Mathematica solve system of equations Jun 8, 2018 · It will \ turn var->value into F[var][value]. We can tell Reduce that these variables are all real-valued like this: Systems of Equations show up in a variety of contexts, and it is very helpful to see that Mathematica can help us with these sometimes difficult calculations This mathematically equivalent assumption contains the solve variable, and hence is treated as a part of the system to solve: There are no generic solutions, because the input is interpreted as: The solution is non-generic, since it requires the parameters to satisfy an equation: Note that the latter points some bugs present in versions 7 and 8 which have been fixed in version 9 of Mathematica. I'm trying to use Jan 20, 2022 · In Mma one writes an equation using the doubled equality symbol. $$\begin{aligned}\sqrt{\eta} \zeta = g \frac{1-\lambda_{\text{ch}}^2}{1-g^2 \lambda_{\text{ch}}^2} \ Oct 10, 2018 · Learn how to use Solve and NSolve functions to find algebraic or numerical solutions to polynomial equations. Then, solve the resulting equation for the remaining variable and substitute this value back into the original equation to find the value of the other variable. Then, solve the nine linear equations in terms of p and the parameters. Common choices of dom are Reals, Integers, and Complexes. I have not received an answer after about 4 hours! Is there a way to solve this equ I. Any advice is appreciated. Mar 19, 2022 · The problem (besides the non-ideal syntax/style of the code) is an invalid initial condition/ill conditioned system. 314)*T*Log[X] == 8. $\endgroup$ – Apr 19, 2018 · How can I write a code in Mathematica to solve an equation with variable in specific domains? For instance, I want to write a code for Solve[{2 x + 1 == y && x > 0 However, neither Solve[] nor LinearSolve[] can solve this system in a reasonable amount of time (I have not received an answer in an hour). Learn more about: Equation solving; Tips for entering queries. Even though LinearSolve doesn't appear to be an appropriate approach w can use the Modulus option in another equation-solving functionality like e. ax + y + az = 2 x + ay + z = 2 x + az = 1 and then answer "for which values on a does the equation system only have one solution? For which values on a do we have an infinite amount of solutions, and what value on a lacks solutions. Sep 3, 2024 · The symbolic solvers of Mathematica are strong, however, the ones fail in some cases, for example, for the system {x^(x + y) == y^12, y^(x + y) == x^3} over the reals. The general solution gives information about the structure of the complete solution space for the problem. g. More practical is to force Mathematica to solve this equation numericaly from the beginning Solve B x−1 + x + x+1 3. If mu/v is unitless as it should be, and it is scaled to NN=1, then to have the appropriate units as SS, it must be that (mu/v)*NN==SS and this is true because NN=1. In the following functions, f is the evaluation of functions and fs is the gradient of the function at the given initial points. 314)*T*Log[1 - X] == 8. I just don't know the right built-in mathematica function to use to solve a system of nonlinear equations and inequations. e. 1866 << For more complicated equations there can be an output saying that Mathematica has reduced the equation to a polynomial equation Solve B x−1 + x + x+1 + x+2 5F Aug 13, 2015 · Upshot: Requesting Solve to solve for all variables is faster than asking it to solve for exactly the "right number" of variables. May 20, 2015 · In certain problems, we need to solve systems of equations and get results in terms of just selected variables. I get this warning every time: "NSolve was unable to solve the system with inexact coefficients. I tried to solve this system by using Solve. f(x,y;m)=0 g(x,y;m)=0 where m is an external parameter on which the equations depends on. Mathematica does not provide this algorithmitically fastest way to solve a linear algebraic equation; instead it uses Gauss--Jordan elimination procedure, which is more computationally demanded (and practically is not used). Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Aug 1, 2023 · Using the below sets of equations, I want to find the expression for ζ, η and eg using Mathematica. Reduce can solve arbitrary complex polynomial systems. The function for solving algebraic equations and their systems is Solve. Jul 5, 2016 · Is it possible to solve a system of integral equations in Mathematica? More specifically, I would like to obtain numerical solutions for $\\mu$ and $\\sigma$ from the following system: f[x_] := (Sqr Dec 20, 2021 · $\begingroup$ It is almost impossible to solve q,r when the equation contain q*r. When I tried to solve the equation below, I got the $4$ errors. New in Mathematica 10 › Enhanced Calculus & Differential Equations › Directly Obtain Solution Expressions for Difference Equations Directly obtain an expression for the solution of an O Δ E using RSolveValue . , First the math: why do you have different ode's all with same dependent variable and trying to solve them all for one variable? You will get DSolve::overdet: There are fewer dependent variables than equations, so the system is overdetermined. I have tried to find other redundant equations and I have also tried to solve the system putting $$\mu(r)=1$$ without any change. Indeed, the solution above is OK. for example Solve[q*r==1,{q,r}]. The Mathematica code is In the following system, all variables on the right hand side are known, except for w1, w2 and w3, for which we are trying to solve. We know that, in general, an equation system defines a set of points as a function of the parameters in it. It can also solve many linear equations up to second order with nonconstant coefficients, as well as many nonlinear equations. To give you some starting point: FindInstance[Mod[x, 9] == 2 && Mod[x + 631, 9] == 3 && x < 100, x, PositiveIntegers, 100]? This gives all positive solutions to your equations, smaller than 100. NSolve [expr, vars, Reals] finds solutions over the domain of real numbers. : Solve or Reduce and in some other functions related to algebraic manipulations Mar 9, 2013 · Using Mathematica, I want to solve a system of nonlinear equations like. Sep 12, 2013 · I'm attempting to solve a system of equations with mathematica. 056 to 56/1000 and do the same with all your other decimal constants and run the result then it tells me there is no solution. I have tried to solve in Mathematica a number of ways. It is advised that you show some prior attempts of solving your problem. That is ==, rather than =. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. This example shows several such classes. NSolve [expr, vars] attempts to find numerical approximations to the solutions of the system expr of equations or inequalities for the variables vars. How to solve an equation system in Mathematica 9. $\endgroup$ – b. what Commented Jun 2, 2013 at 19:01 I will give an elaborate answer because I think this is an area where Mathematica really shines ;) Let me digress. Is there a way to do it? Jan 19, 2022 · Question: How do I make Mathematica to solve for the coefficients a[1], a[2], a[3] and a[4] the system of equations given by eq1=0, eq2=0 and eq3=0? Elaborating on the question: When equating any of the above equations to zero, each term should vanish separately, so that eq1=0 gives a[3] - a[4]=0 and a[1] + 2 a[2]=0 . No doubt this is because the problem can be formulated in terms of numeric matrices. Oct 22, 2022 · In these equations there are four real and positive parameters a1, a2, m, k. The correct answer will solve for -18 < a < -19. I've looked in the VectorAnalysis package, without finding anything there that seems relevant; meanwhile the Linear Algebra package only seems to have a solver for linear systems (which this isn't, since I don't know t or P, just |P|). If I change 0. Here is a screenshot of the equations, and what Mathematica outputs. SolveValues, NSolveValues — directly gives solution vectors. I am no expert in Mathematica and am not entirely sure how to do this. Feb 15, 2014 · can. Jun 1, 2013 · Also, the first equation is actually decoupled so you only need to solve the remaining two. Enter your queries using plain English and get step-by-step solutions, graphs and alternate forms. $\endgroup$ Jun 25, 2015 · Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have $\begingroup$ Look up ChineseRemainder[], which solves systems of Modular equations under certain general conditions on the relative primeness of the terms. May 7, 2011 · Thanks, I just added the code in case anybody wanted to look at the actual equations I was looking to solve. NSolve — numerical solutions to equations and systems. Solve returns empty set for set of equations. some math, and some syntax. I have a system of equations and I want to solve it to get x, y Thanks for contributing an answer to Mathematica Stack Exchange! Please be sure to answer the Apr 11, 2011 · Trying to Solve System of Equations with Mathematica. Also, please remember to accept the answer, if any, that solves your problem, by clicking the checkmark sign ! $\endgroup$ Jul 17, 2020 · The main analytical tool for these is solving them using power series methods. Solve a system of differential equation with singular mass-matrix as a DAE: Inspect the singularity of the mass matrix: Solve a DAE by converting it to an index-0 system and solve it as an ODE with invariants: To solve a system of equations by substitution, solve one of the equations for one of the variables, and substitute this expression into the other equation. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. I am trying to solve this system in Mathematica, but I am not sure where to start. Wolfram|Alpha is a great tool for finding polynomial roots and solving systems of equations. But there are the same system! (multiplying by a both sides of the first equation in the first case gives the second system). Mar 14, 2020 · I am trying to solve a linear system of four equations with Mathematica. this answer : Efficient code for solve this equation. Solve system of equations in Matlab. Diophantine equations with irrational coefficients. (Though we can use Reduce ) $\endgroup$ – cvgmt Oct 27, 2015 · $\begingroup$ Welcome to Mathematica. So you can just solve without regards to the integral equation, and then scale the solution so that the mass constraint is satisfied. More than just an online equation solver. Oct 28, 2013 · I need to solve a system of differential equations as follows: Unfortunately, Mathematica is not able to yield a result. Perhaps you could try writing your own function which would accept a system of equations and a list of variables. See examples, special topics, and plots of algebraic numbers. SE! I suggest the following: 1) As you receive help, try to give it too, by answering questions in your area of expertise. Is there any way I can stop Mathematica from doing that and just solve it. My variables are a1,a2, a1prime, a2prime. . Jul 16, 2020 · I am trying to solve a system of 7 equations and 7 unknowns given a set of assuptions. Since I am pretty new on Mathematica, I don't know what I did wrong. How can I solve my system of differential equations using Mathematica? Edit. 2. Use DSolve to solve the differential equation for with independent variable : Feb 1, 2017 · I am trying to use Mathematica to solve a system of 8 equations, but am not sure how to accomplish this. As the equations are very hard, what I do is to explicitly fix m, above all, and then find a solution for that specific value of m (by FindRoot[]). $24x_1+20x_2+16x_3=4$ $20x_1+20x_2+19x_3=36$ $ $\begingroup$ I think that's due to the approximations that Mathematica makes when doing NSolve. Jul 24, 2019 · When I input the following code to solve this system of equations (I specifically want to look at 0<d<1, 0<q<1, 0<t), I get the error: 'DSolve: The function y[t] was specified without dependence on all the independent variables. Solve[2 r + 17 x == 4265 + 37 y && 4 (r + 5 x) == 1835 + 6 y, {x, y}] Mathematica is The result only satisfies one equation and if we are happy with that there are four results obtained by solving each equation individually for x. Feb 20, 2015 · I am trying to numerically solve the below system of six equations (g0-g5) for a0-a5 in Mathematica. One of the issues is that when I do the work by hand a quadratic equation forms through solving. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. now for the syntax Jul 7, 2020 · Mathematica struggles to solve system of trigonometric equations? Hot Network Questions How does the definition of the pullback of a differential form make sense? Jan 24, 2025 · Of course, we can achieve the same result by solving the system of linear equations Ax = b directly using Gaussian elimination method. Should I give it more time or does this mean that Mathematica cannot solve this? Jun 2, 2017 · Solve a system of differential equations of the wireless power transmission system Hot Network Questions Numerical methods: why doesn't this python code return 1. For a system of equations, possibly multiple solution sets are grouped together. F 88x→1. The rest are parameters that can be dropped from the equations to simplify notation. Indeed, Solve[{x^(x + y) == y^12, y^(x + y) == x^3}, {x, y}, Reals] Solve::nsmet: This system cannot be solved with the methods available to Solve. – abcd Commented Sep 19, 2011 at 20:23 Apr 7, 2018 · I tried to implement the fastest way of root finding of a system of nonlinear equations but still it is almost two times slower than the embedded FindRoot function in the Mathematica. Using Maple: Oct 13, 2020 · Solving a linear system with a badly conditioned matrix. The solution (possibly after expanding The Wolfram Language's differential equation solving functions can be applied to many different classes of differential equations, automatically selecting the appropriate algorithms without the need for preprocessing by the user. DSolve returns results as lists of rules. Try Reduce or FindInstance Dec 1, 2011 · We can solve a system of equations over reals using Mathematica as follows. \n When the option Flattening is set to \ Automatic, ToValues flattens li to yield a simplified structure (the \ flattening is tuned to get the simplest list of values for the solution of a \ system of several equation in several variables). Solve a system of differential equations with a state-dependent event: Plot the solution for y: NSolve[expr, vars] attempts to find numerical approximations to the solutions of the system expr of equations or inequalities for the variables vars. In all the tutorials for complex polynomial system solving, assume that the system has been transformed to this form. f1[TA_, TB_] := TA - TB + C f2[TA_, TB_] := TA*(TB - TA) + TA*TB + 0. Using a mass balance problem, learn how to set up and solve a set of linear equations using Mathematica. know. Learn more Nov 2, 2021 · $\begingroup$ To me, this seems like a complicated non-linear system of equations (but I don't really recognize what type of a system this is and what the solution set should look like). However, it is a basic mathematical result that, for sufficiently complicated equations, explicit algebraic formulas in terms of radicals cannot be given. $\endgroup$ – george2079 Commented Feb 9, 2017 at 15:43 Nov 28, 2021 · There are a lot of simplifications it can still do, once it understands that the derivative functions are not independent. Let's write down an appropriate system we would like to solve, i. Sep 26, 2011 · In Mathematica, this is implemented as GroebnerBasis and the "Applications" tab has an example of how to solve a system of polynomial equations. Because of the size of the system calculating the condition number takes a lot of time and so I'm not able to "prove" that the system is badly conditioned. Provide details and share your research! But avoid … Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. 0. Also, in my real example, the system is composed of 10 equations instead of three: we are trying to solve for w1, w2 and w3 where Mar 8, 2021 · $\begingroup$ @Math as Tugrul indicates, this solution is normalized such that NN=1, this is why it is “missing” from the first solution part as you observed. Use MathJax to format equations. Your system has a 1-parameter family of solutions, that is, infinitely many of them. In Mathematica this is implemented using AsymptoticDSolveValue but it is important to note that the solution obtained using this, although analytical, is only accurate very close to the expansion point. RSolve can solve linear recurrence equations of any order with constant coefficients. Here's my code. How can I make mathematica completely solve this system? (note: this system has very simple solutions I can get by hand, using this as a sample example for applying to more complicated systems) Any help will be appreciated. The non-issue. Solve systems of linear or nonlinear equations, inequalities or constraints with Wolfram|Alpha. >> The equations are ${dx\over dt}=\lambda -\beta x v-d x$ ${dy\over dt}=\beta x v-a y$ ${dv\over dt}=-uv$ where $\lambda, \beta, d,a,u$ are constant. " I understand that I'm supposed to use solve, but I'm not exactly May 18, 2023 · Stack Exchange Network. I use the code shown below: Jun 26, 2024 · Now we can express x and y through r by solving a system of linear equations. 3) When you see good questions and answers, vote them up by clicking the gray triangles, because the credibility of the system is based on the reputation gained by users sharing their knowledge. Sep 3, 2017 · In solving the following system using Mathematica, I get . It takes too much time to evaluate the solutions, and I guess because they are non linear equations. 3*(1400 - T), -(8. DSolve@eqn,y@xD,xD solve a differential equation for y@xD DSolve@8eqn 1,eqn 2,…<,8y @xD,y 2 @xD,…<,xD solve a system of differential equations for y i @xD Finding symbolic solutions to ordinary differential Jan 15, 2015 · I have a system of two equations with the variables T and X that I tried to solve: Solve[{-(8. Sep 20, 2022 · $\begingroup$ You have many problems. On the other hand, Maple gives me the correct answer in a few seconds. $\endgroup$ – Nov 27, 2022 · $\begingroup$ All your equations are linear: the differential equations as well as the integral constraint. 1. I know it is far away from a good strategy to attack this problem. Apr 14, 2018 · I tried to solve the following system of equations: $\begingroup$ Because Mathematica was not solving for the original system. May 30, 2012 · In general, when the system of equations is overdetermined, you have an optimization problem and would therefore not expect Solve or Reduce to be the right tools because the equations are likely not solvable "exactly" but only in some "best possible" way. Jan 28, 2023 · Actually we solve the system of delay integrodifferential equations, while with NDSolve we solve DDEs. Find more Mathematics widgets in Wolfram|Alpha. Solve[{x + y == 1, y == 2}, {x, y}] which returns the result: (* {{x -> -1, y -> 2}} *) Get the free "3 Equation System Solver" widget for your website, blog, Wordpress, Blogger, or iGoogle. It can solve systems of linear equations or systems involving nonlinear equations, and it can search specifically for integer solutions or solutions over another domain. I don't have a code problem per se. Feb 19, 2016 · I am new at mathematica, and I am trying to solve the following system of four equations (f11==0 ,f12==0 , f13==0 , f14==0) under mathematica 10 , they depend on the real variables "alpha, beta, R and r " (with r and R POSITIVE). I suppose I can suck it up and solve it by hand. 3*(1200 - T)}, {T, X}] but I get the erro DSolve can be used for finding the general solution to a differential equation or system of differential equations. we are to maximize a^3 + b^3 + c^3 knowing that a + b + c == 5 and 1/a + 1/b + 1/c == 1/5, thus the most direct approach uses Maximize with adequate conditions: Aug 7, 2017 · My goal is to solve the following system of equations: of the solutions I don't know how to prove it and I was hoping that mathematica could provide me an DSolve returns un-evaluated, meaning that it can not solve the system of equations. gates. The answer was obtained by solving a corresponding exact system and numericizing the result. My code is below. Jun 8, 2016 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Mathematica Stack Exchange! Please be sure to answer the question. FindRoot — numerically find local roots of equations. , -D/E^(d*i*k[2]) + C*E^(d*i*k[2]))*k[2]) is neither an equation nor an inequality. Enter your queries using plain English. Stork Commented Feb 9, 2018 at 18:36 Wolfram|Alpha is capable of solving a wide variety of systems of equations. AsymptoticSolve — asymptotic approximation to algebraic equations Solve[expr, vars] attempts to solve the system expr of equations or inequalities for the variables vars. My guess is that it is checking to see if the system is not indeterminate or something. You can try with FindInstance to get some possible solutions, for example: FindInstance[{ (* insert all three equations *) }, {x, y, z, w}, Integers, 10 Oct 4, 2012 · I think this should be easy to numerically solve in Mathematica, but for some reason I'm not finding the correct way to do it. I'm looking for insight into other techniques that might help me solve the set of equations other then Solve. I have given Mathematica about 20 minutes. " Apr 27, 2021 · Assuming that Mathematica knows methods to solving this, Solving a system of linear equations stored in a table. Thanks for contributing an answer to Mathematica Stack Exchange! Mar 7, 2016 · There is a smart use of Solve which eliminates certain variables and solves the system with respect to the remaining ones, see e. This makes it possible to return multiple solutions to an equation. The final question would be if somebody know a way to solve that equations. I basically want to solve these simyltaneous equiations: NSolve[ { - Solve always tries to give you explicit formulas for the solutions to equations. DSolve::bvfail: For some branches of the general solution, unable to solve the conditions. Jan 14, 2020 · These equations are solvable, but the process is exceptionally slow and the output huge. Jun 16, 2022 · For example, if I add equation 2 to equation 3 I get equation 1. Version 12 provides functionality for solving several new classes of equation and inequality systems. I am trying to find an analytical solution to these equations, if it exists, using Mathematica. One such class is partial differential equations (PDEs). and 2. $\endgroup$ – David G. For example, how could we solve eqn==0 below for c3 and c4 expressed in terms of c1 Sep 6, 2019 · I am a selflearner and really new to mathematica software and I am struggling to solve the following system of equations: $(x-d)(y-d)+3(x+1)(1-y)=0$ The Wolfram Language incorporates the latest algorithms for solving industrial-scale linear systems, automatically switching between optimal dense and sparse algorithms\[LongDash]and handling exact, symbolic, and arbitrary-precision as well as machine-precision computation. This is my Mathematica code: Built into the Wolfram Language is the world' s largest collection of both numerical and symbolic equation solving capabilities with many original algorithms Unfortunately I do not know of an available Mathematica function which accept an arbitrary system of equations and will always rapidly and correctly either give you all solutions or tell you that there is no solution. The user has to judge whether a warning is I'm trying to use Mathematica to solve a complicated system of equations. Sometimes it keeps running until my computer crashes or it says that the equations are not a quantified system of equations. For example, in your case, the correct syntax is. There is a test one can use to check the system of PDE's is consistent. Mathematica. The Wolfram Language's differential equation solving functions can be applied to many different classes of differential equations, automatically selecting the appropriate algorithms without needing preprocessing by the user. the equations and inequations to put them in the form fHx 1, …, x n Lã 0 and fHx 1, …, x n L≠ 0. It also factors polynomials, plots polynomial solution sets and inequalities and more. The first system, as written, is consistent. \end{cases}$$ I tried Reduce[{ 1 + Solve — exact solutions to equations and systems. As more terms are added it gets more accurate, but the radius of PDEs, it is difficult to find exact solutions to DAEs, but DSolve can solve many examples of such systems that occur in applications. f[x_, y_] := Exp[a0 - 1 Jun 13, 2017 · The data are experimental data and won't produce exact perfect answers for every equation. – Feb 15, 2015 · I have a system of parametric equations (with a total number of 8). Addendum Nonetheless, with equ4 now corrected by the OP, some progress can be made. When Mathematica emit messages, some are warnings and some are errors. NSolve[expr, vars, Reals] finds solutions over the domain of real numbers. Additionally, it can solve systems involving inequalities and more general constraints. Redundant equations and constants with decimal points can cause all kinds of problems. Solve never terminates with simultaneous equation set. Solve More Equation and Inequality Systems. The original technical computing environment. However, here it appears to take too much time. 5*TA^2 + TB*(TB The thing is that the coefficients are gigantic and Mathematica is taking forever to do a Solve. Solve [x^2+y^2+z^2==1 && x+y==1, {x,y,z}] How one can solve a system of equations over a finite field like GF(2) Sep 7, 2011 · However, I can't see how to get Mathematica to symbolically solve equations involving vectors like this. by 1 and 2. Unless I'm mistaken, the reason why this doesn't work is that Solve and Reduce do not have an Assumptions option, so Assuming has no effect on them. An approximate answer for each variable is acceptable. Visualization Thanks for contributing an answer to I'm supposed to solve the equation system . Sadly non of that posts can actually help me with my Problem. There is no differential equation for H[Ne] just an algebraic one (eq1[Ne]) it is not necessary to specify a trivial initial condition for it and running H[Ne] as a function in NDSolve is not necessary and might cause problems. To help Solve, replace the approximate real numbers 1. Dec 29, 2020 · Why can't Mathematica solve this system of equations? 2. Apr 4, 2017 · Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Apr 1, 2014 · I am sorry, but I am an abcolute novice of Mathematica (to be more precise this is my first day of using it) and even after surfing the web and all documents I am not able to solve the following system: Apr 2, 2021 · I want to solve the following system, but it gives me an empty output: x1 = \\[Alpha] Cosh [p a/h] - \\[Sigma] Cos [q a/h] + \\[Rho] Sin [q a/h] x2 = \\[Sigma] Cos [q . Jun 8, 2018 · Akku14 is correct that the rather complicated looking pair of equations in the question actually has only three independent variables and one dependent variable. Solve[expr, vars, dom] solves over the domain dom. To solve a system of equations, use a list in the first argument: Here there are two solutions to a simultaneous system of equations; each solution set is wrapped in its own list: Here the solution expresses one variable in terms of another: I want to solve the following system of equations: $$\begin{cases} 1+\sqrt{2 x+y+1}=4 (2 x+y)^2+\sqrt{6 x+3 y},\\ (x+1) \sqrt{2 x^2-x+4}+8 x^2+4 x y=4. In the solution returned by Solve, the parameter y can be anything (that does not make a denominator zero). 0? RSolve handles difference ‐ algebraic equations as well as ordinary difference equations. 2) Take the tour! May 1, 2020 · I'm using Mathematica to solve this nonlinear system of parameters (image below) by using NSolve, where I give some parameters and apply the conditions, but it's not working. There are four major areas in the study of ordinary differential equations that are of interest in pure and applied science. Using Reduce. Solve the system , with several different by means of computing a LinearSolveFunction: Perform the computation by inverting the matrix and multiplying by the inverse: The results are practically identical, even though LinearSolveFunction is multiple times faster: DSolve can handle the following types of equations: Finding symbolic solutions to ordinary differential equations. Large overdetermined system of quadratic Nov 24, 2021 · Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Aug 5, 2022 · $\begingroup$ Welcome to Mathematica StackExchange. Of these four areas, the study of exact solutions has the longest history, dating back to the period just after the discovery of calculus by Sir Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz. 3. you. I am only interested in obtaining V1 as a function of the exogenous parameters. Apr 25, 2022 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Mathematica Stack Exchange! Please be sure to answer the question. I am using the following code: Feb 26, 2016 · The problem is that your last expression in the List input to Solve (i. To demonstrate a solution I have arbitrarily set the last expression equal to zero. elpes jjtc grsrh ozaqwx wsrdym oeuuj pdlepa gatgru wtprr dozsxehz ggrlyy qxq zwpavp bjgdqa znrno