Ark blurry textures fix. However, the distance looks pretty blurry for some reason.
Ark blurry textures fix ini file? Or is this just the way it's supposed to look in Mar 30, 2017 路 I have Ark on a mix of medium, high and epic settings, mainly have the textures on high because of this problem. Welcome to the Ark: Survival Evolved and Ark: Survival Ascended Subreddit ADMIN MOD Blurry wing textures on ASA? Help Idk exactly how to explain it, but when I Even with all settings on Low, Ark doesn’t and shouldn’t usually look that bad. Once a second they go from looking blurry to looking extremely blurry and back again. I have a snow owl that when I looked at and if its eyes were fuzzy and not like super clear still even after messing with the resolution scale that's when I went and updated my drivers and it's smooth sailing now Certain creatures are stuck using their far away LODS, terrain and rocks look muddy and blurry and low quality. And I've noticed the issue with a lot of rocks on the map, too. Always on the same pc I have today so I was wondering: Lately I've been doing my NVIDIA updates and recently I realized ark has been STRUGGLING with textures. Jun 8, 2019 路 The Amino for all your Ark needs! Reply to: 馃ィRavenger Soup馃ィ. It's fine on texture settings epic. It's blurry, its laggy, it screen tears, and it isn't optimized for sh*t but atleast it's still playable with these fixes. After I did that smooth map and no more fuzzy Dino's. it will turn this off for ark only. co/Dt2RNh3 I just got this game today, and was baffled at how shit it ran, at the character creation screen everything is foggy and you can't even see the character, in game everything is blurry from a far which I'd a bummer because that's the main part I was looking forward for, looking into the vastness of the world with high quality. If you put textures to low then you’ll get the bug the meshes glitch out and you’ll get the cardboard low poly meshes. Nov 29, 2023 路 I've noticed that most textures ingame look extremely blurry when moving like its being used with DLSS . streaming. Sep 17, 2024 路 For God Sake Will Someone Fix The Bloody Blurry Graphics FFS where do these developers get off trying to pass off this crap as high quality im running on a ryzen 5 Apr 8, 2024 路 Hi survivors! With the launch of Scorched Earth I started to play Ark more and I recognized a strange bug. For others changing the textures to low and then back fixed it. Nov 2, 2024 路 I have the same issue as him and lowering textures make the map blurry at all times. Already tried verifying files, reseting graphics, changed graphics setting from low to high to medium. I have tried uninstalling the Yeah I have both the series S and X and honestly the difference is negligible imo graphics wise at least, both are blurry and while I do think the over world and dinos look better to a degree, the player models are ass. Performance /+ ULTRA is what causes that. But progressively more and more items begin dropping to really blurry, low res textures. is there anyway that wildcard would fix that causeit looks down bad for High Textures. Changing visual settings doesn't do anything except putting it to low which only makes it worse. 4970k stock , 16 gig ram , 1080 Ti stock , ALL settings epic 3440 x 1440 , 60 fps everywhere . Welcome to ARK: Survival Ascended Reddit Community! Here we will discuss upcoming updates, guides, tips & tricks, tribe recruitment, trades and many other ARK related content. Texture LOD Bias settings. Everything seemed very fuzzy, out of focus, and low-resolution textures, despite having fairly high graphics settings and trying the classic solutions like disabling motion blur, disabling anti aliasing, and maxing my render scale. Anyone got a Apr 1, 2018 路 Hey so I reinstalled ARK after a few months of taking a break, and the first thing I notice when getting into my single player world is blurry textures. If I open my inventory then my noob thatch structure goes completely blurry and borked until I close the inventory, then will resume cycling Dec 21, 2024 路 my pc is not bad,but in extinctioin map my textures not loading,and the map has already been discovered and is all blurred So some idea whats causing the prob? I have a I5-7600 with a GTX 1060 3gb, 8gb Ram. This is something new for me because at the start of asa it didn't behave this way. Temp's don't go over 60c latest drivers. Ark video settings are all on high. Played Evolved when it first dropped and got all the DLC content. When asking a question or stating a problem, please add as much detail as possible. Nov 13, 2024 路 The textures are heavily smeared, as if toko entered the game, but they don't load. You could try that. Feb 26, 2020 路 @bedbug seems to have found a fix and it also worked for me. Mar 10, 2024 路 Tons of threads if you search for "LOD Issue blurry textures Ark". VolumetricCloud 0 r. All my textures are for some reason blurry. Oct 28, 2023 路 Does anyone know how to make the game sharper and less blurry, im playing on near max settings and have all the fps stuff done, AA disabled in the nvidia panel and everything but my game still looks muddy and everything just looks blended together. And noticed my dinos are blurry no matter what settings I changed and slightly less important but I've noticed my characters legs sink into the ground in some areas too This has NEVER happened before I have changed nothing in my settings or add-ons from just recently when it was fine Jan 7, 2021 路 Ark has never been the prettiest game, even on the higher settings. Sep 6, 2024 路 I love them. Sep 11, 2024 路 This happens to me sometimes when i exit full screen buy accidentally hitting F11 the game resolution changes and i have to go into settings and reset it to my monitor's native resolution. I think it has to do with global illumination. Seems to be getting worse every texture optimization patch for me. i only tried to adjust from what i remembered in my memory but from the looks of my game im missing something. For some Reason if I put my Textures on "High" or lower all of the Stones bekome low Poly bad textured Stones. Here is what i came to. and I don't like the look of my roo when his nose is all blurry. The problem of blurry textures is still there though. Thank you, finally after 8 months I can see the map. Feb 3, 2024 路 I had this issue as well with nvidia. So I’ve been playing ark on and off for the past few years and I decided to try it out once again. Is there any way to fix this? I could perhaps find a work around for the map, but the blurry textures just hurt my eyes. I do play for mods and on this reinstall it didn't show up until I put mods in but I've been playing with the same mods I put in for years without anything resembling this issue. it only happens on certain places on the map, I have 18gb ram, 4VRAM gtx 1650 i59300H, other maps dont have this problem, my friend playing says he has same problem. The graphics are just horrible. If you have a specific Keyboard/Mouse/AnyPart that is doing something strange, include the model number i. THIS command fixed it, thank you! how do i fix my graphics settings to make it look sharp? this is my in game settings right now. I'm on Xbox Series X and had no issues with any graphics or lag until the last huge update. yeah Make sure the Bars aren't super Low. Let me grab them: r. At the same time, the game is calm at high settings, but with blurred textures (car brands, inscriptions on cars, displays in cabins, cultures). For past 2 days i was testing graphic settings to fix blurry map. Only when I set textures on EPIC Hi, I've been playing ark for a while now and never had an issue like this. P. Also, you may want to do a verify on the game if it is that bad. May 22, 2017 路 Ark Survival Evolved PC bad texture fix. This can fix the blurry map issue in most cases. Select manage 3d settings. Turn off motion blur aswell. You will still need to adjust some things for personal preference, but the Ark should look pretty again. For example the map texture didn’t load properly and was unreadable, when it is normally a high quality texture(or at least readable) even in Extremely Low Memory Mode with all settings on low I know it's specifically this mod, I've got like 20 others and they run perfectly fine. Hi, I've been playing ark for a while now and never had an issue like this. Mode 3 USe those 2, and clouds dont flicker AND they look smoother. Chances are that the blurry textures return to normal once standing still, which, confirms that it is in fact the performance setting. Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this and if there's some way to fix it. Absolute hell on my eyes when everything green has no edges An hour later my game is back to normal except for the Ground/Terrain which looks Blurry, My map is stuck pixelated, Aswell as the mod thumbnail when you pause the game. Getting rid of the foliage layer helps to reduce overhead. Installation: Simply extract the archive to the game folder. Any idea how this is possible + fix? Comparison between wolf, rex and quetz Dec 4, 2024 路 As you all know when you start up ark it's a steaming pile of Horsesh*t. Feb 6, 2021 路 Almost unplayable blurry. I highly recommend leave textures on epic and just put the dlss to balance, it just works much better. If i destroy one structure, all structures which are connected to it will fix there textures immediatelly, they will get blurry again when i leave the viewdistance and come back. Frankly, DLSS is now broken. Its Beautiful The sharpening works with AA override in borderless, but on initial testing the blurred texture issue was still present when using radeon image sharpening at 70%(my default game profile) & only fully resolved when enabling AA override, I'll try spending more time testing as it could have been issues with the radeon game profiles too since two were created so I still have to 'double check'. I can chage the resolution from anything and doesnt make a difference. Perhaps you need a higher res screenshot to show the problem (or maybe it has to do with your monitor, which we can't see). 4GHz RAM: 8GB Nvidia GeForce 840M (ARK is Aug 26, 2017 路 All settings maxed out but the game seems kinda blurry specially on a more than 3 meters distance everything starts to blurr out I mean wtf it looks like shit. Once loaded set textured back to however you have them. I used to have an issue of ark looking awful and blurry even on max settings. I recently bought a 1080 ti and i'm now able to play all epic , except the problem is the map is still super blurry and all dino textures and cliffsides and ground textures etc are all set to low settings when everything is on epic. Whenever I load the game the textures don't seem to want to work. When i got the computer everything was awesome! Amazing Graphics and FPS. Go to your Geforce console and optimize Ark. They need to fix this fast but they won't found how to fix this issue :lunar2019coolpig: just type in console sg. Following instructions in this thread: This is intended for The Isle: Evrima, but doing this + opening my gameusersettings. Posted by u/Jessie246 - 1 vote and 3 comments Nov 5, 2021 路 Having this issue on my RX 6700 XT at 3440x1440, hope the fix helps others. It's the settings below. Mar 13, 2022 路 I have a problem with lost island graphics, mountains dinos stones trees etc are blurry and textures not loading, i have tried reinstalling graphics drivers verifying 10 times reinstalling 3 times nothing works Does anyone have the same problem if you have is there any known fix for this Just want to add discussion for those who need help with graphic settings. be upvotes Playing on Ps5 here and after last nights update the game is unplayable on Lost Island…. Have the same problem and they aren't going to hd textures until im very very close to them. Floors not loading in, textures are horrible, couldn’t access a red drop as it had meshed into the floor, the redwood castle where I’ve built my base has all the textures missing and certain parts of the floor is missing…. If you haven't done that yet, start the game using the second last option "Reset Game resolution" and than readjust your settings to where you had them before. VolumetricRenderTarget. I turned a bunch of settings down and now it just as bright as outside. However, I've been playing with my driver settings outside of the This map fix is for the PC version - if you have the XBox version with the same error and find out how to fix it please do no hesitate to link it in the comm I have a very weird Problem. Oct 5, 2024 路 Disabling Lumen offers a significant reduction in image grain. Rocks/Trees also look Low res Including the "Hit" decal that appears when you punch them. My graphics is on high and looks like playdough. The shadows, rocks, and trees look kinda grainy whenever I move my character. Is there a way to fix this in the settings or in a . Jun 28, 2016 路 Hey so i have a Aeon 3300 Gaming Desktop Intel Core i5-4690K 4. an SSD will yield the best performance for ark Im hoping this in an issue that they address soon, Wildcard is synonymous with bad launches lmao. 0GHz Overclocked, Liquid CPU Cooling, 8GB RAM, 240GB SSD, Nvidia GTX 970 4GB, Windows 10 64 Bit computer, and when i run Ark everything is fine, but when i get in game the graphic's in the background look really blurry and it looks more pixelated. prolonged blurry textures could be the result of a slow storage drive. But its Oct 26, 2023 路 It seems devs did a newbie fail setting map as a general texture instead of setting it as UI texture, so any graphical setting for textures lower than epic blurs it. Bye, bye blurry world! :D My computer specs: OS: 64-Bit Win7 CPU: 1. Jun 11, 2023 路 This is a video for tech support over at GeForce Now. I added a Parasaur in the grass to show exactly how it looks. Even when I have textures on HIGH they are still the same blurry as on LOW. Poolsize 0 helps, recent few days this option just drops my fps to 9-20fps idk what ark does, but graphics settings were better when it was launched, no blurry textures, just low fps, but at least was eye appealing and playable Make Ark's screen resolution setting match with your pc default resolution. Anyone got a For a while I couldn't figure out why ARK made my eyes hurt so much. I used to have this bug once in a while, 258 fixed it for me and caused it for others. Not sure what causes this or is it cuz I dont have a top of the Oct 12, 2024 路 Just got a PC upgrade and was excited to try this game out again, since my old PC would struggle so much. It seems textures on anything other than epic bugs. Disable HLOD to Off increases distance image quality. 00001 I am using an RX 7900XTX, I have motion blur off. Jul 7, 2017 路 If so, it will now "optimize" settings for Ark. Oct 25, 2017 路 I would remove the launch options that you have, you don't really need it with what you are runing. After that mouse hover over Ark Survival Evolved picture in Home Games & Apps tab click on "Details" box. Proper fix was to go from fullscreen to window mode and back to fullscreen and it got fixed. And so does the Ground. Does anyone know how to fix this yet? Aug 27, 2015 路 My specs: GPU: AMD Radeon HD 7750 (2gb Video RAM) (overclockable) CPU: AMD FX 6350 Six core processor 3. Only thing is increasing the setting for texture quality and that will improve all textures, dinos too, but it will reduce the framerate when a lot of objects and dinos are loaded when arriving in big bases Jun 4, 2021 路 it could also be storage device related as well. Switching to Full screen cut my FPS in half but the game looked MUCH sharper and the text was clear. But they look so bad on aberration for some reason. My wife has pretty much a similar cpu with a GTX 1060 6gb, 16gb Ram. ViewRaySampleMaxCount 64 r. One can reduce Draw Distance, remove HUDs not in use, turn off thumbnails in chat, restart the viewer, and pay attention to what you are wearing and your ACI/ARC. VolumetricCloud. The default config only makes the texture streaming more agressive. Putting it on OFF will make your textures sharp again whilst moving around but of course at the cost of a few costly frames. My specs are Win10, i7-4790k, 24GB Ram, AMD 390x 8GB VRAM, latest drivers as of yesterday. I've watched other videos on YouTube, others are fine. Sometimes it's the whole map that won't load (For the sake of not explaining over and over, everything looks like it's on low graphics settings) or it's just parts. Dec 2, 2024 路 Blurry Dinos on all Settings (4090) Solved Windows files in game block GPU (delete them to fix) Reinstalling completely might fix it for a little bit but it always goes back to looking like this. Like I mentioned, never had this issue before, have been playing on and off for about a year now. However, the game might feel a bit choppy after some hours’ worth of time. Anyone got a fix for this? Thanks! Jun 4, 2021 路 Check the resolution scale in game settings. Is it because of my potato graphics card or is just ARK being ARK? Oct 26, 2023 路 r. I have everything maxed out entirely and I am getting very smooth frames. Not only i fixed map, but game looks better and is still running without lags. With the launch of Scorched Earth I started to play Ark more and I recognized a strange bug. The distant trees look blurry and pixelated. Thankfully I never purchased Ark Evolved so I went for this one just to have it. IMG: https://ibb. I do find Crystal Isles to be a bright map, and you might find it helps to turn down the brightness on your monitor. 70GHz (4 CPUs), ~2. "ITS FREE"Click "Show More" to read the video description!!Hey guys - Welcome Oct 26, 2023 路 Every single peice of foliage in my world continually switches between low poly and fully loaded every second. I realized it was set to 720p instead of 1080p. Take care. You can try running Ark in Reset Active Total Conversion mode. Thanks to Max Evans. Still blur after being on. Is there a command to fix this? What could I do to improve them? Feb 16, 2017 路 Update: When I place a structure affected by the bug, it seems the game is forced to load the correct texture, but only for a few moments For example, all ceilings in my build have blurred textures; I add a ceiling to the build and the textures on all ceilings in the build suddenly become high resolution, but become blurry again after a few seconds! Oct 26, 2023 路 When I first launched the game and set it to 4k, I was getting very good FPS but it looked a bit blurry, and when I tried to read text I realized it was very blurry and obviously not at 4k despite the UI saying it was. meant to mention that ealier. this took care of the inventory screen glitch for me. I have the resolution 100% and I can't have my textures lower then epic. Jun 24, 2016 路 Anyone else having issues with there map being completely blurred out after the redwood update? Its odd, its like got some odd blur completely all over it, moving around the map doesn't fix it. clean graphics and fps boost ;) hey so i have console as tilde and it's turned on but i can't open it still? do you know how to fix? It just bugs out, I always leave textures on epic. ASA (obviously) aint running as good. Oct 29, 2023 路 There is a fix for that, 2 console commands. Im come back for the abberation update and textures on all maps are god awful and polygon like. as you can see when you look far away every texture has this jagged lines like pixelated even the hands Sep 29, 2015 路 Since the latest update the textures in the game have been extremely blurry, like they haven't loaded in properly. gg/q7q9hnZHxROddessyMart Discord Link: http Jun 1, 2017 路 Blurry textures Hi after the 258 update wall beds and floors are blurry and fade in and out I have settings to high epic on a 1080 4790k 32gb ram @ 4k res before it was fine any idea what can be done or changed this is on the island the center and ragnarok maps Oct 26, 2023 路 Hey, terrain / foliage textures do not load and a lot of models are use low-poly LOD versions of themselves if my textures arent set to epic. Sep 2, 2017 路 Now, lets get this out of they way before you guys start accusing me of being one of the few people who 'complain' despite my computer specs not being good enough PC Specs • OS: Windows 10 Premium • CPU: Intel Core i5 6600 3. Everything looks low-res and very plastic and I can't seem to find a solution. from what im aware there is no AI upscale for AMD cards yet, how can i fix this? Jun 15, 2017 路 This low texture problem is a bug some people seem to get. It is worth mentioning that this option is a more generic fix to the texture-based issues that are present in Ark: Survival Evolved. I found what might be a partial fix. this is what in game looks like. 5000 to -3. Jan 11, 2024 路 So a texture render starts blurry and progresses to sharp and clear and then reverts to blurry and re-renders repeating the process again and again. Anyone else noticing this kind of I have a very weird Problem. Then select program settings and select ark. ----- ADDITIONAL FINDINGS -----Radeon Image sharpening alone is eno May 18, 2017 路 My map has always been blurry and I assumed it was because I was on low textures. everything in my settings besides foliage is pretty much high or epic but everything on extinction does not look good for me, not to mention the fact I cannot even access any of the BTT skins anymore on any map. The water's ripples completely disappear too and for example chitin, flak and hide armor do not load the model properly either, just if i open my inventory. I've tried many things such as reloading the resolution, changing the launch settings, updating and changing around graphic settings to no avail. 8. 3GHz • COOLING: Corsair Cooling Hydro Series H75 • GPU: ASUS GeForce GTX 1080 Founders Edition 8GB • RAM: Corsair Vengeance RGB 300Mhz DDR4 RAM 32GB • MOBO This subreddit is dedicated to providing programmer support for the game development platform, GameMaker Studio. The textures of Ark:Survival Evolved are being completely blurry even if the settings are set to Epic quality, this happens in the steam version of the game since January GFN - Tech Support 2 Welcome to the Ark: Survival Evolved and Ark: Survival Ascended Subreddit Members Online They finally added my favorite aquatic dino to the game, to bad it’s a premium mod but is what it is, I wasn’t missing out on it May 1, 2016 路 The textures of my dinos are set on high, but even so, my wolfs and rexes have the blurry textures one would get if the setting was on low. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The Dear Jane icon for animated series when hitting escape also get flashes of blur. But whenever I activated DC, the textures for the ground go blurry, and my map itself just becomes a mess. On both consoles. or it goes all blurry. Members Online Ark modded blurry textures Check your resolution slider or you may have to update your drivers like me. For PC questions/assistance. Lost Ark Blurry Textures in Borderless Fix - RX 6700 XT 3440x1440 youtu. If you disable the in game AA and download shaders from Reshade you will notice a huge difference. I have tried adjusting the graphics and resolution scale but I get a significant drop in FPS (usually to around 15-20) Is there any way around this?. Sometimes the dinos textures will be blurry Hello, So around 5months ago my graphics became very blurry and everything that was 10meters away from me looked horrible some textures seem to be flickering and it just looks horrible I know my pc can handle the game as I get 80fps at epic my resolution slider is at 100% all graphic settings are on except low streaming thingy any help would be appreciated as I love this game but it looks horrible May 22, 2024 路 Hi im on xbox series X and ASA is blurry like textures arent loading in, the map is blurred and tips or something seems like it gets worse each update 6 hours ago, Joebl0w13 said: The map should not be blurry like that. Anyone know a fix for that? I tried validating. At first it was affecting mostly modded maps but now it also goes to official maps as well, making textures blurry no matter what settings I put in. When I do, the fix that always works (for me, YMMV) is to load in - set textured to epic and resolution scale to max, restart the game (logging out and back in doesn't fix it) and load back in. To restore values to default you can click on Jul 31, 2020 路 Actually the AA Ark uses is what is causing the blurry textures a film grain look like its running on a lower resolution scale. meaning a mechanical HDD. Made sure to disable it Oct 30, 2023 路 I must admit, i dont have great pc, but my ASE was at least looking good and was running good. Hope this helps. GameMaker Studio is designed to make developing games fun and easy. Go into Nvidia Geforce Experience. However, I feel like there is something off in my graphics. Global Illumination Quality to Medium substantially reduced edge artifacts due to lighting. Mar 30, 2024 路 Hi, Like most, I hate the graphics bug (grainy images, especially with movement) introduced in ASA game client 36. This time I noticed it first on a camp fire, and then my wood door frame, then the wood foundation. 0000 for Texture Filtering - LOD Bias (DX) if you find that the game still looks blurry or too sharp for you. Thank you SO MUCH! I’m playing on Series S and it was looking completely abysmal so I tried many different console commands and they only made it look a little better but didn’t help much with the blurry textures and practically nonexistent map texture. There are workarounds. If you go into the nvidia control panel. Feel free to post and ask your questions. The volumetric effects are major contributors of artifacts. ini in Engine and saving them helped with that. Can anyone help i mostly run everything on high and maybe epic somethings. But when i go up close it slowly goes back to normal, it doesn't look so bad in pics for some reason but ingame it looks terrible, when you zoom in you can Jun 3, 2015 路 ugh! I don't understand this. Mar 2, 2024 路 High or Epic-weird pulsating light, ground and rock textures blurry unless textures set to Epic. As much as I love Ark and Wildcard, this game has to be the worst looking game on the Series S. I play with a rented Nitrado server for just myself and one other and before The official subreddit for ARK: Survival Evolved and ARK: Survival Ascended Not an official support channel. Settings which I would believe are responsible for this type of things are textures and mesh LOD all of which are on max. I can't find any way to tune my graphics to eliminate all jittering, jarring transitions, pixel dancing and other such effects. go down to antialiasing gamma correction and turn it off. Log out of the game completely. #15 Showing 1 - 15 of 24 comments Jan 15, 2022 路 So I downloaded the new Lost Island map last night and today when trying it out I noticed that some textures keep cycling through different quality levels or something. S: the game does not slow down, does not lag, shadows, lighting, reflection - everything works, but the Sep 5, 2024 路 After abberation my playing od ark asa centar got so bad i play on ps 5 and before update sad little laggy but good now after update is so bad when I land on beach game glitch so much and all stones and little things disappear and when I move some time agien game glitch a lot and all agien disappeared game is unplayable like this pls fix this and when I mount or diss mount Dino glitches too Dec 21, 2024 路 The mini map is all pixelated, explorer notes load in terrible quality, and the titans and meks spawn in the same poor quality as they did in evolved. Mar 10, 2017 路 I have an issue with the textures of some structures like bonfires, beds or wooden foundation or ceiling, they look like the would not load completely and stay blurry. Xbox series s/x commands: To start off head on into the setting. Thanks! In this short Video i show you how to fix blurry Textures on Xbox Series X. Is there a setting to fix these? if not then the game is absolutely terrible. TextureQuality 4 and textures on Aberration come back to normal :lunar2019piginablanket: Nov 7, 2024 路 Yea, textures get downgraded automatically, no matter what settings you use, only r. I believe it also works on Series S and PS5 but i'm not sure - try it out ;-)If yo Jun 25, 2018 路 Texture resolution, game resolution, and Vsync are probably the only things you should let the game manage by itself - use your nvidia app for everything else when it comes to Ark. Now its been crashing since the last few updates , believe its a memory leak but thats a whole different issue. After some failing. Thanks in advance. Heard about ASA dropping and finally decided to grab it from the Microsoft store. For the fix to work you must transition from the check box being off to on, you can't simply lea How To Get High Quality Textures! (Ark)Join My Discord Server For My Ini/crosshair/game settings: https://discord. Also the scope on a sniper go blurry every few seconds. This actually seems to be getting worse as time goes on. Check your resolution. ----- Dec 4, 2024 路 Can anyone help me fix the Graphical issues thats going in my game? I havent played in over a year had the game running and looking normal with Super Resolution scalled for 2k from 1080p. So I'm a huge fan of Ark. Apr 22, 2021 路 Lately I've been doing my NVIDIA updates and recently I realized ark has been STRUGGLING with textures. The problem is the shadow filter that applies to the volumetric clouds, they are all wrong. Yeah even with source of light (standing torches) it was very dark in my base. Click "Apply changes" on the top right then close the application Launch the game and enjoy better looking textures! You can adjust the values from -0. I had a similar problem, where times when I change the game resolution to play on my TV, the apply/save didn't work and it feels like it goes to a lower resolution. Disable everything in the graphics besides color grading and vsync. It actually does not matter on how I set my graphic settings at all. I also tried setting post-processing on EPIC, but nothing changed. And there doesn't seem to be any real fix, other than waiting for WildCard to do so. For some using the "reset resolution" launch option fixed it. hope you find your issue . Before, it used to do this occasionally for a few seconds after I logged on and then go back to normal, but now they don't load in at all. I keep trying to look up fixes to no success. I have everything set on medium, yes i've fiddled with everything to get it to run right. Can someone help Oct 26, 2020 路 The mod makes the texture streaming more aggressive. Not to mentio Jul 20, 2015 路 i know im not the only one having this, yes i know its alpha still, just curious as to why I get in game and probably 10 minutes in tops the textures on everything blur out as if im playing on low or worse settings. 9 (overclockable) Memory: 8 Gb I think it's worth mentioning that this game (along with others) defaults too a 1400x1050. e. . That changes a lot. AntiAliasingMethod 0 open a console and use this commands. Dec 3, 2019 路 I've been playing ark for a while and I've constantly had these strange graphics issues, in the distance the trees, grass, shadows, basically everything always looked so off like extremely pixel like and overall just super terrible looking. There is also an optional config that also loads high-resolution textures sooner and increases the texture pool from 1 GB to 2 GB. Lowering them makes them prettier, here is the fix. The clouds have these weird distortions to them too. For some reason if I put my Textures on "High" or lower all of the Stones become low Poly bad textured Stones. I have all the settings on low with resolution scale max lowering or put everything on max doesnt change the blurry textures. Map is completely blurry/fuzzy and when Tex Rexs are tamed the textures completely go yet in the wild they are completely fine, anyone know a fix for this? May 1, 2017 路 I keep running into this strange problem where when I start a new single player game everything looks great. Hope it helps you as well. Does anyone know how to fix this it makes me lag a bit when I have it on epic. On Nvidia Geforce Experience driver tab - update driver if needed. However, the distance looks pretty blurry for some reason. I do have a 4k monitor and have ther resolution in game 1920x1080. but try putting Textures on High and some dinos like the dodo, dire wolf and megatherium look awful. I'm on Xbox series X. We both are running ark on a Hdd. Jun 4, 2022 路 If you like what your seeing then go a head and hit that subscribe/Like button. Then in the last month the game has nearly became unplayable. ASA: Blurry map on Low/Med/High texture settings. This fixed my blurry map, writing on visual storage mod, textures on other mods, and blurry sky after the patch. Stay safe and stay blessed everyon Jan 23, 2025 路 Sub pls Apr 13, 2017 路 I have a good computer and ive been playing Ark for a long time. alxxsmb ujmrbv lzi alkml xgdtf qlq idxv xdxjb uakodz sxnfr htotkwz uwg cthczv fbsh wfwwiprd