I think my bf is still in love with his ex because. But it doesn’t mean we want them back in our lives.
I think my bf is still in love with his ex because Them staying with him was also because he's a good person and he still cares about her. And thus he might feel fondly for his DC's mother. I can't imagine still being in love with an ex! If I've moved on it's because that love was diminished/unsustainable or taken over by stronger negative emotions. I've cut that link. When all is said and done, trust your gut instinct. I am still in love with my ex and we have been broken up for about two years now. Some dumpers also go through the 6 rebound stages, but dumpers usually don’t suffer for the same reason dumpees do – because they still love their ex and have poor self-esteem. It’s unfair to compare me to his ex because you can’t generalize all women to be the same! I think he is the greatest, most caring and nurturing person I have ever met. His nephews love her. My current bf doesn't mind as he trusts me. And if his ex’s social media handles are the most visited pages in his web history, you don’t even need to bother figuring out how to know if your boyfriend still has feelings for his ex. you might not even be the same person they fell in love with when you do get better. I want to call him when I’m drunk. For whatever reason he started an affair with you because his 'marriage was over'. I was there when his brother got a divorce. Jealousy is a sign of love and attachment. Instead of snooping and spying, here are the things you do need to do when your suspicions rise. Not because he still has feelings for his ex, but because he doesn’t care about how you feel. It sets the stage for . maybe some deceit. Apr 13, 2023 · Q: My boyfriend is friends with his ex, which is fine with me, or so I thought initially. I just really want to get this off my chest. The problem is, that he’s still friends with his ex now. None of what you listed screams he still wants to get back with his ex or is emotionally hung up on her. I've never said it's me or them because I know our friendship limits. Go find someone who wants you as their first choice, forever! Exactly, it’s because I am the only person he really dated after her. My(32F) bf(32M) and I have been together for a little over 2 years now, before we dated he was engaged to this girl who I’ll call Anna(27F). Brown says it's totally possible to have love for your ex without feeling in love with them. What do I do? How do I confront Sorry that happened to you. You feel the way you do about her primarily because she was your first and since she had more "practice" with relationships, she was able to get you into a relationship whereby you are in love with her while she loves someone else. I (20 F) Cannot seem to get over him. We just occasionally check in on each other to make sure we are ok and I go for coffee or lunch occasionally with one of them. Because he makes it sound like he’s just had these feelings and he’s trying to determine if she is ok if he act on them and reach out to ex. She is his "ideal that he will never have. You don't need to stand and be with someone who still thinks of his ex or other girls. So this is my first time on Reddit. As such, you need to be the smart one and be alert to the signs that your boyfriend is not over his baby mama. Read on for 21 signs your man is still in love with his ex who is also his baby mama. If he did know you would take it that way, your relationship is over. Dec 30, 2024 · There is a possibility maybe he might still have felt to his ex. Feb 1, 2022 · In retrospect, the reason I was still in love with my ex and kept trying to get her back was because I was selfish. Hi Melissa thank you for the advice my boyfriend has been divorced for thirteen years went on vacation with her and the kids they were very young when they divorced so he keeper like a some what normal family life for the kids I quest I’m he is great with me but I still think he is hung up he knows I don’t want to hear his story about her For example my husband and I like to poke fun at each other but it got to a point where it could turn nasty (like it did with my ex) so I sat him down and told him that while I like to joke around with him, I think it’s important to be sweet on each other and to not take the joking too far because in my past it turned sour with my ex, I see Mar 5, 2018 · Another reason why he’s still in love with his ex when he’s with you is that the guy jumped the gun and got in a relationship with you way before he got over his ex. We're deeply in love and care very much about eachother, which is very obvious from the way we interact and the time we spend together, but I can't shake the feeling that he would rather be with his ex (we can call her "Julia," because that's her name). The past weekend we were all out, and she came up in conversation as she usually does. A lot of the time, relationships leave emotional marks that are hard to get rid of. But if he is still in love with his ex it’s best to move on because this way a relationship can’t work out. S. Its no big deal. He divorced his ex wife because she didn’t want kids. We are both so deeply in love, but the first month of the relationship, without my knowledge, he was still talking to his ex. 1K votes, 533 comments. Traveling abroad together for a long period of time can cloud the mind from the realities of life back home. Apr 2, 2020 · If you think he’s not over his ex, make sure you sit on that feeling for a little while before you act on it. Their relationship fell apart when they returned to the U. We have had fights and misunderstandings and issues but we got over them. Rather than lashing out, think it through before you have a serious conversation. Back story for my bf and his ex. When he was done I approached him and told him it was over. I also agree that the OP needs to end it ASAP. I feel like my heart has just been stomped on. Just because your boyfriend is still hung up on his ex doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love you. I check his Spotify and automatically think every sad song In his case, I don't think he will ever be out of love with her. He was in love with their past - traveling in a foreign country, exploring and creating unforgettable memories. I saw that my boyfriend still has pictures of his ex on his phone and I'm not going to lie it did kind of hurt me. I thought I could accept this as I love my boyfriend and after meeting his daughter, she's a great girl. Not exactly the same thing, but I had a very, VERY close friend for years. It helps us remember how we got to where we are now. It’s still unhealthy but I don’t think it’s necessarily worth breaking up over. He’s told me that she’s like family to him and will probably always be in his life in some capacity. He doesn’t care that he hurts you with his behavior because he would rather defend her than you. gah it sounds hell suss. His statement made me realize that we can’t unlove somebody that we used spend time/made memories together. I'm [29F] and still in love with my ex, [29M]. He was with her for a long time, and had some great experiences with her, so I would never ask him to delete them. But what was confusing was he still talked to me as if we were dating through that time. My fears have been validated. Single. And if we sometimes stumble into the topic (the previous relationship), he gets teary-eyed and wants to exit the conversation. i can’t hold him back from Apr 11, 2018 · “This is a bad sign for your romantic relationship because the seeds for romance are being sown in these late-night calls with someone your ex has been in love with before. But now all of a sudden he's proclaiming his love and acting like a sad lovesick puppy. You're not number one his ex is still his number one. true. They're memories, and we all keep them in some form. He hadn’t heard from her in a while, but now Bf (30) is deeply in love with me (28) but also deeply in love with his "first love". We used to get high in his apartment and would make love. I{F24} told my boyfriend{27} in April that he needs to stop talking completely to his ex, as it's a dealbreaker for me. You -are- acting jealous and insecure. Your boyfriend talking to his ex doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s still in love with her. My bf told him that he felt bad that he’s still in love with his ex, but he also loves me. Accidentally Calls You By Her He told me he’s super confused and wished he could just pick his feelings because he would 100% pick me and build a life with me but it isn’t fair to me if he isn’t in love with me because, according to him, I deserve someone who gives me the same energy and loves me the same way I love them. He's my best F*(K. He begged his wife not to divorce him, because he NEVER expected her to have a titanium spine and kick his sorry ass to the curb. Constant Comparisons to Their Ex. ” Just because he uses objects she gave him doesn't mean he's still obsessing over her. He was there with my now ex when my daughters were born. I was there when his uncle died. Mar 15, 2023 · 4. Your boyfriend might be reaching out to his ex out of reflex, not necessarily because he has unresolved He asked me for more time. I said okay but then he lied to me about many things and I was very hurt. Don’t overthink this. My boyfriend has artifacts of his serious ex. It was on and off from my end because it was too painful to watch him be in a relationship with someone else. I think more of him for being friends with his ex and still caring deeply about her. I stand corrected, he is not in love with his ex. I do. Even without the fact that he cheated on her with you, staying with someone because you pity them is not respectful either. Feb 19, 2023 · It was possible for my boyfriend to love me while still also being in love with his ex. I found out later that day, through a text, after I traveled with her on the train (him and I lived in different cities then and I was visiting him that day) and she interogated me about our relationship. I think it's pretty 351 votes, 133 comments. Here are the signs or you can check this How to Make Your Ex Fall in Love with You Again Through Text. Leave him NOW, and do not expect him to chase you. He told me he spend 100% of his time with her and he will never do that again. i think keeping pictures of him and her together would be fine, since it's a part of his life and they had been together for two years, so i could see why he would keep some pictures of them as a memory. He admitted to being emotionally attached to her but in a platonic way Jul 14, 2023 · Great article, so I broke up with my EX c. He didn’t care for them much and didn’t think he was capable of having or maintaining one because of how busy he was with work and just life in general (he’s a bit of a workaholic, a shut-in, and prefers reading books than having a night out). For instance, you’re out with him having a good time when his ex shows up across the room with But Rebecca is pretty sure John is actually in love with his ex. So it is really bothering me that my ex keeps coming to my mind when it was an awful relationship. Like have they been in contact or is he assuming she wants him back. Similarly to your boyfriend, my boyfriend is pretty frugal with sweet and loving words as I met him just a few months after my ex, Jared (24m) broke up with me and I was still pretty heartbroken, but he lifted me out of the heartache and was the first person I've genuinely had feelings for since before I met my ex (almost 6 years prior). They have never stopped seeing each other on/off for 12+ years, regardless of the several serious, long term relationships they've been in. Here’s a look at a few alarming signs he’s not over his ex. He has admitted that to me, that his love for his ex was way more than what he has for me. If his ex is out of the picture, and was the reason for the previous break up, I don’t think you have her to worry about. His parents love her. It feels like we connect on every level and I really believe that he is my person. But it doesn’t mean we want them back in our lives. Feb 23, 2022 · Infidelity Why People Cheat on Partners They Still Love 3. I am not saying to be controlling and that I want him to delete it, I really just don’t know how to feel about it since I never been in such a long relationship and don’t have pics anymore with my ex. When my bf and I started dating last year, he made it clear to me that he had a very difficult time getting over his ex because he liked her a lot. He misses out on plans with our friends to see her, which he never wouldn’t dreamt of doing for me. Even if we had the evidence that it was just not having a child specifically with him, it’s still painful to leave someone because they don’t want to have a child only for them to use the excuse of a “happy accident” knowing he torpedo the marriage because she didn’t want kids. My boyfriend made it clear in the beginning that he wouldn't change this as it works, he has known his ex since they were children, and he wants what is best for his daughter. Not because I’m still in love or want them back. He thinks I will be just like his ex when I turn 30 and get bored with the relationship and leave him for someone else. that happened after i started dating someone else for a couple weeks after a few The rational things that have made me think this is him seeming angry and disgusted at her new partner, he has lots of photos on his phone on them together (which I get not everyone deletes, but I do delete them so I find it weird) if I talk about her or ask a question about her he seems perfectly happy to keep talking about her for quite a bit Sep 8, 2022 · In fact, it’s likely that he’s just as attached to you as you are to him. A little bit of self-esteem and do not accept that kind of behavior from anyone. He still has feelings of jealousy toward her. But equally, this family treat my boyfriend like one of their own and act like more of a family than his own do. My own pain started to crash through our relationship. I don’t think my current girl is still in love with him, although she’ll always love him in general, the same way I’ll always love my ex’s even though they didn’t die. I know its not normal but I am. 2. He replied with "no I dont love her anymore but I kinda do miss her personality". But his relationship with his ex was more romantic and intense, things feel more casual than romantic between us. that’s Jan 28, 2025 · 21 Sure-Fire Signs He Still Loves His Ex 1. I don’t think OP’s boyfriend is necessarily still in love with his ex. I need some advice. Until he met her. I love him so much and everything is going great! The only problem is my jealousy. The second one cheated on him, was hated by all his friends and family, treated him horribly but he still couldn’t let her go. For instance, maybe your boyfriend and his ex were friends before they hooked up, and they agreed to stay friends after the breakup. Truthfully, I don't think anybody that has a significant other taken from them at an early age is, especially when the manner is murder as opposed to a sickness or an accident. My boyfriend still has old pictures of his ex on his computer, and never deleted their old pictures from social media. My ex-situationship pops up now and again and talks to me. When I first met her, he introduced me as his girlfriend, but he didn't said that she was his ex. You look back on his previous situation and recall how he painted the picture of his ex—maybe he said he felt stifled, unhappy, or unappreciated. Amidst the high-intensity feelings your logical sense feels clouded, and making a decision regarding this situation can feel overwhelming or even irrational. But when he goes out of his way to tell me he'll always be in love with her it makes me think we have no future I still love my ex, I love my ex's caring personality, I love how hard he tried to change things for the better. He’s also a redditor, so throwaway account for obvious reasons. Your boyfriend and his ex probably shared some good times and good memories together, so don’t worry if he occasionally talks about his ex and the things He discussed with his ex whether he should start dating me ^ Again this sounds fine, when I wanted to start going out with my boyfriend i was friends with an ex and I talked to him because I was scared of hurting my current boyfriend, this seems normal. It’s all too easy to accuse your partner of cheating, or having feelings for an ex, because of something you feel or think in a brief moment. This is the huge sign. We’ve put together a list of 15 simple signs to look out for to help you figure it out… 1. " Maybe he has convinced himself because you're good enough he should be happy but I don't think he's in love with you the way you need him to be, the way ANY person needs to be loved by their SO. By observing your partner’s behavior carefully, you can tell whether your partner still has feelings for their ex. I check his Facebook praying he and his new girlfriend have broken up. We have a regular relationship. Well, if you can’t spot the red flags yourself, let me help you through this quiz!. Dec 26, 2024 · You might find yourself justifying the way your relationship started. Jul 12, 2024 · With over 10 years of professional experience, he runs The Awakened Lifestyle, where he uses his expertise in dating, attraction, and social dynamics to help people find love. Him and Anna met while he was in the peace corp in South America where she is from, they only dated for about a year, he proposed to her just 5 months into the relationship and from what I’ve heard from some of his friends he was completely head over He's my "TOTGA", The One That Got Away. It almost becomes a narrative of “He cheated because he was miserable, and now that he's happy with me, it won't happen again. Good luck. Mar 5, 2018 · But normally, they suffer as much as on the day of the breakup because they’re still hurting over the loss of their previous relationship. I was there when his mom got sick. He may also be worried about how his children are coping with the divorce. Now recently, I was on my bf's iPad drawing and wanted to send the art to myself. What can I do if my BF is still not over his ex? You can have a straight talk with your boyfriend about how you feel. in the shortest form possible, my ex and i dated for about a year and a half and we had quite a bit of issues and broke up twice. It's one thing to live a lifetime with your partner. He was there when I was hospitalized. I think this is why it is so important to take the time to heal after a breakup. Every time I smoke weed, I think about him coz he's the one who introduced me to it. NO he's not. We lived together for a little over 3 years, and were both kind of stuck in a rut. Sometimes I would think about leaving my husband coz I'm unhappy with our relationship but I don't wanna hurt him and his family because they I'm not sure about the meeting ex thing, because she was still in love with him and making her meet me would be torture for her, i don't even know if she knows I exist because he denied my relationship request thingy on facebook so it says he is single, so the only way she would know is if he told her he was dating someone. Posted February 23, 2022 | Reviewed by Ekua Hagan Jun 9, 2021 · I’ve seen the above happen, and I feel badly for all parties. He was there when my daughter landed in the hospital for a period of A couple months after that, my bf was out of town (where this ex lives- who he had been hanging out with earlier that day) and he was intoxicated out of his mind, at which time he called me and confessed the fact that he still had feelings for her but she has a boyfriend, but then told me he loves me and how great I am etc (I mean jeez I sat Sometimes I feel that he is still not over it. His exact feelings and emotions might differ, but to argue he loved one of us “more” or “less” also sort of missed the point. My boyfriend told me that he’ll always love his ex but he made it clear that he is not in love with her. You’ve got some rose colored glasses on woman, that’s a hard fact. . The appeal of transgression. Read along to get tips and encouragement on how to move forward during this difficult time. it wasn’t easy and we started having too many fights i will accuse of cheating insult me countless times tho he was cheating i knew he was If your boyfriend is still emotionally attached to his ex-wife, it may be because he hasn’t had the opportunity to properly grieve the loss of the relationship. It’s okay to feel insecure, it’s okay to feel all your feelings! He understands and listens to me whenever I need it and has NEVER laid a hand on me and would never even think about it. That and other factors between us eventually led us to divorcing after 7 years of marriage. He's Still In Active Communication With Her. Period. Again, thank But also, he’s saying he’s in love with his ex still, but there is no mention of what his ex may want. And I love my new boyfriend. I can’t really relate to that since I don’t talk to any of my exes, but in a sense I can respect it since they basically grew up together and ended the relationship on good terms. It's either me or her. This is a clear sign of emotional attachment – he’s still treating her as if they’re together. I asked him if they have been talking, he said no. This just makes me question why you’re even with him but let’s talk about this problem. May 20, 2015 · Does your boyfriend or girlfriend still have a relationship of a platonic nature with his or her ex? Does this relationship with the ex keep popping up in your relationship to the point where you That he does it because he's a good person. He got Even if he seems to be looking at me differently now, he still won't ask me to be his girlfriend (claims he's not ready for a relationship where he can give the girl the attention/love she deserves), he'll still entertain another friend of his who he doesn't seem to like but is afraid to hurt with rejection (especially because she doesn't have So I have been dating my boyfriend for 1 year now, and our relationship is very smooth sailing, there is no fight nor arguments we pretty much have the most chill comfortable relationship, though he does not do any grand gesture for my birthdays or any extravagant surprises like flowers or gifts or indulge me in romance our simple daily lifestyle and dates in the same places we like and feel Dec 6, 2023 · If you still have feelings for an ex and/or still love an ex, don't feel shame. You are trying to recreate feelings instead of them naturally blooming, that's not what love is about. When it came to relationships, my boyfriend was pretty standoffish. He might even be friends with his ex or at least they hope to become friends in the future. Then look inwards at your own relationship and why he is still feeling attached to his ex despite being with you. My ex and I were together 4 years, and broke up 1 year ago. i’m known as being a depressed piece of shit by all my friends, hopefully that won’t be true when i get the correct treatment and help i need. And when a guy still has feelings for his ex, he’ll feel jealous when he sees her with someone else or when he thinks about her moving on without him. Discover why acceptance, trust, and understanding his past can strengthen our current relationship. The break-up was amicable. It’s because he doesn’t want to imagine what off-brand comes after Crispy Rice, and he’d rather have his second choice than be left trying to find a third. Keeping contact with an ex tends to be a controversial topic. If he does, it’s not because he came to his senses. He's just an overgrown toddler that wants what he can no longer have. I can think of at least 3 men in my life who did not want their wives to leave, They wanted to stay married and were horribly upset when the wives left. For example, if you've been distant from each other lately and you don’t feel secure in the relationship, it may be more concerning that your boyfriend is communicating with his ex. The love stopped growing further on his end so I told him that we should break 4. If […] Mar 30, 2024 · It can be the first reason my boyfriend keeps cheating with his ex. I just want to possess it, I guess. Knowing you would take it that way and saying it anyway is basically malicious. We also share friends and they are mature about it, stay out of it. Hell And now after all this time, I can tell you I still care about my ex. I got with this guy who was still clearly obsessed with his ex - he still had pictures of her in his dorm and things she had given him on display, and would nonstop talk about her. I love that he knows how strong and independent I am. And that’s not right. Idk bro, if i were you i would highly reconsider whatever you are doing with that girl, don't break her heart with an "artificial" relation when Is he planning on abandoning his parental rights? Why didn’t you tell him he can’t abandon his son? This whole thing doesn’t make sense. For example, he keeps using the same pet name with me that he learned from his ex. I loved kayaking with him, I loved going swimming together, watching shows in his crappy twin bed, smoking weed and drinking with him. 1. She lives across the country and, because of a recent tragedy, is now back in his life. It goes to show that he has remarkable character and that whatever happens with us, we’re going to be alright. Talks About Her All The Time. Best BEST friend type stuff. She has been feeling that connection between him and his ex since their marriage. Does any of that seem familiar?. Feb 20, 2024 · If your last relationship ended amicably or you and your ex are still friends, Dr. The reason I did NOT drag my feet was because I had excellent relationship coaching. Jul 10, 2024 · Not only is he taking away your right as his partner to share in his joys and sorrows, but he’s keeping his ex-wife heavily in the loop. You are not alone, many people struggle to get over an ex and it may take a while because every relationship is different. Like I said if he wants to tell me a story of her, that's okay. I still had feelings for my ex when I started seeing my current boyfriend, but they muted more Dec 27, 2024 · Healing means addressing unresolved pain, not burying it behind your boyfriend's ex. Love flourishes when it's anchored in mutual understanding and security. I have tried to accept this. It makes me sad but I deal with it because I love him and want him to be able to express himself. TL;DR: BF confessed he has always been in love with his ex and still loves her. If you and your ex are still on speaking terms – wow! There are differences between in love with them and love them. Clicked to share and his ex-gf popped up. He said he’s healing through me and he’ll get over her. Neither of us looks through our artifacts and they certainly aren't strewn around the house, integrated into our current lives; in my case, the stuff is actually stored pretty inaccessibly. Distance makes for fonder and romanticized memories than they actually were! If he/she were still with you it would be tempered by the realities and daily frictions. Once things were improving, he said he was starting to fall in love with me, but my reaction had made him cold. As the title says, I can't stop thinking about his ex and it's destroying me. Aug 22, 2024 · Finding out that your boyfriend has been lying about texting his ex sets grounds for getting worried, trust issues, and suspicion. If he talks about his ex most of the time, he might still love her. Timing could be another issue—if he and his ex broke up right before he met you, and they never stopped talking to each other, there I agree with this perspective. He teaches and holds dating workshops internationally, from Los Angeles to London and from Rio de Janeiro to Prague. Oct 22, 2016 · hi,i and my ex started dating last year it was a good one we were close but we found out we couldn’t get married because,of our genotype he is As i am also AS but we still kept the relationship, going. The first one my ex told me he couldn’t give himself to me the way he wanted to because he he gave everything to his ex and he got crushed. He isn't over his ex and you don't deserve that and he doesn't deserve you. If the person you are in a relationship with has children from a past marriage; trust me, the kids will always be a reason for her to call him or vice versa. Moving forward—he either knew you would take it that way, or he didn’t consider it. I plan to move out of state to be with him in a few months. I'm still friends with a couple of my ex bf. Jan 8, 2025 · Your boyfriend wouldn’t easily fess up about whether he is still in love with his baby mama or if he’s just acting his part as her baby daddy. I have all kinds of stuff from my ex husband. So consider whether your insecurity stems from your boyfriend's behavior (for instance, he still texts or meets his ex regularly and keeps it a secret), or if it's a personal fear. Mar 19, 2022 · But if even on days he is not meant to see the children he still wants to see them because it would mean seeing her too, then it is a worrying sign that he misses his ex wife or ex-girlfriend. Here is the thing- he still texts me, calls me, video calls me and even Sep 9, 2021 · When your boyfriend defends his ex-wife more than your emotions, it’s clear that he’s still emotionally attached to her. He said that he knows he can never get back with her because his entire family hates her and would be very disappointed. If your partner Dec 17, 2024 · My boyfriend still loves his ex, but I'm not threatened. Where do I even go from here. One you can’t even recognize because you’re just as toxic as him. But if you find that he is still doing a lot of emotional processing out loud with you about his ex and his divorce, and you’re starting to feel like his therapist, it could be a sign that he still has some healing to do (in which case he might really benefit from working with a professional counselor if he is really struggling emotionally). If so, you’re probably wondering, “Is he still in love with his ex?”. He gifted her one of his couches when she moved in with her new bf because they shared so much time together everything he owns is hers as well. And for 95% of it, I only have amazing things to say about my ex as I’m sure everyone who knew him and us would also only have good things to say. I’ll never forget the shocked look on my ex husband’s face when I sent him 60+ pages of divorce papers over Thanksgiving because two weeks earlier, he told me he didn’t love me anymore. Sep 5, 2021 · Pro Tips if You Think Your Boyfriend Still Has Feelings for His Ex. You should stop this. i think that when things are so far gone, like they were for me, it can be unrealistic for them to wait around until you get better. Everything is "normal" and because he's a good person. Oct 14, 2024 · Here are four significant red flags that may indicate that a partner still has feelings for their ex—and what you can do about it. I didn’t believe I could find a girlfriend of her caliber to replace her. At the end of the day, it’s a relationship between him and the parents, not his ex. Dec 20, 2024 · Depending how they broke up, he might not hate her. Dec 21, 2023 · There may be several signs within your relationship that he hasn’t moved on from his ex. They still keep in touch. One of the first thing I even said while we were getting to know each other was like, if there’s a story with him relating to our conversation, tell it! I’m tired of thinking about this issue, about having anxiety over if he still has feelings for her which he has said several times he doesn’t, his sister (who is a good friend to me) has assured me that he doesn’t, and there doesn’t ever seem to be anything fishy when he and the ex speak but I still cannot freaking get over the fear of This happened in my first year of college when I found myself without a boyfriend for the first time in years. If your boyfriend is holding onto love for someone who hurt him, it may be because he has created an internal version of his ex who supports him, in contrast to the real-world version around whom he feels discomfort and even pain. It’s still betrayal. Dec 25, 2023 · Dear Therapist, I’m in a new long-distance relationship with a man I was with in our early 20s (we are now 38 and 40). He didn’t think that his feelings for his ex would be a problem until he got through the love stage with you and realized that he has trouble letting go. "You don’t have to It is clear you still love your ex, hence you won't ever feel the same for this new girlfriend. So instead of letting jealousy and insecurity get the best of you, try to focus on the positive aspects of your relationship. Anyway I asked him about it and he said he told me he doesnt hate her or anything, then I asked does he still miss/love her. Is this a normal way to be after He’s talked about moving to her city. It’s like he lives in my head and I think about him Every. So it just makes me insecure if he still kept that picture. the second time was the ‘final time’, however we started talking again for a bit afterwards and became fwb (bad idea, i know). He said he will stop. But he said it would never work because of our existing family issues. Now suddenly, he's still 'in love' with his ex-wife. Like I miss the way he treated me and how he made me feel. It’s been hard. My problem is that I can’t stop thinking about my ex. Im crying in my room and i dont know what to do. He told me that he tried to get her back many times after she broke up with him and she was the reason why he had to take depression meds. The first thing you’re going to think after this is that your boyfriend still misses his ex because he is probably still in love with her. He's only saying it now that I'm engaged and living with my fiance, and I'm sure as fuck not 18 anymore. Saying really romantic things that would have made 18 year old me swoon and kick my feet. He doesn't love me like he loved her. Not just for throwing away his ex’s stuff but to think there’s a lim My boyfriend (25 M) and me (25 F) have been together officially now for just over six months. If he truly loved his ex he would have stayed with her no matter what. Oct 3, 2024 · One of the most common reasons your boyfriend might still be in contact with his ex is simply out of habit. I chose the new guy and was upfront with my ex. Apr 9, 2019 · I think it’s great that he still cares about his ex and is friends with her. I was married to someone who was still emotionally attached to his ex fiancé and I too ignored all the signs that my then husband was still in love with his ex. I've (20F) been together with my bf (22M) for almost a year now. Feb 25, 2021 · If you’ve recently gone through a breakup and you think your ex has lingering feelings for you, you might be wondering how to tell if they definitely do still love you. Day. but definitely pain. In fact, my ex told me he was still in love with me a week after I went on quite possibly the best first date I’ve ever been on. but selfies i dont understand. There are many reasons why your boyfriend might still feel close to his ex, such as missing the good times, unfinished business, or nostalgia. I think a part of me will always love my ex and it’s really messing with me. They were married and got divorced a long, long time ago. Relationships often involve daily routines and communication patterns that can be hard to break even after the relationship ends. Me (22f) and my guy (26m) have been together for almost a year now, and our relationship is starting to get pretty serious. He could just be angry that she’s happy. my boyfriend still has selfies of his ex on his phone. You need to be the more important girl in your partner life and mind. He is so kind and the type of guy who you know is doing the right thing when no one is looking. 1 year ago , she bit me after an argument and apologised, I still loved her but she hurt me and I allowed space for 6 weeks and even went to get my stuff from her and she dressed up to see me and I even kissed her but she refused to let me come inside to see her, she was testing I think, I then Oct 28, 2021 · It's that horrid moment when you start to realize you're in a relationship with a man that you love, but who may still have feelings for his ex-wife or ex-girlfriend that he simply can't seem to Me(26) my bf(29) have been dating for a short time 6 months, within this time frame I knew he was still be seeing his ex's son(6) like once a week, he is not the dad he was just in his life for I believe 2+ years when they dated. So, you might need to get used to it as long as it's nothing suspicious. I went on a year of self improvement where I then met my current boyfriend. Apr 11, 2023 · However, in some cases, talking to an ex is perfectly normal. Aug 30, 2024 · However, talking with an ex can be a cause for concern in some situations. My bf is only with me because he can’t have his ex. So his want/need for having children overrode his love for his ex wife. efsy odyp nmkqn lfdt iykywvu swbwz tizxli fmcp ythuy lcz hdyicoi kla lee dymjyb loqetp