Hassio unifi device tracker android. 12, Hassio Supervisor 166, V0.

Hassio unifi device tracker android This has work… Geofency This integration Integrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. After several days of messing around with an iPhone to get device tracker to work with an automation and finally succeeding, I now need to do the same with my partner’s Huawei android phone. The life360 is very quick with its updates but the Unifi seems to take a long time to update hassio with a disconnect. 4 username: !secret device_tracker_username password: !secret device_tracker_password site_id: !secret device_tracker_site_id verify_ssl: false interval_seconds: 10 detection_time: 120 consider_home: 180 new_device_defaults: track_new_devices: true Nov 26, 2019 · And for some reason my unifi device tracker doesn’t track my android phone at all or my wifes iPhone only intermittently. I've had nothing but bad luck running the official HA version of Unifi - components were constantly dropping out and needing to be adopted, new components wouldn't find the controller during automatic discovery, etc. Now you see based an the status of the device_tracker entity if a person is at home or not. It’s worth noting that the device I’m trying to track (my phone) is typically on a separate VLAN from HA and it has a Jun 11, 2018 · The not_home state of the UniFi device tracker (may apply to more than just UniFi), is shown as "not_home" in the UI, when it should be shown in a friendly manner, i May 11, 2018 · New to home assistant and trying to setup my Unifi Controller for presence detection. The status never changes. Now all of a sudden, all my years long data of which devices I want to track and not from known_devices. Nov 25, 2021 · Note, I do use the Unifi integration to track devices and use those within HA to track person status. So far I have to say that the unifi device tracker integration is pretty useless. This can be useful when devices are running a firewall and are blocking UDP or TCP packets but responding to ICMP requests (like Android phones). Go to Configuration > People or use the direct My Home Assistant link below Oct 14, 2021 · You can then use that information to create a new device tracker sensor based on that information. Issues with integrating (And device tracking) with Unifi I am having a few issues with connecting unifi with my HA. I believe I copied the tracker information correctly into the configuration. However, when looking at the phones in Developer Tools, the device tracker for our phones is now part of the mobile app that is using ONLY GPS. Sep 9, 2019 · I use the ‘person’ sensor with a combination of life360 (GPS) and Unifi (wifi) as my two inputs. I’ve tried to changer consider_home in device Problem/Motivation Over the past few days I started experiencing a lot of these. Otherwise, the latest tracker with state not_home will be used. yaml and have not changed since they last worked. connecting power immediately changes the state to Charging, proofing the sensors and device are correctly seen by HA/the App. I decided I would try reinstalling the RPi with Hassio and then just loading the addons for the other 2. One for HA, one for Unifi. Another option is that HOME will turn into green and AWAY into red May 4, 2022 · The problem The device_tracker status for all of my Android devices are "unknown" while on wifi. Linking your device to Traccar itself. digi', 'speed') }}" attribute_templates: speed: > what id like to end up with, is a gauge on my home screen tablet, next Jul 23, 2021 · you can manually create a device tracker using the known_devices. This is what is specified with the PR changing the (system wide) behaviour #63328. Standard home Wifi. This can happen by querying your wireless router or by having applications push location info. It never changes to “away” or “not_home” (not sure what it should be). To do this, I’ve done the following: Stopped homeassistant; Deleted home-assistant_V2. see service to update the status of the device tracker to the home location. All phones in known_devices. Jul 1, 2019 · You don’t need to open port 18682 but open the port on which your tracking device (phone/gps tracker transmits) There are two steps. I can't understand where is the problem but the result is that in the controller there devices are always in status of "adopting". alex_iphone_2. Could anyone offer some advice please. Reload to refresh your session. 9. For example… (I do use pictures a lot) My life360 shows me at gone at 2:25 pm My phone disconnects from my network at 2:29 pm But the unifi device tracker updated at 3:05 pm Sep 20, 2022 · I have a problem with presence detection, using the mobile app as device tracker. and i have firewall rules on my OPNSense that says LAN can talk to IOT, but IOT cannot see/talk to LAN. You can also use a smartwatch for presence detection. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. This add-on runs Ubiquiti Networks' UniFi Network Application software, which allows you to manage your UniFi network via the web browser. So, to test it I toggled off WiFi on my mobile and I am still showing as ‘home’ too. Limitations and/or features wished for in the component, is out of scope for the add-on. yaml anymore as I am gpslogger. My Hassio uses IP 192 Nov 21, 2019 · Robban, I have following configuration today. However, it uses a third-party speedtest implementation in python that may not produce accurate measures. … platform: template sensors: kia_position_lat: friendly_name: “Position lattitude” value_template: ‘{{ states I had been running stand-alone versions of Home Assistant, pi-hole, and UniFi controller on an RPi 3 with Raspbian. This you should verify by logging into the Traccar server via the addon. Mar 5, 2021 · You signed in with another tab or window. It always* shows as away. Installed Hassio on the rpi4 and unifi integration works absolutely fine. " in my Linux raspberrypi 5. 88, device_tracking based on Unifi seems to be broken. com. The add-on provides a single-click installation and run solution for Home Assistant, allowing users to get their network up, running, and updated, easily Eero Device Tracker for Home Assistant (HA, HASS. But i can´t track a device and integrate a coming home function. Problem/Motivation When adding existing profile in Unify controller, I am not able to add new APs to the controller. I was hoping I could track some other BT devices but nothing else shows up. Of course I can create a (conditional) card, but I would really like to have it in badges. Sep 27, 2020 · after having updated the iOS app on one of our phones, the device_tracker and geocoded location sensor remain ‘unknown’ The other sensors work, and immediate I should add. I forgot to update the nmap hosts though and after changing them today Oct 7, 2021 · Hey all, I have a problem with a phone that does not update the device_tracker location (line 1 on the screenshot). Follow the instructions to get it set up. Bluetooth LE Tracker This tracker discovers new devices on boot and in regular intervals and tracks Bluetooth low-energy devices periodically based on interval_seconds value. Jun 9, 2022 · Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Dec 7, 2018 · I attempted to use the MQTTCarPresence project for a more generic vehicle tracker (sticking to just home and not_home states). Due to security policies in the UniFi Network Application software, it is currently impossible to add the UniFI web interface to your Home Assistant frontend using a panel_iframe. Oct 9, 2024 · I did read the FAQ and the inform host selection is pointing to the HA ip address. I’ve never experienced this with my old Oneplus 6 or with the Pixel 3’s of my wife. 93. Perhaps that is too hacky of a workaround Sep 27, 2020 · after having updated the iOS app on one of our phones, the device_tracker and geocoded location sensor remain ‘unknown’ The other sensors work, and immediate I should add. XXX for your mobile devices. All of my devices (50+) showed up in the entity registry auto-discovered but after that it seems like there is no comms at all for my phone. Nov 2, 2023 · Hi there, thank you for this addon! Problem/Motivation I am trying to adopt my Unifi devices (USW-24-PoE, U6-Pro, UAC-AC-Pro) into the addon. allows you to detect presence by looking at devices connected to a UniFi AP. I don’t know if it’s a settings on my phone or on Home Assistant. Lastly I even went ass far as to buy a (very expensive) Unifi Cloud-key gen2. device_tracker: - platform: unifi host: 192. I know that I am getting them from my device_tracker. Mar 15, 2021 · Problem/Motivation Cannot connect remotely via unifi. Expected behavior (What you expected to happen) That the USG-3P is online so controller can access both wired and wireless devices. Dec 23, 2024 · Home Assistant allows tracking of devices and people using GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc. In my case, it works really well. This has worked before until this upgrade. 0 Not sure when this stopped working but, all phones showing as “Away” even when actually in the house. So I wrote this HASS component to allow me to flip them on or off with a single button (created a group of switched), or I can fine tune and allow select hey, i had the same problem for the Unifi ap ac-lr, fixed it using the unifi app on android. Go to settings->persons and add a person. Jul 28, 2020 · Home Assistant offers UniFi integration through Configuration → Integrations → UniFi Controller. yaml file. yaml. Is there any way to integrate unifi access (door locked status, unlocking from hass, etc) with home assistant or other smart home/office bridges? Im looking into a solution allowing both door access information (lock/unlock remotely) and person detection (if a person is inside: lights are on) but the latter might be better done using pir sensors. I have the mobile app installed on these devices. It does not show away anymore, when my devices do not have a WiFi connection anymore. I imported from a backup on another computer and though the AP's show they do not adopt and will switch back and forth between adopting and offline. Gets same errors in logs but it seems to. Expected behavior typic Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Jan 19, 2021 · Basically, it reports the state of the last tracker that changed. … platform: template sensors: kia_position_lat: friendly_name: “Position lattitude” value_template: ‘{{ states Jan 5, 2023 · You add this as second device tracker to the person entity. (default = True) exclude (Optional): List of IP addresses to skip tracking for. I am running a unifi usg, and vlans on the unifi system. Let's go over the basic concepts. Jul 4, 2020 · Hi, Please could someone give me a hand with a template to list all the devices connected to a specific access point (unifi)? I understand I can check if a specific device is connected to a specific AP with the following template, however I wish to expand this to list all the devices connected to each AP by mac address on a manual card - is this possible? {{ is_state('device_tracker. yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. ” And it appears to be true. Gets errors in addon logs immediately after that, see below. You’re at home, all three devices show state home - the state of your Person entity will be home with source tracker_router or tracker_ble, whichever was most recently updated. I had to replace all the Nov 19, 2019 · Hi there, I have a Unifi controller I’m trying to use to get prescense detection working. If you call this service from the dev tools with an unknown entity name it will create this entity for you. To use this device tracker in your installation, add the following to your configuration. I did reinstall the app after having deleted it from the HA settings in the integrations page Aug 24, 2019 · Problem/Motivation cant open unifi controller. In the details add the entity you activate before from unifi. 1 and now my Home Assistant finds an iBeacon Tracker. backstory: my LAN and my IOT are two separate subnets (managed switch). Entities were made in HA for many sensors, also a device_tracker. Jan 30, 2022 · The Unifi integration generates a very large number of unnamed devices for me, and on top of that it generates a large number of devices with cryptic names like “unifi e2 22 01 42 c0 30 j9i88aof” (part of that is the MAC&hellip; interval_seconds (Optional) Seconds between each scan for new devices. I’ve tried to changer consider_home in device Nov 3, 2020 · Hassio on RP3. see for this. 168. Thanks May 4, 2022 · The problem The device_tracker status for all of my Android devices are "unknown" while on wifi. Jul 22, 2018 · Hello all, I created a Home Assistant custom component that allows for block/unblocking a Group of devices on a Ubiquiti Unifi Controller Summary: I needed the ability to turn off internet access to a child’s devices, they had 4 of them. device_tracker: - platform: unifi host: <ip adress> username: <username> password: <password> site_id: <id> ssid_filter: - 'SSID' verify_ssl Oct 7, 2022 · Hi, I installed 2022. While I'm away from my house my phone will randomly go unavailable then switch to a home state for exactly 5 minutes before going back to away. How can I figure it out? The source below is my Raspberry Pi hosting Home Assistant. Second option is to create your own device tracker entity and link it through an automation to your phones WiFi sensor. db For each person you want to have presence detection, add a device tracker (for example, their phone). Also have a guest set up as Find My Device makes it easy to locate, ring, or wipe your device from the web. This is a problem if you use the device as tracker for state home or not_home. 94. 10. These are the things I have done Downloaded HA companion app on her phone set up our server on there set her up as a ‘person’ within HA and set her phone as tracked against her name turned on Im having a bit of an issue with the unifi device tracker that seems to have started in the last version of home assistant. After updating my Unifi Controller and ensuring the time was the same as Hassio i am now able to see devices with status home. Checked on the router and we are both showing Apr 19, 2020 · Problem: when a (smartphone) device that is tracked by unifi addon is not connected to the unifi AP, and the HA is restarted. 8. jpg I no longer have a known_devices. Not sure where to start looking for this issue, any help greatly appreciated. All device trackers associated with the UniFi controller switch to "unavailable" inside HA and then to available right back. yaml file… device_tracker: platform: unifi host: 192. When you forget a controller for example the AP goes in adopt pending mode. Here’s the snippet from my config: device_tracker: - platform: unifi host: 192. Feb 3, 2019 · Curious if anyone else is having this problem? It only seems to affect my Samsung S9+ och my wife’s Samsung S9 as far as I can see and it only started happening after we upgraded to Android Pie. Many of these objects contain (live) lists of instances and metrics, like network interfaces, disks and Wi-Fi registrations. IO, HASS OS, HASSIO) - jrlucier/eero_tracker Nov 22, 2017 · For the Hassio tracker, I found this worked most reliably (avoiding false-negatives - I really don’t want lights and radios going on-off scaring us when we are home but phones are idle) Jan 10, 2020 · If anyone has seen my other posts about my experiences with the Unifi device trackers I think I need to post an another update on where I am on this. The problem is I don’t know what this device is. The app has all Nov 30, 2020 · Hi! I use ESPHome for device tracking some BLE devices and it works very well. In the Jan 7, 2019 · Hi All I noticed errors after after updating hassio and my tracking on Unifi doesn’t work anymore. Aug 25, 2019 · I’ve been using the Unifi device tracker capability for tracking which AP our phones are connected to as a form of presence detection. Is there a way to convert a binary_sensor into a device_tracker entity? Jun 23, 2019 · - name: Angelo id: angelo user_id: my_user_id device_trackers: - device_tracker. The problem is how do I correct it. 97 this doesn’t work as the BSSID isn’t part of the entity data… Prior to the change of the Unifi integration I used the following yaml config: - platform: unifi host: unifi. I’ve also tried using unifi_direct but I’m not getting any device trackers from it. Oct 15, 2019 · I have my controller running on a Cloud Key and want to use it for device tracking but it looks like the UniFi component expects me to use the HA UniFi integration for my controller. As you can see in the picture below, people who are away are still shown in a badge. To get started, you will need to enable the Wifi network reporting in the Home Assistant mobile application for each person's phone that you are tracking. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Sep 1, 2024 · The problem There is a log entry that say I need to report this What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue? 2024. Feb 6, 2019 · Plan and track work during firmware upgrade of UniFi devices (AP and Switch). Running addon version 2. I did reinstall the app after having deleted it from the HA settings in the integrations page Apr 6, 2022 · The problem. my_phone This is a standardized method for monitoring/managing network connected devices. This addon aims to integrate the official speedtest binary with Home Assistant to mitigate this problem. Let’s say, for example, that you have three trackers: tracker_gps, tracker_router and tracker_ble. SNMP uses a tree-like hierarchy where each node is an object. This device tracker differs from Ubiquiti UniFi because it doesn’t require the UniFi Network application. (default = 12) consider_home (Optional): Seconds to marking device as 'not home' after not being seen (default = 180) track_new_device (Optional): If new discovered devices are tracked by default. sets up integration with Geofency. I’m trying to troubleshoot it but I’m kind of just flailing around and trying different things since I don’t really have a good understanding of what I’m Jan 28, 2020 · All have free wifi. Jun 6, 2019 · HassOS 2. I’ve tried a dynamic zone but didn’t work either. UniFi Network Application - Home Assistant Community Add-ons - Releases · hassio-addons/addon-unifi The ping device tracker platform offers presence detection by using ping to send ICMP echo requests. I’m getting “Entity not available: binary_sensor. Must have been something to do with it being ran in a docker instance that I don't understand. However, hide_if_away: true does not seem to work properly. Steps to reproduce All communication between tracker nodes and created device are automatic. We use the HA android app, local network (Unifi integration) and a custom device tracker that handles Unifi's tendency to initially report disconnected wireless clients as connected wired. 63-v7l+ #1457 SMP Tue Sep 28 11:26:14 BST 20 Add the UniFi Network integration and connect it to your unifi controller. The device tracker allows you to track devices in Home Assistant. , organizing zones and areas for efficient and precise management. May 26, 2020 · The problem Log entries every 30 seconds or so stating "Failed to decode response from AP" Environment arch | x86_64 -- | -- dev | false docker | false hassio | false installation_type | Home Assistant Core in a Python Virtual Environmen Dec 20, 2019 · device_tracker: - platform: bluetooth_tracker new_device_defaults: track_new_devices: true Note: I tried the bluetooth_le_tracker, and it didn’t work… maybe it was just my code or something, but… Then, I rebooted of course, so it takes effect. Bad Request This combination of host and port requires TLS. Home Assistant has a native integration with Speedtest. I can’t find any reference to this entity. It’s constantly switch from home to not home for few seconds/minutes. internet_connection. Hi, here is the logs of the add-on. Oct 30, 2019 · Since the last time I was here I have so far tried four different ways of installing the unifi controller software - two different Docker containers outside of HA and I even grabbed an old spare Pi 3b+ and installed hassio just so I could try the unifi controller add-on. Mar 31, 2021 · Let’s create a Home Assistant person and track this person using the device tracker functionality. I have a combination of Bluetooth, Unifi WIFI, ping, Google location GPS, and the Companion app GPS all grouped together with the composite device tracker. The Unifi integration shows all other w Apr 15, 2021 · Im trying to make a graph that will show driving speed based on the device tracker, but getting nowhere. However some devices now have new names ie. I also have the Unifi integration installed in HA. 1. My thought was to use an ESP8266 to connect to Wi-Fi, publish messages to an MQTT broker, and use those interactions to influence a sensor that could pretend to be a device tracker. I wonder if a fix could be if dont_track_wired_clients is true and a device becomes wired, that device would be considered away, then it would be considered home once it is not wired again. This makes device tracker entities based on a config entry work better by adding extra constraints to what an entity extended from ScannerEntity can/should do: Oct 17, 2019 · Hello guys, I’ve made custom integration sensor for the KIA e-Niro BEV, How can I create a custom device tracker with the GPS coordinates from the kia e-Niro sensor? I couldn’t find any examples online or in the forum. Jan 29, 2022 · This issue is not specific to the UniFi integration. Geofency is a paid app for iOS that lets users to configure a request that will be sent when a geofence or iBeacon region is entered or exited. I installed the Companion app, and the GUI works flawlessly. Activate the entity device_tracker. PiHole worked great, but I cannot get the UniFi controller to even start. There is currently support for the following device types within Home Assistant: Feb 11, 2019 · I have device tracking (based on Unifi controller) working fine. I am not using ssl. XXXX port: 8443 username: HomeAssistant password: XXXXXXXXXX ssid_filter: ‘XXXXXX’ ‘XXXXXX’ I also noticed the errors below in the logs. then once you create the device tracker you can use the device_tracker. This repository provides an enhanced version of the Linksys smart device tracker for Home Assistant, specifically designed to handle authorization issues in the original integration. If the device speaks to the Traccar server , it means your setup it correct Aug 24, 2019 · Problem/Motivation cant open unifi controller. It remains having the state “Home”. Dec 20, 2019 · device_tracker: - platform: bluetooth_tracker new_device_defaults: track_new_devices: true Note: I tried the bluetooth_le_tracker, and it didn’t work… maybe it was just my code or something, but… Then, I rebooted of course, so it takes effect. You signed out in another tab or window. For some unknown reason, the UniFi Network integration is no longer reporting presence of our phones when we connect to wifi. I can even share complete screens on it, sideload apps, execute shell commands on the Android device. 1 on HomeAssistant yellow version 2023. Android Companion App. The person component of Home Assistant doesn’t allow binary_sensors for device tracking. Use device_tracker. But I’m not sure how you could use the data above to trigger an automation to update the device tracker. 11. wrong IP when trying to access Unifi true Cloud accsess. It is not required to pair the devices with each other! Devices discovered are stored with ‘bt_’ as the prefix for device MAC addresses in known_devices. ui. When we will see more stuff like this in the HA component dunno, that is not developed by me nor is it expertise Question for anyone else using the Unifi controller integration with HA for presence detection: Have you noticed about a 30-40 delay after an iOS device leaves the network before the Unifi device tracker changes to 'Away'? I've been watching the times before the different trackers show as 'Away' and it is consistently 30-40 mins for Unifi. 12, Hassio Supervisor 166, V0. Jul 10, 2019 · I have added also a device tracker to the configuration. The Unifi integration shows all other w This add-on runs Ubiquiti Networks' UniFi Network Application software, which allows you to manage your UniFi network via the web browser. Aug 13, 2019 · You all are likely hitting this bug in Unifi, which causes the state tracker to consider the device home. Bluetooth Tracker This tracker discovers new devices on boot and tracks Bluetooth devices periodically based on interval_seconds value. The problem is, that ESPHome uses the binary_sensor entity (with on and off as status) instead of device_tracker. For additional information about the original Linksys Smart integration, please refer to Home Assistant's official Oct 30, 2019 · Since the last time I was here I have so far tried four different ways of installing the unifi controller software - two different Docker containers outside of HA and I even grabbed an old spare Pi 3b+ and installed hassio just so I could try the unifi controller add-on. Unfortunately, the advice I found led me to this guide Matter, Unifi and mDNS – Tomás McGuinness which does not apply in my case, because my ISP does not provide IPv6. Reply The only device ibeacon tracker picks up is my phone actively broadcasting a beacon through the companion app. UniFi AP This integration Integrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. Feb 13, 2023 · Use the companion apps sensor that shows wifi SSID. 2. yaml The configuration. Local install only. and i have unifi AP pro and a unifi 24-port switch. 201 username: admin username password: password of admin user new_device_defaults: track_new_devices: true hide_if_away: false unifi: controllers: - host: unifi site: default the UI button in the UI says my config is Sep 25, 2019 · The old Unifi presence detection worked great and has been reliable for over a year. As you can see on the screenshot the geocoded location (line 3) ist updated when the phone moves out of a zone but the zone does not change for a long time (tested about an hour). "Connection failed" pop up. Actual behavior (What actually happened) It start to getting ready then it's goes offline. Apr 6, 2022 · The problem. Not sure if that is related. Dec 20, 2018 · (The login process is the same as the Unifi device tracker, so if that is working ok, so should this component) anon12983141 February 10, 2019, 6:25pm 28 Mar 5, 2019 · After the upgrade to hassio 0. Heres what ive tried, but its not working - platform: template sensors: digi_speed: value_template: "{{ state_attr('device_tracker. Since my initial posts in other threads I have so far tried a total of four different ways of installing the unifi controller Jan 11, 2024 · I have been trying to pair a Matter over Thread roller blind for several days, and after yesterday’s “The State Of Matter” stream, I managed to determine that the problem is with the IPv6 configuration in Unifi. ADB can pretty much do anything. Note Oct 8, 2019 · I’m having problems with unifi devices showing up on a “virgin” hassio HA. It is not required to pair the devices with each other. I want to use this in automations and scripts, but I have never seen the state change from “home”, and automations seem to trigger even when I’m physically away even May 26, 2020 · The problem Log entries every 30 seconds or so stating "Failed to decode response from AP" Environment arch | x86_64 -- | -- dev | false docker | false hassio | false installation_type | Home Assistant Core in a Python Virtual Environmen Problem/Motivation Over the past few days I started experiencing a lot of these. So now my pictures is no longer connected to my devices. OP, are you using a proxy or BT adapter connected to HA server. 1 What was the last working version of Home Assistant Core? All communication between tracker nodes and created device are automatic. I've tried to forget and re-adopt the devices but nothing happens. device_tracker. Expected behavior typic Aug 10, 2019 · The time was not syncronised on my Unifi Controller. I am getting bombarded with device tracker entities from devices that are using the free wifi. To do this, install the Home Assistant Companion app on the device. I initially thought it was a DHCP issue as the issue resolved itself after changing the static IP addresses for the two devices. Mar 24, 2023 · Hi all. I have configured it that way. yaml as follows: device_tracker: - platform: unifi host: 192. yaml isn’t used anymore, so now I’m stuck trying to figure out how to get it back to the way it was in the UI, but it’s not working. Here a graph stats of the last 24 hours. net. Feb 21, 2019 · After the upgrade to hassio 0. I checked around to see if she’d left her mobile phone by mistake but she hadn’t. No external access. I only see requests for external site access for my machine running HA but I’m using VENV not Docker. Will show Home status for this tag, if tag is visible for at least one of tracking nodes, or Away status. I have about 70 clients within my Unifi instance, but I only am tracking devices on 2 SSIDs, totalling around 20 devices. alex_iphone is now device_tracker. My gf left for work today and I spotted on HA that she was still showing as being ‘home’. Hassio is running on an unRAId server in a VM. The broadcast feature of the EDU type APs are currently not working with this add-on. I used to use the unifi device_tracker platform, but it was far too verbose, so I’m trying to get rid of its footprints. If the device speaks to the Traccar server , it means your setup it correct Jan 9, 2018 · …And suddenly it’s stopped working. Proxmox if you need a GUI, or just Ubuntu LTS and native Linux KVM would be my recommendation. The add-on provides a single-click installation and run solution for Home Assistant, allowing users to get their network up, running, and updated, easily. Integration will create device with three entities for beacon: Device Tracker entity for device. I see this in webpage but but no hints in log. 35 port: 8443 username: !secret unifi_login Nov 27, 2019 · ever since I switched from using ASUS device tracker to the Unifi integration my Android phone (Galaxy S8) hasn’t worked correctly in the device tracker. Since 0. Connected trough the home assistant controller, i went into more -> remote adoption -> the same AP that could not finish adopting, adopt, blue light on the AP -> 1 minute later -> adopted Oct 21, 2019 · Hmm, that is odd. Devices discovered are stored with ‘BLE_’ as the prefix for device mac addresses in known_devices. When i try to connect it with the actual "Intergrations" tab, i get a "No Service Available", With and without the certificate thing checked (Using port 8443). Login failed - status code: 500 9:36 PM components/device Each person entity supports multiple device_trackers. axon7 In my www directory i have a file with the name of avatar_person1. REDACTED site_id: REDACTED username: !secret unifiuser password Aug 2, 1993 · (Why the issue was filed)Unifi USG-3p cant access controller goes offline after unifi network 8. It’s possible that it’s the device tracker, I can only suggest try disabling the tracker, restart the docker container, and see if there are less PTR’s, then turn it back on and again watch the query log. At least in my experience so far. I can remotely connect via android app though. Jul 7, 2019 · Hello, Currently, I’ve a problem with my new Oneplus 7 Pro smartphone. This tracker doesn’t need to know the MAC address since the host can be on a different subnet. Sc041588927456aafC 33FE Source type: bluetooth_le Uuid: 74278bda-b644-4520-8f0c-720eaf059935 Major: 0 Minor: 41,757 Source: DC:A6:32:8F:38:B0 Apr 7, 2022 · Problem/Motivation Addon shows message "This add-on is not compatible with the processor of your device or the operating system you have installed on your device. Then the device will be in state "Unavailable". Use this with if SSID == “somewifi” then… You can turn the WiFi sensor into a device tracker with a little help from MQTT and an automation, and that’s what I do: - id: 'YOU_wifi_status' alias: 'YOU WiFi status' initial_state: 'on' trigger: - platform: state. patqd shvvimr yhmd xwv rsirhs pbkacms ksms rfkfxst fkd ceovd luwzy cpmp ibkhsn jhyf fayaw