Caramuru biodiesel Biodiesel Unit Sorriso (MT) Port Terminal Santana (AP) Caramuru publishes an annual Sustainability Report that guarantees transparency in its actions and business activities among members of the public. 550 MILLION LITERS OF BIODIESEL PRODUCED PER YEAR. One of the main Brazilian soybean, corn, sunflower, and canola processing companies. ITUMBIARA - GO SOYBEAN Caramuru’s entire production is safely shipped with environmental responsibility by independent, integrated, and intermodal logistics. 000 families are part of the Family Farming project, which fosters and provides technical assistance to small and settled producers Family Farming is aligned with Caramuru’s Vision 2025. The former integrity and privacy. 4 million last year. Em 2006, a Caramuru registrou receita líquida de R$ 1,186 bilhão e lucro líquido de R$ 14,127 milhões. 09 jun 2016 . O grupo de origem paranaense divulgou hoje (20) um fato relevante em seu portal no qual informa ter entrado em uma joint venture com a Biocen para o desenvolvimento do projeto. Based on the sustainable use of natural resources, Caramuru invests in the creation of soy by-products that have high added market value. Jan 6, 2025 · Caramuru. With outstanding performance for the segment NON-GMO, Caramuru Alimentos also processes differentiated products, such as glycerin. The main purpose of Caramuru’s partnership with Junior Achievement, a Civil Society Organization of Public Interest, is to awaken the entrepreneurial spirit of young adults of school age. Site Map . I am interested in acquiring the Company’s products Name. Caramuru Alimentos Credit Research –28 out. media relation. SUPPORT FOR FAMILY FARMING More than 1. The company, which completed 59 years of foundation last week and closed 2022 with the best revenue in its history, will invest R$ 210 million to expand its biodiesel production unit in Ipameri (GO). media relation Feb 6, 2023 · Sunflower flowering time, which attracts farmers and photographers in search of beautiful scenery. Energia limpa e renovável que movimenta o desenvolvimento sustentável. Nov 29, 1999 · Duas unidades da Caramuru devem se instalar em Goiás. Biodiesel 20 Anos: Os pioneiros do setor. CONTACT US; Customer Service; SUPPLIER REGISTRATION; Download the 2020 Sustainability Report Caramuru’s industrial units are located in strategic positions that allow the supply of its industries, as well as the easy flow of its products. 5th largest biodiesel producer in Brazil. With the same quality offered by Caramuru in its consumer products, the Bontrato line is intended for pets, offering them nutritious food of guaranteed origin. media relation Mar 16, 2023 · Caramuru Alimentos, one of the largest grain processors with national capital, also wants to become a reference in biofuels. Caramuru invests in renewable and sustainable technologies that add value to its businesses, society and the environment. Data from Caramuru indicate that the category of differentiated commodities, which includes non-transgenic products, accounts for a 37% slice of the company's net revenue – the highest percentage among all the company's segments, which also operates in biodiesel and commodity trading agricultural. Caramuru’s strategic position is also important for logistics. Entre em contato conosco pelo e-mail: sustentabilidade@caramuru. GET IN TOUCH WITH US THROUGH THE CONTACT INFORMATION PROVIDED BELOW: Customer Service; Whistleblowing Channel; Work With Us; Join Our Team of Partners Caramuru is a leading Brazilian company engaged in the processing of soybean, corn, sunflower, and canola; production of grain; extraction and refining of oils; export of soybean grain, soybean meal, oil, lecithin, soybean protein concentrate (SPC); and production of biodiesel and refined glycerin. com. media relation If you believe you can be a future CARAMURU partner, follow the instructions below: Email your company presentation with your product portfolio to us at supplies@caramuru. media relation Caramuru. Non-transgenic products with international certification. Uma das maiores produtoras de biodiesel no Brasil, a empresa promove a agricultura familiar por meio do Programa Nacional de Produção e Uso do Biodiesel – PNPB, que lhe garante o Selo Combustível Social. BiodieselBR. SÃO SIMÃO - GO SOYBEAN Jan 17, 2019 · Assediada nos últimos anos por investidores interessados em adquirir uma participação em seu capital ou em incluí-la em parcerias ou joint ventures, a Caramuru Alimentos, ainda uma das maiores processadoras de grãos de capital nacional, continua a procurar maneiras de reduzir custos e agregar valor a seus produtos e, se nenhuma proposta interessante aparecer, seguir seu caminho por conta Caramuru’s industrial units are located in strategic positions that allow the supply of its industries, as well as the easy flow of its products. RESOURCES No files for selected year. com Make sure to include the following details about the company in your message: Corporate Name, Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ), Inception Date, Website, City/State, and Relações com investidores. Produce vegetable oils, biodiesel, glicerine, licetine integrity and privacy. Conferência BiodieselBR 2020 Sep 19, 2017 · A usina da Caramuru em Sorriso (MT) recebeu da ANP nessa terça-feira (19) a autorização que permite colocar a planta em operação. 3 UNIDADES DE PRODUÇÃO DE BIODIESEL. Caramuru Alimentos S. media relation Caramuru Alimentos S. Caramuru produces XNUMX% clean and renewable biofuel from organic vegetable matter, replacing fossil sources, and providing environmental gains for the planet and society. Aug 18, 2023 · Brazil’s sixth-largest biodiesel producer Caramuru Alimentos announced Aug. “Vamos fazer biodiesel a partir de soja, nabo forrageiro, girassol e pinhão manso, conforme competitividade, oferta e preço dessas matérias- primas. The United States, Germany, Turkey, South Korea, Denmark, Italy, and Brazil are some of the countries where our products have already succeeded. media relation compliance with legal requirements from federal and municipal control bodies and from customers. Segundo dados da Ministério da Indústria, Comércio Exterior e Serviços, em julho cada a glicerina loira foi exportada valendo, em média, US$ 302,54. Nov 9, 2022 · Nos dados compilados pela Caramuru, a tendência é de que a produção de soja na safra 2022/23 alcance o recorde de 152 milhões de toneladas, fato que, somado à demanda adicional para o biodiesel, permitirá um incremento na fabricação de óleo em 3%, para 10,2 milhões de toneladas. O óleo que resta nós envasamos com a marca Sinhá ou transformamos em combustível”, diz o executivo. 16 it has started selling hydrous soy ethanol produced at its industrial complex in Sorriso, Mato Grosso, making it one of the first in Brazil—and the world—to produce soy ethanol on a commercial scale. Santos Port (SP) Soy Lecithin Factory São Simão (GO) 2007. Corporate Profile; History; Mission, Vision and Values; Sustaintability Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM) – a Caramuru não é uma empresa listada na B3, mas é registrada na CVM como categoria A e cumpre com todas as obrigações exigidas pelo órgão. br 107 1 comentário Media Relation Contact FSB Comunicação to talk to our media relations department at: Jun 6, 2023 · Sorriso é a mais nova – e menor – usina de biodiesel do Grupo Caramuru. Embora já operasse com soja desde os anos 1980, foi só com o lançamento do PNPB que o negócio entrou no radar do grupo. UF The production of soybean ethanol in the industry reduces dependence on fuel generated from other raw materials and avoids new CO 2 emissions, besides increasing the supply of non-fossil fuels, generating jobs and income. Leilões de biodiesel Paradas reduzem oferta em 22,5 milhões de litros no L49. 02 dez 2020 . | 41,982 followers on LinkedIn. integrity and privacy. Com 102,6 mil m³ em capacidade produtiva, a unidade está em operação desde setembro de 2017. Uma nota que foi divulgada hoje (16) pela área de relações com investidores do grupo informa que a empresa iniciou as vendas do produto fabricado em seu complexo industrial de Sorriso (MT). In the area of social responsability, the company stands out for more than a decade in the development of the program learning with you and supporting the projects of Junior Achievement Program. Caramuru’s sustainable initiatives. ANIMAL SEGMENT Caramuru Alimentos supplies products for several animal categories, such as pigs, poultry, fish, dogs, and cats, and their nutritional needs. Produce vegetable oils, biodiesel, glicerine, licetine Mar 24, 2019 · SAN ANTONIO (ICIS)–Caramuru, a large soy processor and major biodiesel producer, has increased glycerine refining capacity and will have new US Pharmacopeia (USP) certified vegetable refined glycerine available for export by the end of 2019, an executive at the Brazilian company said on Sunday. A empresa, que atua no segmento agroindustrial, tem filiais em seis estados brasileiros. caramuru The opinion of our customers, consumers, and partners is essential. The Sustentar Program, created and executed by Caramuru, guides and monitors the processes of raw material suppliers to promote understanding and the application of sustainable principles in rural activities by providing constant training and sharing the best management practices. | 42,037 followers on LinkedIn. Aug 16, 2023 · Brazilian food and fuel processor Caramuru Alimentos, one of the country's largest grain crushers, is also a global leader in biofuels such as ethanol and soy-based biodiesel. Oct 27, 2023 · A Caramuru é a sexta maior empresa do país em processamento de soja (com capacidade anual para processar 2 milhões de toneladas), a segunda maior em processamento de milho (com capacidade anual de processamento de 470 mil toneladas) e o sexto maior player de biodiesel (com capacidade de refinar 230 mil toneladas de óleos de soja, milho integrity and privacy. To deliver its products to the market, Caramuru has highway-railway, highway-waterway, and highway-railway terminals connected to the ports of Santos (SP), Tubarão (ES), and Santana (AP). PORT OF SANTOS – SÃO PAULO Apr 29, 2024 · O ano passado não foi dos melhores para a Caramuru. SORRISO - MT SOYBEAN To provide our processes with further transparency and ensure the practice of our principles and the quality of our services, Caramuru has a Whistleblowing Channel. Adjusted EBITDA improved to R$ 639. 74 million. In case of complaints, communications, clarifications, guidance and other measures related to the privacy of personal data, you can contact Caramuru's Data Processing Manager, Luciane Carvalho, via email privacy@caramuru. May 10, 2024 · “A duplicação vai suprir nossa necessidade de óleo para biodiesel daquela unidade”, afirma o diretor de soja da Caramuru, Cleusdimar Rodrigues da Costa. Em receita, a previsão é de um aumento entre 15% a 20%. The Company trades various soybean, corn, sunflower, and canola byproducts to serve consumers from several regions of Brazil. lock_outline Caramuru. It aims to promote the relationship May 2, 2006 · A Caramuru, assim como outras empresas do setor, tem interesse em explorar a produção de biodisel, projeto que também inclui o girassol. 6% on the previous year. Export: Soy in grains – Hipro Bran – Lecithin – SPC – Glycerin – Crude Oil – Biodiesel Logistics: Road, waterway, rail or sea transport Other subjects that are not listed above, send a message: Sep 19, 2017 · Em 2012, quando a Caramuru Alimentos começou a produzir proteína concentrada de soja na fábrica de Sorriso, no Mato Grosso, a empresa se deparou com um problema: o que fazer com o resíduo, o melaço de soja? “Era uma quantidade tão grande que poderia emperrar a fábrica”, lembra o vice-presidente, César Borges. Founded in 1964. Click here and check it out! Sep 18, 2007 · Para o ano de 2007, a Caramuru estima que o processamento de soja terá um aumento próximo a 5%. com O projeto da Caramuru está alinhado com o programa de Governo, uma vez que um de seus principais méritos é contribuir para o suprimento do aumento da demanda de biodiesel no mercado nacional a partir de 2008, quando entrará em vigor a obrigatoriedade de adição de 2% de biodiesel em todo diesel comercializado no país. com and/or by phone (64) 99302-6782. Its main program is Sustentar Program, developed based on ESG principles. ethical line CONTACT US; Customer Service; SUPPLIER REGISTRATION; Download the 2020 Sustainability Report Caramuru guarantees sustainable and traceable products that meet global demand, follow strict control processes, and are accredited by the most rigorous national and international certifications. Piracanjuba, where the Pinheiro farm is located, the municipality where the most sunflowers are produced in Brazil. Foi o caso, por exemplo, de Alberto Borges, da Caramuru Alimentos. Jan 6, 2025 · Com o governo bancando publicamente o programa de biodiesel, outros empresários começaram a ser atraídos para o barco. A informação é do secretário de Infra-Estrutura, Leonardo Vilela. “A escala de produção de grãos no Brasil vem da soja, que na Caramuru processamos para transformar em farelo de valor agregado. Caramuru Alimentos develops numerous sustainable practices, with emphasis on the Sustentar Program, based on the relationship with raw material suppliers. media relation Aug 22, 2023 · A family-held agribusiness company, Caramuru Alimentos (Caramuru) operates in grain storage and industrialization, oil extraction and refining, exporting soybeans, bran, vegetable oils, lecithin, and soy protein concentrate (SPC), and in producing biodiesel and refined glycerin. Clean and renewable energy that drives sustainable development. com integrity and privacy. moneytimes. clear Login exclusivo assinantes. 0800 713 0071 PO BOX 79518 CEP: 04711-904 SÃO PAULO-SP Caramuru’s industrial units are located in strategic positions that allow the supply of its industries, as well as the easy flow of its products. . Já as unidades de São Simão (GO) e Ipameri (GO) podem fabricar até 225 mil m³ de biodiesel por ano cada uma. A 6ª maior vendedora de biodiesel do país – com 436 mil m³ comercializados – viu sua receita e lucro darem um passo para trás em 2023. 5º MAIOR PRODUTOR DE BIODIESEL DO BRASIL. As duas já contam com unidades de refino de glicerina. media relation NUESTROS PRODUCTOS BIODIESEL El Biodiésel es un combustible líquido compuesto por una mezcla de Ésteres Metílicos de Ácidos Grasos (FAME) derivados del Aceite de Palma. Caramuru Alimentos has in its integrated logistics a reference for the market, bringing together the transport of raw materials and products in the most diverse modes: road-rail, road-water and water-rail. Present in the states of Goiás, Paraná, Mato Grosso, and São Paulo, the Group operates in the animal, industrial, consumer product, commodity, biodiesel, and logistics segments. Apr 17, 2008 · E-MAIL: leo@caramuru. 5th BIGGEST BIODIESEL PRODUCER IN BRAZIL. Entretanto, o texto do protocolo deixa o biodiesel de fora ao mencionar que o óleo produzido com isenção não poderá ter como destino outras usinas de biodiesel. As receitas do grupo que haviam atingido o nível recorde de R$ 8,62 bilhões no exercício anterior recuaram quase 12% fechando o último ano em R$ 7 To provide more transparency to processes and ensure the practice of principles and the quality of its services, Caramuru has the Ethics Line channel. A matriz é em Itumbiara. 19 mai 2016 . mail. Caramuru guarantees sustainable products with traceability that meet global demands by following strict control processes accredited by the highest national and international certifications. Além das commodities diferenciadas – que respondem pela maior parte da receita, CONTACT US; Customer Service; SUPPLIER REGISTRATION; Download the 2020 Sustainability Report ABC do biodiesel; Contato; Entrar Assine já search. Brazil may register a record grain harvest in 2022/23, but still faces modal problems with storage and transport. Programa Sustentar: One of the main Brazilian soybean, corn, sunflower, and canola processing companies. It has warehouses close to rural producers and industrial units, highway-railway, highway-waterway, and waterway-railway terminals that connect to the ports of Santos (SP), Tubarão (ES), and Santana (AP). Family Farming is aligned with Caramuru’s Vision 2025. For this, it develops sustainable programs that guarantee the quality of the beans and support its supplier base. Through it, anyone can confidentially denounce irregularities, report fraud, theft or misconduct related to their business and the activities of partners and suppliers. By operating with a productivity chain based on sustainability, Caramuru aims to ensure the continuity of its business, supported by social responsibility, care for the environment and good management practices, generating positive impacts for the planet and society. The Social Fuel Seal is granted by the Ministry of Agrarian Development (MDA) to biodiesel producers who meet the requirements of the National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture (PRONAF). Site Map Nov 12, 2021 · With the R$ 354,9 million it raised in issuing the green CRA, Caramuru will finance the purchase of soybeans for biodiesel production and other company activities. Informações May 20, 2021 · Ao longo da última semana mais duas usinas de biodiesel aderiram ao RenovaBio: a Caramuru de Sorriso (MT) e a Caibiense. investor relations. THE SOCIAL FUEL SEAL IS A DIFFERENTIAL. Se emplea principalmente como combustible en mezclas con el diésel fósil derivado del petróleo. Hoje, a empresa compra de terceiros 20% do óleo que utiliza na produção do biodiesel. Caramuru’s industrial units are located in strategic positions that allow the supply of its industries, as well as the easy flow of its products. One of the biggest producers of biodiesel in Brazil, the company promotes the family farmers through the National Program for the Production and Use of Biodiesel – PNPB, which guarantees the Social Fuel Seal. Ambas tiveram os Certificados de Produção Eficiente de Biocombustíveis divulgados pela Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (ANP). Caramuru’s Integrity Program is the company’s commitment as an economic and social development driver in Brazil and guides employees, suppliers, and partners on practices and behaviors aligned to relationship ethics, conduct, and transparency. A informação foi divulgada hoje (18) por meio de comunicado ao mercado divulgado pelas duas empresas. Ao preço médio pelo qual os papeis estavam sendo negociados na segunda quinzena de maio, essa quantidade de CBios teria valor de mercado de R$ 29,1 milhões. 3 BIODIESEL PRODUCTION UNITS. This significant capital injection will be directed to six strategic areas, with the aim of improving logistics infrastructure and promoting sustainability. A empresa precisará declarar o óleo e o farelo como se tivessem sido originados no Mato Grosso. Uma delas vai ser destinada à produção de biodiesel. 06 jan 2025 . Everything that is exported goes to the ports, and Santos is the main one in Brazil. The industry he mentions is Caramuru Alimentos, which has an oil plant in Itumbiara and offers farmers an advance contract for the purchase of 100% of grain production. The United States, Germany, Turkey, South Korea, Denmark, and Italy, in addition to Brazil, are some of the countries that have already been Jun 5, 2023 · A produção de biodiesel da Caramuru ao longo do ano passado garantiu que o grupo emitisse um pouco menos que 246,1 mil de Créditos de Descarbonização (CBios). Es un excelente disolvente al tiempo que es una materia prima fundamental para la fabricación de integrity and privacy. Caramuru ended 2022 with record net revenue of R$ 8. com 09 jun 2016 . “Mas vale o reforço que se trata de um investimento particular, que nada tem a ver com a Caramuru. Vou vender para as empresas que fizerem preço, pode ser a Caramuru, a Cargill ou para o Maggi (Blairo)”. involving biodiesel. Ask questions, give suggestions, get information, and resolve problems related to our products Send us your feedback. Today, in addition to his duties at Grupo Caramuru, he has been Managing Director at Grupo JBPS, in Londrina, PR, since 2002, and participates in Strategic Committees for Corn, Sunflower / Mix and General Warehouses and Special Products Committee for Commodities, Soy and Derivatives, and Logistics at Grupo Caramuru. 21 Sobre a Caramuru Alimentos A Caramuru alimentos figura entre os principais players do país em praticamente todos os seus segmentos de atuação (produção de biodiesel e processamento de soja, milho e girassol). clear Login exclusivo assinantes Dec 18, 2023 · Dois dos maiores players do mercado nacional de biodiesel – a Caramuru e a 3tentos – estão unindo forças num projeto de logística e armazenamento para a exportação de grãos e derivados pelo Arco Norte. As part of our Liability Management Program, we raised new finance through the issuance of Agri- Jan 27, 2025 · Uma das maiores processadoras de soja de capital nacional – de suas esmagadoras saem 2,5% do óleo de soja produzido no Brasil –, a Caramuru Alimentos conta com duas usinas de biodiesel. E-mail. 2 million, and net income in-creased to R$ 348. Aug 20, 2024 · A Caramuru vai liderar um projeto que prevê a construção de uma usina de etanol de milho no município mato-grossense de Nova Ubiratã. A usina tem autorização da ANP para produzir e comercializar seu biodiesel nos leilões A Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (ANP) é o órgão do governo responsável pela regulação da indústria de biocombustíveis. media relation Sep 5, 2018 · Por isso, a Caramuru decidiu ampliar investimentos em sua planta de biodiesel de Ipameri agregando valor a seu principal coproduto – a glicerina. Process corn, soy, sun flower. The operation, backed by the company's debentures, had demand greater than supply, according to Caramuru – the issue was originally designed to raise R$ 300 million. Dúvidas, comentários e sugestões sobre o relatório são bem-vindos. Phone. Caramuru pode elevar produção de biodiesel em até 40%, se mistura aumentar a 15% – Money Times https://www. No ano passado, a empresa originou 1,38 milhão de toneladas. Localizadas em São Simão e em Ipameri, ambas em Goiás, essas plantas são 10ª e 11ª maiores unidades de biodiesel do país em capacidade instalada. Retomando atividades: Um resumo dos acontecimentos do mercado de biodiesel durante o recesso. The Company. Goiás vai cobrar ICMS sobre o valor agregado. media relation Interested in offering road / waterway transport services? Name. Goiás still has another ten among the top 15 in the ranking. Please detail your need: < back Dec 6, 2022 · Pure Biodiesel Market to See Huge Growth by 2028 : Biopetrol, Cargill, Caramuru Pune, Maharashtra -- (SBWIRE) -- 12/07/2022 -- Pure Biodiesel Market - Global Trends, Insights to 2028 is the latest research study released by HTF MI evaluating the market risk side analysis, highlighting opportunities, and leveraging with strategic and tactical decision-making support. 63 billion, an increase of 13. Attentive to acquiring environmentally responsible products, Caramuru is committed to its raw material from its planting. In the animal segment, the highlights are soybean meal, sunflower meal and Hi-Fiber meal. media relation Nov 15, 2017 · The company has 2,768 employees and exported nearly $552. I would like to offer road / waterway transport services With its own line of consumer products human, called Sinha, and another for domestic animals, Bontrato, Caramuru Alimentos also has products for the animal segment e industrial segment. CONTACT US; Customer Service; SUPPLIER REGISTRATION; Download the 2020 Sustainability Report Caramuru's products are transported in a safe and environmentally responsible manner through means of an independent, integrated and intermodal logistics system. Aug 16, 2023 · Brazilian food and fuel processor Caramuru Alimentos, one of the country's largest grain crushers, has started selling soybean-based ethanol at one of its plants in center-western Brazil, it said Mar 17, 2024 · Atenção! Seu navegador está muito desatualizado, por questões de segurança e melhor visualização deste site, indicamos a utilização dos navegadores como: Chrome, Firefox ou Microsoft Edge. Mar 16, 2023 · A Caramuru aposta no crescimento do biodiesel de soja. Jan 27, 2025 · Uma das maiores processadoras de soja de capital nacional – de suas esmagadoras saem 2,5% do óleo de soja produzido no Brasil –, a Caramuru Alimentos conta com duas usinas de biodiesel. To avoid long road journeys, the warehousing units are located close to Caramuru's farmers and industrial centers, which are part of the integrated logistics structure. IPAMERI - GO SOYBEAN “Estou virando sojicultor”, disse César Borges ao Brasil Econômico. In order to ship its products, Caramuru often uses multimodal ways such as the railway, the waterways of Tietê-Paraná and Tapajós-Amazonas, and also has investments in the ports of Santos, São Paulo, and Santana, state of Amapá. 550 MILHÕES DE LITROS DE BIODIESEL PRODUZIDOS POR ANO. media relation Traceability and sustainability in raw material origination ensure Caramuru the acquisition of grains from suppliers that comply with socio-environmental criteria, especially the Brazilian environmental legislation, respecting international standards. A. Aug 16, 2023 · Uma das maiores fabricantes de biodiesel, a Caramuru Alimentos, está entrando no mercado de etanol. A companhia também está investindo R$ 80 milhões em uma planta de glicerina em Sorriso (MT Terminal XXXIX, Caramuru’s Stake: 50%. Oct 8, 2024 · Caramuru Alimentos is allocating R$2,2 billion to enhance its presence in the renewable fuels and bioenergy sector. wotxgy twmxp gvehp wolmzh ftizymi jdieu siatwfo hmfkyl vhc uzs zgcxymw fkwis gjvn ouyukqk zuyker