Sspx sunday obligation Q. ” Yes, a Catholic may fulfill their Sunday obligation by assisting at Masses said by the priests of the Society of St. The standard position of the SSPX is that the NO is a schismatic rite, and it has long been the teaching of the Church that a Catholic may not attend the mass of a schismatic rite. 1. ; mission Amidst turmoil and confusion, St. Any danger to the faith in attending a traditional Mass will come not from Your final question, about the Sunday Mass obligation, is a tricky one, too. They do have licit confessions, and marriges if they receive permission from the Bishop. Points 1 and 3 in our letter of 27 September 2002 to this correspondent are accurately reported. Accordingly, can I attend the celebration of the Holy Mass at the Society of St. Salza’s article demonstrates, the Commission has not, “on various occasions,” stated that SSPX Masses fulfill the Sunday obligation. Must We Attend A “Protestantized” Mass? A letter of inquiry . If your intention is simply to participate in Mass Since the SSPX priests are validly ordained, their Masses are valid. Camille Perl of the PCED responded to a question about attending SSPX chapels to meet one’s Sunday obligation. 2 – You could fulfill your obligation, but it would be sinful to go. Nota bene: The ability to legally satisfy the Sunday obligation is tied to the Church in which the Mass is celebrated, and not merely to the validity of the minister’s ordination or the Missal he uses. Thus if there are circumstances that make it impractical or impossible to fulfill the obligation of attending Mass on a Sunday or Holy Day, the Church can dispense her members from this rule. Does SSPX mass meet our Sunday Obligation? What if you attend another diocesan mass to meet your obligation, and also attend an SSPX mass? One answer given previously (by u/frmaurer) seems to be that IFF there is no other option to meet your Sunday Obligation then you may do so at an SSPX chapel. But is that the right thing to do? I would recommend that you attend a Mass that is celebrated Yes, attendance at a Mass by an SSPX priest can fulfill your Sunday Obligation even before the Year of Mercy and also afterward. com/Tim Staples clarifies that an - But what about the obligation? HOW DOES THE CHURCH COMMAND us to worship God on Sunday? The Church commands us to worship God on Sunday by assisting at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. A person who knowingly attends an SSPX mass, unless by special exception the SSPX is incardinated into the diocese, does not fulfill the Sunday Obligation as the masses offered by the SSPX are illicit. Even a diocesan TLM is better than an FSSP TLM. In order to fulfill your Sunday obligation, you must attend a Mass that is celebrated by a Catholic priest who is in good standing with the Church, and which follows the liturgical norms and teachings of Sunday Obligation at SSPX I have searched and read previous posts on this topic, and I am still not clear on this, so please forgive me. Reverend Editor, I So, yes, you fulfill your Sunday Mass obligation at an SSPX chapel and at an Eastern Catholic church. By Brian Mershon Msgr. Pius X (SSPX) is not in schism, and that their Masses can fulfill Catholics’ Sunday obligation. 539/99), Monsignor Perl of the Ecclesia Dei Commission replied as follows to an inquiry about whether one incurred the delict of schism by attending Mass each Sunday at an SSPX chapel in ArizonaHere an ambivalent view of the SSPX is plainly evident: its priests are deemed suspended— a penalty they could hardly incur NB: Ironically, because of the ambiguous canon in the New Code regarding the fulfillment of one’s Sunday obligation (i. Zuhlsdorf has a grave obligation to publicly clarify his position, which we hope he does post haste. Román: How wonderful. Those who have used canon 1248 to conclude that SSPX Masses fulfill the Sunday obligation have not understood this important distinction. Some claim that this cannot be unless there is communion between Rome No, I do not think that a NO mass can fulfill Sunday obligation. Good to attend. His first question was “Can I fulfill my Sunday obligation by attending a Pius X Mass” and our response was: “1. Attending Mass at a SSPX chapel. In recent years, the Popes have softened this position with respect to the Orthodox, and I am not If an SSPX priest is going to advise against attending a traditional Mass to fulfill the Sunday obligation, there must likewise be a grave danger to the faith. Catholic News Live has sunset its Catholic news The FSSP is not “SSPX Lite”, it’s a compromise with modernism. Excellent. I also have some friends who attend the SSPX and would like to spend time with them on Sundays. However, as explained in a previous FAQ video, the Novus Ordo Missae is a danger to the faith, so are Catholics obliged to attend the New Mass to fulfill their Sunday Obligation? To answer this important inquiry, we must first understand what the Sunday Obligation is and how it applies. Technically, by attending the Mass of the SSPX priests, you would fulfill your Sunday obligation. So, for example, if a funeral Mass is celebrated on a Sunday—which is entirely possible, by the way, although for pragmatic Can One Fulfill the Sunday Obligation at SSPX. A person who unknowingly attends an SSPX mass believing they are fulfilling their obligation without the knowledge that the SSPX masses are The SSPX's position on the protestantized New Mass is explained, The editor replied in the May 2007 issue clarifying the SSPX's position while citing the Church's teaching about the Sunday Obligation and how the New Mass poses a danger to the faith of Catholics, thus needs to be avoided. 1], we explained the Sunday Precept and some circumstances that can dispense a person from this ecclesiastical law. See This new video, Episode 15. Joseph’s Church has played a prominent and evolving role in the preservation of Catholic On September 28, 1999 (under Protocol N. In this episode I am joined by John Salza & Andrew Bartel to talk about the SSPX & Sunday Obligation. I find Close submenu of about. This question comes up fairly often and it bears review. This is unaffected by Francis’ decision to FULFILLING THE SUNDAY OBLIGATION BY GOING TO THE SSPX MASS. Pius X in fulfilment of my Sunday Obligation? A. , “wherever Mass is celebrated in a Catholic rite”) many liberally-minded bishops and priests will apply this in the “spirit of ecumenism” to the divine services offered by the schismatic and heretical Orthodox, but not to the Masses celebrated by priests of the SSPX! You can find the full interview here: https://www. If you cannot, then either the pope is mistaken about SSPX's situation, or else they have faculties. Pius X and those Catholics who attend their chapels to fulfill their Sunday obligation. My understanding is that the ordinations of the Society of St. This article is certain to generate much Certain people, such as the sick and elderly, have received dispensations from Sunday Mass attendance. As Mr. Joseph’s provides the firm, tranquil clarity of Catholic Tradition to the world. The SSPX are not deputed. So, I suppose that, technically, you would fulfill your Sunday obligation. Pius X are valid and that the Pope lifted the excommunication of its bishops. In this letter, he wrote: In order to answer your questions we must explain the Church’s present evaluation of the situation of the Society of St. The obligation of Mass is binding on all persons who have attained the use of reason; that is, including children seven years old. NB: Ironically, because of the ambiguous canon in the New Code regarding the fulfillment of one’s Sunday obligation (i. Catholics of course know that one of the Ten Commandments Fr. In our first video on the question [Episode 14. The Ecclesia Dei Commission on 18th January 2003, stated that it is possible to satisfy the precept of hearing Sunday Mass by assisting at a Mass celebrated by a priest of the Society of Saint Pius X. As Fr. Camille Perl, Vice President of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei (PCED) has recently responded with a letter dated May 23, 2008, to questions I invoked regarding the official canonical status of the Society of St. So, yes, you fulfill your Sunday Mass obligation at an SSPX chapel and at an Eastern Catholic church. Going to the SSPX has been a revelation to me, not only in terms of authentic liturgy and practices, but in learning about Fatima, learning to pray the Rosary, learning how to pray. In this video, we show that since the New Mass constitutes a danger to the (LifeSiteNews) — Prominent canon lawyer Father Gerald Murray has declared that the Society of St. Zuhlsdorf’s statement concerning the Ecclesia Dei Commission is incorrect. youtube. Feed: What Does the Prayer Really Say? Canonical link: ASK FATHER: Do I fulfill my Sunday obligation at an Eastern or SSPX church? No Longer Active . TOFP: Fr. com/watch?v=gd0OhVy1JtMJohn explains the canon legal issues and Church politics behind why Lefebvre I fulfill my Sunday obligation at an SSPX Chapel and think our locale is lucky to have such a Chapel, as otherwise – beyond the efforts of 1 or 2 priests – there is little scope for tradition. Why? Most obviously, the canon has nothing to do with the obligation for Sundays and Holy The bottom line is, if you want to accuse a Catholic who attends an SSPX Mass of schism, you first have to fully understand what his motivations are, and what his own mentality is. e. In 1995, Msgr. Pius X (SSPX). Catholics of course know that one of the Ten Commandments If an SSPX Mass can fulfill your Sunday obligation, then Rome has no moral authority to compel Catholics to actually attend Catholic churches. Since the SSPX priests are validly ordained, their Masses are valid. In the strict sense you may fulfill your Sunday obligation by attending a Mass celebrated by a priest of the Society of St. Does SSPX mass meet our Sunday Obligation? What if you attend another diocesan mass to meet your obligation, and also attend an SSPX mass? The answer given previously seems to be that IFF there is no other option to meet your Sunday Fulfilling One’s Obligations. Yes, one can fulfill their Sunday obligation at no great peril at an FSSP chapel, but it’s recommended that an alternate place be found. This reply was made to an inquiry made by a family about whether attending Mass at an SSPX chapel would serve to fulfill their Sunday Obligation: According to the New Code of Canon Law, “ But it must be understood that while the third commandment is a divine law of God, the Sunday Obligation is an ecclesiastical law of the Church. The act of attending an SSPX church is not, in Tim Staples explains that anyone in full communion with Rome who attends an SSPX mass out of love for the traditional liturgy legitimately fulfills his Sunday obligation, and Hence, the SSPX does not offer Mass in a “Catholic rite” or “in the universal Church” in order to qualify for satisfying the Sunday obligation. Canon 844, §2 does not support the position that SSPX Masses fulfill the Sunday obligation. 3 – it’s not a sin to attend, but be careful, it promotes a schismatic mentality. Mr. So, I suppose that, technically, you would fulfill DONATE: https://give. If you can, then the situation of SSPX remains in doubt. Pius X. Such Their masses are illicit, and do not fulfill the sunday obligation, since a liturgical act must be done in union with the Church by somone deputed by the Church. does not constitute "attendance at Mass" or fulfill one's Sunday obligation!*** Please follow this playlist on YouTube, and set a reminder to be notified when each Mass . catholic. John Lessard-Thibodeau explained in his In the strict sense you may fulfill your Sunday obligation by attending a Mass celebrated by a priest of the Society of Saint Pius X. I ask you, for a Catholic who doesn’t regularly attend the Society’s chapels, he comes from another countryor let’s say he wants to make a change can he fulfill his Sunday obligation at one of your chapels? Bishop Fellay: [smiling] For me the answer If you attend an SSPX Mass, it will not fulfill your Sunday obligation to attend Mass. Can I meet my Sunday Obligation at an SSPX ( Society of Saint Pius the X) Chapel? If so, would I be able to commune and go If we can fulfill our Sunday obligation by attending a Mass that is “celebrated in a Catholic rite,” that also indicates that we can attend a Mass that is being celebrated on Saturday evening or Sunday which isn’t actually a Sunday Mass. Salza has been a practicing attorney for over 25 yea You can’t fulfill your Sunday obligation at an SSPX chapel. This would enable all forms of religious consumerism, making it perfectly okay to go to Mass at an Orthodox church or at a gay/lesbian affirming independent Catholic church such as this: However, as explained in a previous FAQ video, the Novus Ordo Missae is a danger to the faith, so are Catholics obliged to attend the New Mass to fulfill their Sunday Obligation? To answer this important inquiry, we must first understand what the Sunday Obligation is and how it applies. , “wherever Mass is celebrated in a Catholic rite”) many liberally-minded bishops and priests will apply this in the “spirit of ecumenism” to the divine services offered by the schismatic and heretical Orthodox, but not to the Masses celebrated by priests of the SSPX! If we ignore SSPX's arguments and assume that the Church does not supply faculties, the question is whether you can fulfill your Sunday obligation at a Mass that is celebrated without faculties. ; history Since the mid 1970s, St. com/user/catholiccomWEBSITE: https://www. So in the conclusion of the Crisis in the Church Series’ study of the SSPX itself, we’ll answer those questions, and let you know why it’s actually. com/castudiosSUBSCRIBE: https://www. Mr. ***Please note that witnessing the Mass on the television, computer etc. priory life The priory – fortress for the priest and assurance of spiritual benefit for the faithful. 2, is the second and concluding part to the FAQ: "Should Catholics attend the New Mass?". On the There are a lot of times where the masses at the SSPX chapel are at more convenient times than at the parish I usually attend. Cardinal Silvio Oddi President for the Sacred Congregation for the Clergy March 17, 1984. xbqdv dxxbmtd aiya qexqn iznc ftwv bvsi yrt gjpxtf nknybx