Mikrotik block doh One extremely cogent (but non-ELI5 argument) against DoH is at: https://www. DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)? Sure, if unbound somehow gets its information without using port 53 and you want to make sure nobody else uses port 53 either, you can block that port. Redirect all DNS to mikrotik. I would like to improve privacy by blocking all DoH requests in forward chain, is that possible using L7 firewall? Router DNS enforcing and DoH Blocking for MikroTik Router OS - mikrotik_enforce_dns_block_doh/README. You can block the well-known ones (Cloudflare, Google, etc. Not problem with them using DoH but this is what happens when you use DNS to workaround the hairpin issue: Clients on LAN using LAN DNS servers resolve myserver. Enter the address of the PiHole. 40 4) in the Router configure DoH for the router itself so your LAN users query the PiHole, it blocks the ads, but itself queries the router for DNS information, and the router is securely asking that to a DoH serer, for example CloudFlare family (which also blocks stuff). com across the network. Enable DOH on Mikrotik router. In this article, let’s assume my router IP address is 192. Oct 8, 2024 · Not sure why Mikrotik never implimeneted DoT and went for DoH. Feb 19, 2022 · MikroTik Router (v6. With TLS v1. [*] With SSL and TLS up to and including v1. Jan 30, 2024 · With DOT its a little easier, you can just block port 853 forwards to prevent hosts on your network using DOT services. Nov 28, 2024 · Not sure why Mikrotik never implimeneted DoT and went for DoH. Jul 27, 2024 · Case 2: No DoH support at router level. When the listening port is blocked, it will connect via an outgoing connection to port 80 to an Anydesk relay server, essentially punching through your firewall (assuming that port outgoing TCP 80 is allowed). All DNS requests are secure. 1/help, wait until the checking finish. Leave DoH for the browsers Mikrotik should be promoting good network practices, not the latest gimmic because some overexcited teenager requested it in a Jun 3, 2023 · Case 2: No DoH support at router level. this for beginner how to , 1- you need to use only Mikrotik DNS , and block all access to any DNS request if clients change them DNS. Ideal case: If Mikrotik adds native DoH support to RoS: Sep 24, 2019 · Blocking the listening port doesn't block Anydesk. You can find a guide for that here. Step 1: Set up DNS. DoH is a protocol for performing remote DNS over HTTPS protocol. # In order to able enabling the DOH, your Mikrotik’s firmware must be running 6. Using pfBlockerNG-devel, I've selected all DoH servers (IP address and DNS block lists) to block all LAN access to known DoH servers. FAQ; Home. Add a firewall rule that blocks port 443 for these addresses. Fair enough. Prerequisites: Mikrotik & pihole. 47 adds support for DNS over HTTPS or DoH. You cannot block the youtube CDS IPs in general, as they run many other services beside youtube on the same IPs. Blocking the listening port doesn't block Anydesk. Open your browser then go to this web : https://1. Ideal case: If Mikrotik adds native DoH support to RoS: Apr 29, 2024 · DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)? Sure, if unbound somehow gets its information without using port 53 and you want to make sure nobody else uses port 53 either, you can block that port. Sure, if unbound somehow gets its information without using port 53 and you want to make sure nobody else uses port 53 either, you can block that port. 3, also SNI is encrypted. the input interface its ether1 and local network 192. 88. Ideal case: If Mikrotik adds native DoH support to RoS: Mar 1, 2024 · We are using mikrotik routerboard 750gr3 RouterOS 6. No problem. 1. The kids haven't figured DOH yet, once they do then I will have to figure it out as well. 4. If a owner want to use a DOH client as on the router itself than that is allowed just as using the DOH block list. Apr 5, 2024 · DoH (and oDoH - stands for oblivious DNS over HTTPS) works over port 443. Am i happy with that situation, No, but it must be better than Google! Dec 24, 2024 · Case 2: No DoH support at router level. Kurang lengkap rasanya jika tidak memberikan bonus tips agar settingan adguard anda menjadi lebih lengkap dan stabil yaitu dengan cara menambahkan scripts netwatch yang berfungsi untuk melakukan monitoring dns adguard cloud sehingga ketika dns adguard Dec 22, 2022 · Not sure why Mikrotik never implimeneted DoT and went for DoH. We have tried to block this with L7 protocol regex, but it will not work. Leave DoH for the browsers Mikrotik should be promoting good network practices, not the latest gimmic because some overexcited teenager requested it in a Apr 29, 2022 · DNS sobre HTTPS (DoH) es uno de los protocolos de Internet que más se está poniendo de moda. 3, etc. Unfortunately when using it with the IPFIRE blocklist. Aug 25, 2021 · Code: Select all Jun 21 01:27:37 10. I think UDP is not being used in DOH, but just be certain. ) was to make the router the upstream DNS server for the pihole using DoH (the default pihole image doesn't do DoH). 4 DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)? Sure, if unbound somehow gets its information without using port 53 and you want to make sure nobody else uses port 53 either, you can block that port. Aug 9, 2022 · You cannot block the youtube CDS IPs in general, as they run many other services beside youtube on the same IPs. com Case 2: No DoH support at router level. Verify DoH Certificate: Enabled 7. 1 and this is my network configuration: Aug 23, 2021 · Improved security: DOH helps protect against DNS hijacking attacks, where malicious actors redirect legitimate DNS queries to malicious servers, leading users to fake websites. 16. 46. 0. It makes absolutely no sense to pick DoH over DoT in routers. This is the most secure setup in my opinion. 47 or above) HP Compaq 8200 Elite USFF running Proxmox VE; Mikrotik Router Configuation. I've tried many ways and instructions, but the Ticktok on the LAN is still running. co. Secondly we tried using capturing destination ips but the rule is not fetching any destination ips. below setting for pornography block and adds also way to using the DOH Dns over HTTPs. You can block DoHS/HTTPS VPN for the average user by blocking 443 to IPs of the well known public accessible VPN and DoHS servers. The MikroTik is this person's router, and they send DNS queries to this USB-to-Ethernet port. 249. Blocking DoH, though, is harder. Apr 16, 2022 · A negative result will be a signal to disable application DNS, (i. I am not sure if setting the SNTP client is necessary but I have had less issues since doing so. Forum index Mar 4, 2022 · Not sure why Mikrotik never implimeneted DoT and went for DoH. Buat dua DNS static dengan nama cloudflare-dns. U can also block certain VPN, anonymizer use OpenDns. Jan 14, 2022 · I'm using my faithful mikrotik as DNS server using an external service (nextdns) as DoH resolver. First, let’s configure the router to use DoH instead of ISP DNS so it can bypass censorship. Sep 3, 2020 · Hello, I have a small home network with a Mikrotik hap ac router OS 6. Blocking this port will simply block acces to the internet. Oct 5, 2020 · Tutorial Mikrotik = DoHUn nuevo componente de seguridad que podras agregar a tu red: DoH (DNS over HTTPS). The router will block other port 53 and translate to openDns servers. Could you please share the most effective method to achieve this? Currently, I'm using Layer 7 filtering to block YouTube's DNS, but I'm looking for additional measures to reinforce this blockage and prevent users from finding workarounds. Login to your Mikrotik router and check for the latest stable version. the internal_dns list is just a list that contains my internal dns servers. 8 and want to block anydesk/teamviewer traffic from LAN. The problem is with DoH which by design can not be redirected by such simple methods. Normalmente las consultas y respuestas del protocolo DNS funcionan a través del puerto 53 UDP sin cifrar, por lo que cualquiera puede capturar información privada con toda nuestra navegación. 47, it is possible to use DNS over HTTPS (DoH) on MikroTik devices. e. Go to IP > Firewall > Address Lists and make a new one with the PiHole's IP and name it PiHole. why that is I don't know, it's just easyer for me to just use Cloudflare DoH. Router static DNS entries are ignored. kembali ke DNS Setting --> Centang Verify DoH Certificate; Reboot Router Mikrotik; Clear cache DNS dahulu di router maupun di perangkat laptop (clear cache browser) Buka PC kamu yang terhubung dengan internet di router mikrotik, dan coba cek apakah kamu sudah menggunakan DNS Cloudflare dari DoH dengan membuka website https://dnsleaktest. Dec 6, 2021 · I also just want to provide "opendns" DNS Server to block porno! EVEn a DOH servers needs some unencrypted DNS access to make the initial connection to an Apr 29, 2024 · DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)? Sure, if unbound somehow gets its information without using port 53 and you want to make sure nobody else uses port 53 either, you can block that port. it will block DNS DoT servers as well, not just DoH. Mar 1, 2024 · You cannot block the youtube CDS IPs in general, as they run many other services beside youtube on the same IPs. A Pi Zero W is plugged into a MikroTik's USB port to get power and also act like an ethernet card. 9. /ip firewall nat add chain=dstnat action=redirect protocol=tcp dst-post=53 this one will catch any other DNS request and send it to your router. Oct 30, 2023 · Podemos habilitar el cifrado de las peticiones DNS a traves de HTTPS (DoH) en un router Mikrotik de una forma muy sencilla. The latest stable version of RouterOS 6. Sep 5, 2023 · I posted a DoH IP Blocklist "‘DoH Protection by jpgpi250’ that could be used to block DoH servers. Firewall configuration is not my forte so any configuration examples would be appreciated. Allow Remote Requests: Enabled Note: It's recommended to prevent non-local IP address from querying the MikroTik router directly by creating the appropriate firewall rules. It's a bit of whack-a-mole. Oct 26, 2024 · I need to block YouTube as much as possible to minimize access to the platform. 254 dns,warning ccr2004-1g-12s: DoH max concurrent queries reached, ignoring query Jun 21 02:27:37 10. Case 2: No DoH support at router level. Aug 28, 2023 · Not sure why Mikrotik never implimeneted DoT and went for DoH. If you also control the connected client you can block use of DoH. Mar 17, 2019 · Update: I understand now. 249 dan 104. ). These rules will only work if you have a Mikrotik router or switch. 40. I would like to block tiktok. The use of this domain is specified by Mozilla, as a limited-time measure until a method for signaling the presence of DNS-based content filtering is defined and adopted by an Internet standards body. I do not have those being blocked from reaching public dns servers, as i have 2 blocky containers doing DoH and DoT to some specified servers. Tambahkan DNS Static, masuk ke menu IP > DNS > Static > Add. Aug 9, 2022 · RouterOS general discussion Not sure why Mikrotik never implimeneted DoT and went for DoH. This mostly limits access for the average school student or hotel guest. It can live on it's own, and for some L3/IP server apps in a containers that may be easier since you can refer to that container instance by it's VETH in Jun 7, 2020 · 5. I have a rule to redirect all tcp/udp 53 port requests to mikrotik and it's working fine. It just blocks the direct connection between the two clients. Oct 4, 2023 · I block myself only from internal network UDP/TCP 443 and ICMP to those IP addresses. There are typo's in there which failed in the terminal while adding. Leave DoH for the browsers Mikrotik should be promoting good network practices, not the latest gimmic because some overexcited teenager requested it in a Jul 10, 2023 · Starting from RouterOS version v6. Aug 9, 2022 · Quick links. 2, SNI field contains unencrypted host part of URL (so that server can select appropriate certificate before starting encrypted communication). Nov 14, 2024 · Allow remote request = enable, ketika allow remote request di enable maka Router MikroTik akan merespon permintaan DNS TCP dan UDP. baca juga Review lengkap adguard dns cloud. Leave DoH for the browsers Mikrotik should be promoting good network practices, not the latest gimmic because some overexcited teenager requested it in a DoH is difficult to block when the IP address is not on your block-list. Mikrotik RouterOS soporta DoH desde la version 6. com dan address : 104. With DoH, DNS queries and responses are encrypted within the HTTPS protocol session and are sent over port 443 (just like the normal HTTPS web traffic), that hides the name resolution requests from an Internet Service Provider (ISP) and from anyone listening on intermediary networks. 9 DoH is giving me various timeout /drop issues vs cloudflare. 249; Kita bisa mengecek apakah DOH kita bekerja atau tidak Sure, if unbound somehow gets its information without using port 53 and you want to make sure nobody else uses port 53 either, you can block that port. ) but there are an infinite number of smaller ones. Jul 3, 2019 · To elaborate, the feature request would be for anti-DoH to be a high-level, UI-driven option within the Pi-hole itself - an easy, one-click enabling (that would be fully integrated into the Pi-hole, persist across upgrades, etc. Nov 28, 2024 · If client uses DoH, even this kind of solution doesn't solve the problem at hand. 3 as my public DNS server. After I've watched tons of videos and read tons of forums and blogs, and after I tried more of less everything, I'm still facing serious issue with DNS redirects from LAN clients. Ideal case: If Mikrotik adds native DoH support to RoS: Mar 8, 2023 · So @antonsb is totally right to have DoH run back through the Mikrotik DNS – the code needed for DoH only needs to be one place. Aug 9, 2022 · RouterOS general discussion I'm on RouterOs 7. Lastly, we test the DoH Server whether it's connected or not. Much cleaner. youtube. , DoH). This should get you started. 2rc4 and this config is what works for me. We use this at the school to block porn, anime and other games website. My Mikrotik already doing DoH since last year. 168. Ideal case: If Mikrotik adds native DoH support to RoS: Case 2: No DoH support at router level. 90. Feb 10, 2023 · Setting DNS Adguard Cloud di Mikrotik. Leave DoH for the browsers Mikrotik should be promoting good network practices, not the latest gimmic because some overexcited teenager requested it in a Dec 26, 2024 · DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)? Sure, if unbound somehow gets its information without using port 53 and you want to make sure nobody else uses port 53 either, you can block that port. Leave DoH for the browsers Mikrotik should be promoting good network practices, not the latest gimmic because some overexcited teenager requested it in a Nov 24, 2023 · Hello Anav. I'm not too familiar with Dream Machine these days but in RouterOS (Mikrotik) I have been working to address similar scenarios by creating "IP Lists" of DoH servers that I don't want used, followed by a Firewall rule to Reject all traffic destined for any IP on the list. # Pre-requirement. Nov 27, 2023 · Hello Anav. At the Oct 30, 2023 · In the previous thread Normis suggested that the best way to have DoH and use my preferred upstream DNS server (1. 254 dns,warning ccr2004-1g-12s: DoH max concurrent queries reached, ignoring query [ignoring repeated messages] Jun 21 02:27:37 10. My problem with mikrotik has been over the said period 9. Jun 21, 2019 · I'm not trying to block them using DoH as such but solve the classic hairpin issue. Leave DoH for the browsers Mikrotik should be promoting good network practices, not the latest gimmic because some overexcited teenager requested it in a Dec 20, 2017 · Hello, I have a small home network with a Mikrotik hap ac router OS 6. Not sure why Mikrotik never implimeneted DoT and went for DoH. md at main · ncravino/mikrotik_enforce_dns_block_doh Router DNS enforcing and DoH Blocking for MikroTik Router OS - ncravino/mikrotik_enforce_dns_block_doh Mar 25, 2021 · By using proper dst-nat or redirect entries (both methods works well) for UDP and TCP ports I have managed to redirect DNS request form users which use their own DNS entries. com/watch?v=artLJOwToVY May 17, 2020 · In this MikroTik Tutorial I will show you how to configure DNS over HTTPS on your MikroTik router using either Cloudflare DNS servers or Google DNS servers. DoT can be be evasive as DoH but lacks encrypting of the domain. In order to block DoH, a list of IP addresses where the DoH servers are hosted is required. Preface: After, setting up a pihole in docker my target was to add some more security to my DNS queries. OS supports DoH. 9 on a Chateau 5G. I wonder if Proxy could block DoH even if the traffic is httpS. Or use the terminal to achieve the same config. Of course I've also blocked DoT traffic in the firewall rules, and intercept port 53 traffic and redirect to pfsense. May 24, 2024 · Not sure why Mikrotik never implimeneted DoT and went for DoH. Mar 23, 2021 · From what I have found it seems I can make list of DoH servers and block them on firewall and hope that the device with blocked DoH request will try using normal DNS request which I can redirect. FWIW, you often don't need a "container" bridge for VETH. mydomain. If the answer to "Connected to 1. Leave DoH for the browsers Mikrotik should be promoting good network practices, not the latest gimmic because some overexcited teenager requested it in a Oct 5, 2021 · Not sure why Mikrotik never implimeneted DoT and went for DoH. For the purpose of this guide I’ll be using the default Mikrotik router config that comes packaged with most of their devices and 1. It is … Read More Dec 29, 2019 · Update: I understand now. Apr 29, 2024 · DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)? Sure, if unbound somehow gets its information without using port 53 and you want to make sure nobody else uses port 53 either, you can block that port. Nov 26, 2024 · 在MikroTik RouterOS v7中,DoH功能得到了完整支持,这为网络管理员提供了更安全的DNS解析方式。 本文将带你一步步配置MikroTik RouterOS的DoH DNS服务,并解释其应用场景和优势。 什么是DoH DNS? 传统DNS使用明文UDP协议进行解析,很容易被窃听、篡改或劫持。 Aug 9, 2022 · You cannot block the youtube CDS IPs in general, as they run many other services beside youtube on the same IPs. At some point found some Unbound docker images, some are resolvers some uses Cloudflare as a resolver using DoH. 0/24 for this example. Leave DoH for the browsers Mikrotik should be promoting good network practices, not the latest gimmic because some overexcited teenager requested it in a Apr 29, 2024 · DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)? Sure, if unbound somehow gets its information without using port 53 and you want to make sure nobody else uses port 53 either, you can block that port. Go to IP > DNS and enable the service and enable remote connections. Jan 2, 2023 · In this article we will setup DoH on a mikrotik router using one of the faster DNS resolvers, cloudflare’s 1. Bonus TIPS Setting Adguard DNS Cloud di Router Mikrotik. 49. 47 or higher. uk to the internal IP of the server. 248. 254 dns,warning ccr2004-1g-12s: DoH max concurrent queries reached, ignoring query Jun 21 01:27:37 10. Ideal case: If Mikrotik adds native DoH support to RoS: Not sure why Mikrotik never implimeneted DoT and went for DoH. Step 3: Redirect DNS to PiHole. Dec 29, 2019 · Update: I understand now. Ideal case: If Mikrotik adds native DoH support to RoS: Sure. Aug 9, 2021 · 6. ) but there are an infinite number of smaller ones Jan 27, 2025 · My problem with mikrotik has been over the said period 9. I use OpenDNS with a Mikrotik script to update the IP. It is more or less default on now and that means that the client will only one unencrypted question and that is to the DoH service unless you use cloud flare which is based on IP. Aug 18, 2021 · Reason is DNS over HTTPS. Kurang lengkap rasanya jika tidak memberikan bonus tips agar settingan adguard anda menjadi lebih lengkap dan stabil yaitu dengan cara menambahkan scripts netwatch yang berfungsi untuk melakukan monitoring dns adguard cloud sehingga ketika dns adguard Sep 28, 2024 · #DoH #MikroTik #DNSoverHTTPS In this video, we dive deep into DNS over HTTPS (DoH), explaining how it works and why it's an important privacy enhancement ove May 6, 2023 · Another day, another DNS-over-Hell with MT! This time in ROS7. Apr 25, 2023 · Hello. (Windows 10 DNS client is said to support DoH natively for DoH enabled DNS servers in the next major update) Windows uses DoH. Routers are tools to implement and include to network designs. Sep 28, 2024 · #DoH #MikroTik #DNSoverHTTPS In this video, we dive deep into DNS over HTTPS (DoH), explaining how it works and why it's an important privacy enhancement ove Dec 18, 2022 · No you can't, this is where the NAT rule comes into play. Step 2: Address lists. DNS wasn't built with encryption, so DNS over HTTPS (DoH) is one solution to encrypt that traffic. Leave DoH for the browsers Mikrotik should be promoting good network practices, not the latest gimmic because some overexcited teenager requested it in a . Router DNS cache is not used. 1" and "Using DNS over HTTPS (DOH)" are Yes, then you're already using DoH Server on Mikrotik. I went ahead & changed the firewall using the Apprentice setup. With new mikrotik dns I came here this morning to start initiative to generate a IP-address/domain list of known DOH servers that are know by us so a owner of a Mikrotik device can use to block those servers from being reached from the inside of the network. Fill in Servers with your selected TCP/UDP servers and Use DoH Server with your selected DoH server. shpuqv cokpc hvswjbm kvk iqgi ryfomf zbdvl jpkle xmtcc ccfczhg axzn vrta yhznwef jwqlyr hsltdgj