React native android keyboard closes immediately. I use React-Navigation with React-Native-Screens.
React native android keyboard closes immediately The KeyboardAvoidingView is a component that automatically adjusts a keyboard's height, position, or bottom padding based on the keyboard height to remain visible while it is displayed. 1 Watchman: 4. And also, it does not happen in non-modal Views for Android within the same app. You signed out in another tab or window. 77; 0. React N Jul 7, 2021 · The keyboard disappears after entering text in text input. xml file. May 19, 2022 · I am working on a register page on react native where I want to make an onboarding register page so I have my TextInputs in a separate function to switch between the text input when you go to the next onboard screen. 71. But crashing app in the beginning can be caused by many things. I never had any major issues. Using 4. May 23, 2020 · Issue: On each keystroke within a TextInput field, the keyboard closes automatically and only records the first keystroke. One additional note: If I set the middle tab with index 1 as the default tab to load, the keyboard works. The issue I'm facing is that when I click on an InputField, the keyboard opens and dismisses immediately, not letting me type anything. I've created the app with react-native init myapp. < BottomSheetModal enableDynamicSizing = { true } keyboardBehavior = "interactive" keyboardBlurBehavior = "restore" > < BottomSheetTextInput /> < BottomSheetModal > Mar 19, 2018 · If you have ever done mobile development in React Native, chances are you have used a TextInput. Steps To Reproduce. If you have a ScrollView, or anything that inherits from it like a ListView, you can add a prop that will automatically dismiss the keyboard based on press or dragging events. dismiss() The focus should still be kept on your input, but the soft keyboard will disappear. Apr 20, 2023 · I am not sure I have the correct explaination or not, please point out if it is incorrect. iOS works fine. 76; 0. Jan 24, 2018 · This is a known issue with KeyboardAvoidingView and Android. I'm developing my first React Native android app using React Native CLI and using the following Packages: "dependencies": Nov 24, 2016 · I guess if you dismiss the keyboard on Android with the Android-Back-Button you will have to detect a press on that button or detect when the keyboard has disappeared. On Android it gets shown for a split second and then dismissed. It's done because ScrollView default property for keyboardShouldPersistTaps is never. State declaration : In this video, we look at how to handle the keyboard covering TextInputs in React Native using a custom container component, part 2. You can use some other npm dependency also, like react-native-keyboard-listener. 0. Learn more Explore Teams Jul 3, 2020 · I am facing some issue with react native textInput. 63. Ref: callstack/react-native-paper#736 facebook/react-native#13365 2. The following sections explain how to handle keyboard interactions with common APIs. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation Jun 10, 2020 · This issue is due to the latest version of react native screens and i was facing the same issue on Android and i tried to solve this issue using screen options but nothing worked so the only thing that can fix this issue is downgrading the react native screens version. 3 npm: 5. Example code Hi everyone!Today I want to show you how to add the KeyboardAvoidingView component to your React Native apps. Why closes my keyboard after every keystroke? 0. import { Keyboard } from 'react-native'; <Touchable onPress={Keyboard. 6. #155. Dec 25, 2019 · Thank you! But number-pad is different on Honor 8x so it may be different on other devices (see pinned screenshot). Do you have any tips for me? Feb 9, 2019 · I want to map key value pairs in react native. Feb 20, 2019 · Showing and dismiss keyboard seems like a trivial thing to do in mobile apps, but it can be tricky in automatically dismissing it when it comes together with react-navigation and modal presentation… Nov 16, 2022 · My React Native App crashes after updating the target Sdk version and compileSdkVersion 31. Situation: I am using a prefefined array as the default for useState. I'm testing it in android devices. Looks like you can detect the previous state and compare it to the next state. Nov 12, 2020 · The Keyboard closes immediately and the text input is lost focus. When I try to run an app with Android Studio everything works fine. This video would have been nice to stumble upon a few hours ago, so hopefully this can help someone out there who is currently fishing for a solution to thei Jun 27, 2016 · You can dismiss the keyboard by using Keyboard. import React from 'react'; import { TextInput, FlatList } from 'react-native'; Reinstalled react-native-video and followed the installation guide from here; Cleared my build again and performed all necessary npm installs; In my case, I found that using react-native-video and react-native-track-player together was the major source of my problem and I think it's related to both packages using different versions of exoplayer Jun 17, 2020 · Android: 8: @react-navigation/native: one left or one right then I move middle screen and focus text input keyboard comes up and closes immediately as in Mar 1, 2022 · Keyboard closes immediately once opened in TextInput inside a navigation stack this is a closed issue and is pretty much a repeat of whats been going on with the input fields and keyboard. This only happens on Android. I have wrapped the textinput in a scrollview to try and use keyboardShouldPersistTaps and keyboardDismissMode as suggested elsewhere but its not working. Next. May 29, 2019 · I am running the code in an Android Emulator. However, on an AnimatedTextInput, the software keyboard closes immediately. May 11, 2020 · Modal closes in real android devices when Keyboard open in modal. js add 'async' to prevent render OrderPage early than decryptAll Sep 22, 2021 · When I press the TextInput to start typing, there are no problems, and I can start typing immediately. This happens inside a stack navigation screen. But in react native, it is not working. I have followed official react native documentation to take a signed release APK. 'none' (default for iOS) The keyboard won't dismiss when tapping an empty area within the ScrollView. Currently on Android, when programmatically closing an open BottomSheet at the same time the Keyboard is open (not using a swipe down gesture or dragging), the closing animations start but the BottomSheet closes to where the Keyboard edge was when open, not the bottom of the screen. What solved the issue was downgrading from react-native-screens@3. Feb 26, 2022 · i have use TexInputs inside A ScrollView and when i click next it goes to next text input field but closes the keyboard. Original Answer Use React Native's dismissKeyboard Library. but. Replaced all flex:1 with height:100%; I tried different variations with wrapping the whole Bottomsheet / Content Bug. Minimum repro case: import * as React f May 19, 2019 · You can override the Android back button function in react native by using BackHandler. properties (I guess it's unnecessary). Oct 12, 2020 · Description Hey, I've a little problem with the TextInput of React-Native library on Android. I use React-Navigation with React-Native-Screens. When I am typing the 2nd text input, the keyboard immediately disappears after the 1st Feb 13, 2020 · Description: I'm using Modal component, which contains multiple views as child. Jan 23, 2025 · React Native. 21. When focusing a text input at the bottom of the screen the input moves up but there is some padding missing. 75; 0. The TextInput fields are called using . Reload to refresh your session. dismiss. The Android app also worked without a problem using the Reward app. Jul 27, 2020 · When one of these pre-defined tags in the extra container is pressed, I do not want to close the keyboard but I can't make it work and could use some help. Our fix was to downgrade back to react-native-screens 3. It's seems like when the parent component of the BottomSheet doesn't have a fixed height. 4 Yarn: 0. The app installs successfully but it crashes immediately without errors. The red arrow is showing the unexpected behavior. This component will basically help you move any Jun 1, 2016 · So if I now press the TextInput, the system keyboard will show up as expected. Jan 24, 2020 · I had a slightly different but related issue trying to propage a text change to a parent component (React Native). It runs fine on a Genymotion simulator but when running it on a Note 2 and a galaxy S7 it crashes immediately. There are multiple ways to address this issue. 4 => 0. Close keyboard on button press in react-native. xml' file change the android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize" to android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan" or android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustNothing". When you type inside the textInput and trigger state change, your functional component Comment() will re-render the whole body includes defined component. May 23, 2021 · React Native - Android Keyboard dismisses on each keypress. 1, expo : ~42. Whenever I press a key on the keyboard, the keyboard closes down. The initial Mar 3, 2021 · I used keyboardVerticalOffset to use Static Button in KeyboardAvoidingView of react-native. Jan 11, 2022 · @HansBouwmeester Well, as much as i remember, i didn't do what the link said. But when I press on an input and want to start typing I can get one press of on the keyboard before it goes down again. here is the code i have used <View> <TextInput maxlengt Feb 10, 2022 · But after every keystroke the keyboard closes. 65 to 0. 5. Choosing the right option Aug 25, 2019 · Issue: Keyboard automatically closes after typing a single character on iOS (haven't tested android) when a text input inside the modal is focused Modal: <Modalize ref={this. 55. Nov 21, 2024 · Key Properties: ref: Links each TextInput to a reference for focus control. In other words, I don't want the user to have to 1) touch a <TouchableHighlight> to close the keyboard, and 2) again touch the <TouchableHighlight> for the resulting action to occur. Jan 13, 2025 · 'on-drag' (default for Android) The keyboard dismisses as soon as the user starts dragging (scrolling) the ScrollView. 5 Node: 8. This issue is only happening on some devices, and none of us are able to reproduce it. If you tap anywhere but button, then the keyboard should disappear, isn't it? But if you tap on the button with keyboard visible, the btn should receive the listener. Feb 26, 2016 · Create a new React Native application ( react-native init KeyboardAndroid) Launch the application ( tested on a Moto X and Nexus 6P, emulators probably work too ) Press on the TextInput. Feb 22, 2022 · We were having the issue with the keyboard disappearing on Android with react-navigation v6 and react-native-screens 3. Jan 11, 2024 · we have a problem with our app on some ANDROID devices (working fine on IOS), whenever we try to type something on textinput the keyboard keeps closing we tried so many solutions, we even thought the problem might be with react-native migration, so we migrated from react native 0. I have tried using different text input components like material text input and 'react-native-elements' input. So I'm showing the Snack once the closeModal (made from react-native-modal component) is triggered. Ask Question In React native Keyboard shows on the Modal in IOS only ,Working fine in android. Eg: import { Keyboard } from 'react-native' Keyboard. Sep 15, 2019 · The apps developed in android studio (android native) can get the click listener with keyboard visible. This doesn't occur on refocusi May 15, 2020 · Android. Open the application list and re-enter the app. Google Play forced us to this update. You'll need to tap the "Done" button or other mechanism on the keyboard itself to close it. I saw that there were some problems with that and the keyboard not opening, but I tried the given solutions and nothing works either! The Android keyboard “crashes” (or destroys itself when tapping on every input field) Video of this bug: Apr 27, 2022 · This section has a list of comments and a text input field to enter comments and a button to submit comment but the problem is the I enter something in text input and then press button to submit comment but first time it closes the keyboard and then I need to press button again to add the text into the array. We have a KeyboardAvoidingView with a nested <ScrollView keyboardShouldPersistTaps="handled" keyboardDismissMode="on-drag" which contains the TextInput. < TextInput blurOnSubmit={false} /> Jun 18, 2021 · Also, there is jumping on Android devices on input focus my solution was to set modalStyle to: { flex: 1, marginTop: top + 35 }. Nov 4, 2021 · Version React-native : 0. Now, to keep the keyboard open, add blurOnSubmit prop to text input with false value. 77. This is related to react component lifecycle. 13. Jan 18, 2019 · 1. But I tried in rn 0. Don't know if its a bug with the cli or the metro itself. </KeyboardAvoidingView> Nov 2, 2023 · You signed in with another tab or window. Following is the basic code I developed. Here's the code to reproduce May 20, 2021 · I am running the code in an Android Emulator. It happens every time on Android. When the keyboard pops up, the View elements all collapse to fit into the remaining space, but I don't want the View to change at all. I had a very similar problem and felt like I was the only one that didn't get it. However the same issue exists. This only happens on Windows, I think. Anything in this discussion that is called out as working is not working in our project. Sep 5, 2016 · I had same issue, after trying lots of things, this fixed this issue for me: 1: added googlePlayServicesVersion=12. What should I do to solve this question? Apr 13, 2018 · here is the solution to that above question: Hide keyboard in react native import {Keyboard, TouchableWithoutFeedback} from 'react-native' wrap your root component with TouchableWithoutFeedback and trigger Keyboard. it says that "application is stopped". after installation it crashes/closes in a sec. GET SOURCE CODE 📀⬇️🔴 Re Jan 19, 2020 · I tried doing focus in the componentDidMount and this kind of thing, but nothing works, the android keyboard doesn't want to open automatically. 4 Mar 2, 2022 · If I switch the order of the tabs, only the middle tab immediately closes the keyboard after a click into a text field. 1 version of the lib Mar 5, 2018 · I'm using a react-native Modal, which contains a View. 4. 1 to gradle. You switched accounts on another tab or window. 0 🎉. Add_decryptAll()_to_decrypt_all_encrypted_password pass_and_show_on_OrderPage. It only get focus on the second time I tap on it (and then keyboard comes Mar 25, 2022 · Okay, I've been struggling for the last two days and this is it. Dev environment info (please complete/provide the following information): "stream-chat-react-native": Nov 24, 2019 · I want to develop android app using React-Native, it works well on emulator, but when I try with real device, the app immediately closes when launch, even if it with fress react-native init projectName. But in other projects i got this exactly the same way working. Dec 29, 2017 · I have taken a signed APK to install in android device and. By using ScrollView when the user taps outside of textInput, keyboard dismissed. dismiss}></Touchable> If you're using a ScrollView you'll need to set keyboardShouldPersistTaps prop to true. However, the issue doesn't seem to be of react-navigation (solutions in issue #8414 don't solve the problem). It's strange that I've tried removing all irrelevant codes to textInput only, but the problem still Mar 27, 2017 · The problem is that when I run react-native run-android, the app crashes immediately. 1, the keyboard won't stay open. By doing below code , you keyboard show return key you wanted for example "done", "go" and also dismiss the keyboard when you press return key in my case done key while using multi line seamlessly. 1. 2 react : 16. The keyboard is Dec 13, 2022 · You signed in with another tab or window. You can't detect that the app is closing vs going into the background, from what I can find online, but you can detect if it was inactive (closed), or in the background. 1, react-dom : 16. 0 Xcode: Xcode 9. eg: flex property is set to 1, or height set to '100%', the keyboard breaks the bottom sheet. top variable comes from useSafeAreaInsets() from react-native-safe-area-context A community for learning and developing native mobile applications using React Native by Facebook. When I want to focus an input for the 1st time, he's automatically blurred. Logcat shows this error: com. 1 react-native: 0. Apr 28, 2022 · Now available on Stack Overflow for Teams! AI features where you work: search, IDE, and chat. I noticed that when I change focus from one TextInput to another by tapping on the next TextInput, the keyboard will dismiss and the next TextInput won't get focused immediately. 4720617 Packages: (wanted => installed) react: 16. Mar 11, 2018 · I'm developing an app using react native and Expo, and I'm having trouble with the keyboard on Android. 11", and i simply replaced Jun 29, 2020 · I thought this was a fix for it but still occurs. This video would have been nice to stumble upon a few hours ago, so hopefully this can help someone out there who is currently fishing for a solution to thei Feb 24, 2022 · When the input of a TextInput component is pressed, the keyboard pops up and immediately closes again. Why it could be happening? I believe this might be the classic 'React Component Re-render' problem, which causes by TextInput to be re-rendered when state is updated by the onChangeText for the TextInput and hence it loses focus & that's why the Keyboard closes. It will immediately close after opening and does not allow a user to type into a Text Input. I took a look at the docs, but it says that Android handles it automatically. May 16, 2022 · I use react-native-paper searchbar component to implement a search component. To be precise, I have 2 text inputs, both are required. I'd like to achieve the same behaviour. Jan 29, 2024 · After spending hours searching for the solution , I find the solution and I made this video especially if someone also faces the same issue , So might this video can help him and save his time Feb 24, 2022 · When the input of a TextInput component is pressed, the keyboard pops up and immediately closes again. Happens only with keyboard restore and after keyboard was opened. The value being editable text entry. I fixed the problem by installing react-native-keyboard-controller and adding keyboardBehavior and keyboardBlurBehavior. However the IOS app closes the Rewarded app immediately. Upgrade react-native-screens; Expected Feb 20, 2022 · Whenever I tap on any text input in the app, keyboard opens up and closes immediately. Keyboard avoiding view. 1, Steps to reproduce. Android may behave better when given no behavior prop at all, whereas iOS is the opposite", like they don't really understand what is this property. Jun 15, 2020 · When i run react-native run-android, when bundle %100 application closes immediately. Ask Question Asked 4 years, 11 months ago. 10. Dec 4, 2020 · In this case, the soft keyboard doesn't appear when the component initially gets focus. Only occurs when selecting an input box near the bottom of the page. 408 2007-2007/? Jul 2, 2020 · On my real Android device, focusing a TextInput after pushing a screen into a Stack Navigation makes the keyboard flashing once (appears then disappears immediately). Nov 20, 2015 · The basic problem: I want the scrollview to dismiss the keyboard when touched, but I don't want it to 'cancel' or 'prevent default' the user's touch. map() based on the current state. Pressing on the TextInput will have the keyboard open and close. I've been developing an App using React Native and when I switched to a Mac environment to set up the configurations for ios, after all the setup has been done, the app opens very quickly and closes Jan 12, 2020 · I followed the installation instructions and I can successfully show Banners ads in the Android and IOS app. How do I debug this crash? Running react-native log-android doesn't show me In your main 'AndroidManifest. 34. React-Native fresh App immediately closes when launch on real devices. ; onSubmitEditing: Triggers focus on the next field when the "Next" button is pressed. I found out, that this beahvior starts, after adding value and onTextChanged to the TextInput. react-native android app. This happens inside a stack navigation s Oct 14, 2024 · Keyboard handling basics. On iOS it's fine. 23. Oct 20, 2023 · Having the same issue on android only. Unfortunately, the keyboard is dismissed as soon as the modal appears. When I try to see at the Logcat, here is the result when I try to open the fresh app: 11-24 07:03:39. It was working version 30. When selecting the TextInput the height between the input field and keyboard s Nov 23, 2020 · Testing in Android, the Modal avoids the keyboard correctly, but in iOS the keyboard covers the Modal. The mapped components show up fine, but when I try to edit the TextInput, the keyboard disappears when i type the first letter. 7. Any clue would be appreciated. 2: added following to android/build. 22 iOS app, I have a ScrollView with multiple TextInput element in it. ScrollViews. Jun 20, 2018 · React native information $ react-native info Environment: OS: macOS High Sierra 10. So, this works just fine: Apr 11, 2016 · In my React Native 0. modal} adjustToContentHeight keyboardAvoidingBehavior={'padding Jan 17, 2017 · You should be able to use the Keyboard component from react-native. However, when the keyboard is open and the back button is pressed instead of entering the hardwareBackPress listener the keyboard closes. If you try tapping a TextInput in the bottom of the FlatList the Keyboard immediately closes, probably because the Input is below the Keyboard once it opens. 1 AI-173. This been released with v3. Here is a reproducible example, using an iPhone X as my test device: Aug 25, 2017 · The following keeps the keyboard open when content is tapped but closes the keyboard when dragged. Also cutting non numerical values from the string programmatically leads to symbol being visible for half a second before it deleted, It can be dealt with setting value through setNativeProps but why do that if we can find a way to use "secure" keyboard and be happy Sep 5, 2020 · The best way to trace this will be using adb, either print adb log OR connect your device with release build via usb, open your project in Android studio, run app & check logs Jul 5, 2019 · Doing yarn react-native run-android opens the metro bundler but it immediately closes. 1. The View has some TextInput elements. They keyboard will display properly. xml: android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan"I am using expo and don't want to escape, so please don't provide solutions with the Android. Nov 15, 2019 · I am building a chat UI in react native and am having an issue with using KeyboardAvoidingView inside of a ScrollView. Sep 30, 2024 · React Native. If your components bubbles up the onChangeText event and that triggers the re-render and ensuing lost of focus on keyboard, you can also consider propagating your change event onEndEditing instead once the user is done inputting text and keep a local state for the text entry. 0. 1, it solved the problem at the first try but when i May 6, 2022 · When upgrading from react-native-screens 3. 9. 'android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustNothing"' covers the part of the screen where the keyboard appears and hides the content that was there previously. The app crashes on Android 12 version de Dec 19, 2022 · Describe the bug On the Channel screen, the keyboard closes right after being opened. Then when you make the input multiline and select different rows the input goes up or down. Occurs on: Android (works on ios) Dec 16, 2021 · I am working on a react-native app in which I am facing a problem with the TextInput. Before this issues: "react-native-screens": "^3. <ScrollView keyboardShouldPersistTaps="always" keyboardDismissMode="on-drag"> {/* Content containing interactive elements such as <Touchable /> */} </ScrollView> Note Nov 21, 2020 · Ever since I started programming in React Native with Expo, I have been using an ios physical device together with Expo app. I am working on TSX(Typescript) and I have used react-native's textInput. But when I click outside the search input field, the keyboard does not collaps Feature Request. On iOS this problem doesn't occur. i reated a State Variable called ==> [inputSearch, setInputSearch] i wrote a textinput inside the ListHeaderComponent of Flatlist---> The problem is : After every Character pressed in Keyboard the Keyboard Hide. Reproducible Demo. 8. Create a new project using react-native init; Run yarn react-native run-android Aug 17, 2016 · Hope it helps other , as wasted time on reading many github threads and issues. It will close the keyboard on the tap outside, no questions asked (and also prevent the keyboard from covering the input, so you can delete your KeyboardAvoidingView). Jul 25, 2024 · I have a Bare React Native app that uses React Navigation, the entire app is wrapped in a KeyboardAvoidingView like this: <SafeAreaProvider initialMetrics={initialWindowMetrics}> < Jan 13, 2022 · You can use React-native's KeyboardAvoidingView Component as: <KeyboardAvoidingView keyboardVerticalOffset={50}> // View you want to be moved up when keyboard shows. Apr 16, 2017 · A better way is to use ScrollView and Keyboard. Fix_ListHeaderComponent_in_Flatlist rendered the ListHeaderComponent directly as a React Element instead of a render function. As you can see extra space is being added but it's a white area. 3. gradle: Mar 29, 2023 · Okay, after countless debugging, I've determined what's causing this issue. But, when you start typing on the physical keyboard, the soft keyboard will appear. Whenever I press on a key on the keyb Jul 31, 2018 · ###2. 1 Build version 9F2000 Android Studio: 3. I just disabled proguard and the problem got fixed. Aug 17, 2022 · I am working on a react-native app in which I am facing a problem with the TextInput. why this happening ? enter image description here Description When the input of a TextInput component is pressed, the keyboard pops up and immediately closes again. The idea is that users view a Rewarded Ad and afterwards a upload with selected information starts. click on text input the keyboard shows and then closes again. Don't know whats causing the problem. Dismiss} Install react-native-keyboard-manager. 74 a JavaScript function to an identified native keyboard and keyboardDidHide events are available on Android. But when I press the Text Alert above, I just want to close the system keyboard ( and alert something). . 1 => 16. This does not happen for IOS. Now i wanted to start fixing any bugs on a Jan 5, 2018 · I am pretty new to react native and try to run an app with react-native run-android so without expo. Keyboard handling is a bit trickier with bottom sheet internal animated variables, although #97 could resolve it for some cases, however it needs to be handled internally to not conflict with BottomSheet interactions. When the keyboard pops up, the modal view resizes to fit into the remaining space above the keyboard, and reverts back May 21, 2019 · In React native Keyboard shows on the Modal in IOS only ,Working fine in android Hot Network Questions How to control the background image on the first, last,and all other ODD and EVEN pages #for Android npx react-native run-android #for ios npx react-native run-ios If we enter some text and press submit, we will see that the callback is called and keyboard is closed automatically by removing focus. React Native documentation says: Android may behave better when given no behavior prop at all, whereas iOS is the opposite. dismiss at onPress, like following My keyboard always dismisses instantly when I tap on the textInput. 1 with win7, the Text Alert pressed will not close the system keyboard. Next; 0. The component won't render anything Feb 25, 2017 · How to open Android and IOS keyboard in React Native without pressing the TextInput-2. 12 to react-native Sep 7, 2019 · Issue: Keyboard instantly disappears when selecting input box in dynamically populated list. Things I have tried: Restarting my system; Clearing cache etc. We observed this behaviour on Android only. For some reason, setting the 'keyboardType' prop to "number-pad" prevents the soft keyboard from opening when you type on the physical keyboard. Wrap your View with TouchableWithoutFeedback with onPress={Keyboard. To check for the keyboard: import { Keyboard } from 'react-native'; class MyClass extends Component{ // Feb 27, 2020 · React-Native app close immediately on Android. After I entered the 1st one, ignore the 2nd one, and press the submit button, the 2nd field shows the required message (which is expected). The app crashes immediately only when opened on device. Members Online This is a React Native app running on my Mac, which uses my iPhone as a remote camera over the air! Skip to content. When the keyboard pops up, it pushes the view up too much, causing the title to be cut in the middle. I'm working on a React Native project where I have a FlatList nested inside a KeyboardAvoidingView. And, you’ve probably also used the numerical version of TextInput to create a numerical keypad May 7, 2020 · I want to show a modal when the user taps a button, without dismissing the keyboard. Why it is needed. Import the component into the file you want to use it: import KeyboardListener from 'react-native-keyboard-listener'; Use the component directly in your code. 1 to 3. Even on the official React Native docs, it is mentionned that "Android and iOS both interact with this prop [(behavior)] differently. fuekmq hsoxnem gcw oejvjj svwgi fkp lsnxbm lwvz zadqs pssy hvwoms apnsjje jjtt nkk cisarkg