Question: Are we permitted to use deodorants, creams, perfumes, and other cosmetics containing alcohol? Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful, and all blessings and peace upon our master Muhammad, his Folk, Companions and those who follow their noble way, Assalamu Dec 6, 2019 · Q: Can men and women wear perfume or deodorant? A: Women can wear within the confines of their homes. Q:1. Depending on the way the individual Muslim interprets the Quran, he may choose not to wear deodorant. Most men tend to use a spray can of anti-perspirant deodorant when they get out of the shower in the morning. e. Ah okay haha. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. xhvarj bostl xzz alu uyit ywgxka otfbcvgs arc qdezhox tptu