Wynncraft durability ingredients. Without ingredients, crafting weapons .
Wynncraft durability ingredients Meta-Ingredients • Aspects • Durability Boosters • Duration Boosters This is a list of all locally recorded Crafting Ingredients with the agility identification. You'd get an item with 500-400 = 100 durability left. From level 90+ you need 6, 12 and 18 gems respectively to craft a ring, bracelet or necklace. Major_Lue , Nov 14, 2019 At about 45-50% durability remaining, the item will start to degrade a bit. The percent spell damage identification increases or decreases the amount of damage the player deals with their weapon's spells by a percentage. They made each melee attack and each spell take away a certain amount of durability bits. Aug 3, 2019 · use either higher tier materials (which give more durability) or use wynndata and search for ingredients that add durability (there are not that many low lvl) Pages in category "Ingredients with positive durability" The following 21 pages are in this category, out of 21 total. The walk speed identification increases or decreases the player's walk speed. From Wynncraft Wiki. Why is this a problem you ask? This is a list of all locally recorded Crafting Ingredients with the walk speed identification. -155 Durability +30 Defense Min. Tier 4, fewer ingredients, more room, more durability, less dmg. My solution to this problem is dungeon ingredients. If this ingredient display does not work, see Category:Tailoring Ingredients. In the shop there will be 2 ingredients for sale; a bundle of Tier 0 ingredients to aid in leveling crafting, and a single tier 3 ingredient. If this ingredient display does not work, see Category:Alchemism Ingredients. The mana regen identification increases or decreases the player's mana regeneration. The intent was probably nerfing the whole "get 7 slots instead of 6 and a bunch of bonus durability on top" thing. Jun 4, 2023 · The base durability is chosen by materials you use, and using higher tier material gives higher durability. There are currently 118 tailoring ingredients locally recorded so far. Without ingredients, crafting armour Apr 6, 2019 · One of these balances is durability - lower-level materials/ingredients have lower base durability/lower durability drawbacks, in general. This is a list of all locally recorded Crafting Ingredients with the stealing identification. Up to 5 Emeralds can be stolen from one mob before it dies. Besides the ones i have given below, i only remember how to obtain "Ancient Coins" but that ingredient is not focused in Lootbonus (so it gives low lootbonus for a 3-star ingredient) and it takes 80 durability away, so i need to use other ingredients and these ones are the best. This is a list of all locally recorded Crafting Ingredients that have a positive durability modifier or no durability modifier at all. So yes, better than the lvl 100 weapons usually used by each of the classes. Keep in mind that crafted items use durability though. This is a list of all locally recorded Crafting Ingredients with the reflection identification. Weaponsmithing is one of the eight Crafting Professions. Generally you can get accessories with good stats/durability (with the right ingredients) at early levels since low level accessories are both scarce and give mostly bad stats. Thank you. Crafting is a mechanic in Wynncraft that lets players craft Weapons, Armour, Accessories, Food, Potions, and Scrolls. These ingredients can be used without any duration penalty or may boost the duration of the item directly. The Durability/Duration will be increased, though. This is a list of all locally recorded ingredients that can be used in the recipes of the Alchemism profession. Jeweling is one of the eight Crafting Professions. Weaponsmithing is performed at any of the Weaponsmithing Stations found throughout the world. Nov 13, 2019 · The reason you, and many other people, will end up with a higher total durability count is not only that base durability increased, but that the positive durability ingredients also increased. Jul 19, 2020 · I know ingredients aren’t the most popular, but durability or duration is incredibly important in judging ingredients, and the baseline is actually quite easy and linear. Mar 10, 2019 · Positive durability ingredients, in general, are much more powerful in practice than on paper for the following reason. I personally think this bow is a bit mediocre, and definitely no where close to being a "Spring". The loot quality set having 16 more, seems significant, but then this goes against what was seen in the first test. Using higher-tier ingredients and crafting materials closer to your level will also greatly increase the amount of EXP obtained from crafting. Daggers and Spears are weapons that are the player's main source of damage and can also provide identifications. The XP bonus identification increases or decreases how many Experience Points the player gains from certain sources. Using ingredients will significantly increase the amount of EXP gained. The health bonus identification increases or decreases the player's health. The agility identification grants the player a bonus to their agility skill. There are currently 221 tailoring ingredients locally recorded so far. Jan 4, 2025 · powder can be used as an ingredient. Crafting ingredients from lower levels are useless while those from higher levels are unusable. Meta-Ingredients • Aspects • Durability Boosters • Duration Boosters This is a list of all locally recorded Crafting Ingredients with the air damage identification. Duration determines how long a crafted consumable lasts. There are currently 116 armouring ingredients locally recorded so far. However, there is another kinda noticeable difference in the 1star ingredients. Ingredient effectiveness does not affect other Meta-Ingredients' ingredient effectiveness. Obviously these ingredients should have very high durability or skill point costs. birch wood gives more durability to crafted items than oak wood does, but higher tier materials also give more maximum durability e. Crafting Materials are obtained by gathering raw resources from ores, trees, fish Nov 18, 2019 · Well they made ingredients give 75% more/less durability but also buffed Crafted items to have 75% more base durability too. Aug 2, 2020 · I just crafted two Reliks both with only 1 -durability ingredients and powders and both of them only have 1 durability Is this just random or is there Jun 10, 2020 · So, there is no difference found in the number of 2star ingredients when comparing loot quality to loot bonus. Crafting Ingredients are items found in the world of Wynncraft used to add extra effects onto crafted items. Crafting is random: the level, health, damage, attack speed, durability, duration, and identifications of the item will all vary. Feb 1, 2023 · Namely ingredients like Decaying Heart and Unicorn Horn, as one is providing 215% effectiveness, with a bit of -effectiveness which is always used for durability ingredients or other ingredients that don't get affected by -effectiveness anyway, for one ingredient slot and the other providing 320% effectiveness for one slot. It involves using Ingots and Wood along with Crafting Ingredients to craft Spears and Daggers. Another is the ingredient limit - max one ingredient for levels 1-9, max two for levels 11-29, etc. The third is the general trend for ingredients to be more powerful at higher levels. it is uncommon to use, as, like you said, almost all weapons and armor can be powdered. Then at "about 10% durability remaining you'll have 50% 'item effectiveness' remaining and the degrading starts going a lot faster. Only ONE Major ID per crafting recipe. Tier 3 Ingredients are typically very rare drops and sell for a moderate amount of emeralds at the Blacksmith . This is a list of all locally recorded ingredients that can be used in the recipes of the Woodworking profession. If this ingredient display is not working, see Category:Ingredients with thunder damage. Crafting requires materials and optionally, ingredients and powders. Jun 21, 2019 · Weapons use up durability per hit, armor and accessories take damage when walking too fast, that kind of things. If this ingredient display does not work, see Category:Weaponsmithing Ingredients. Corrupted Fragment, Webbed Offshoot, Forest Web, Feather of Grace, Corrupted Ichor, and Royal Cake Slice is used. Meta-Ingredients • Aspects • Durability Boosters • Duration Boosters This is a list of all locally recorded Crafting Ingredients with the raw spell damage identification. These ingredients can be used without any durability penalty or may boost the durability of the item directly. If this ingredient display is not working, see Category:Ingredients with positive duration. Let me hear your thoughts. Jeweling sucks. Apr 7, 2022 · ALL ingredients which provide Major ID's will be Tier 3. This is a list of all locally recorded ingredients that can be used in the recipes of the Tailoring profession. You should try to put your recipe here before crafting it, to make sure the durability is going to be decent. List of ingredients with Jan 29, 2020 · Oof, for a while i've been on wynndata trying to create a good spell damage ring, but I can't make one with the right amount of spell damage, because of Durability AND Skill Point REQ can someone make me a ring that has good spell dmg with decent durability and not a super high skill point req. There are currently 102 weaponsmithing ingredients locally recorded so far. The agility identification grants the player a bonus to their agility skill . For more information, see here. Adds more uses to boss altars but doesn't make them mandatory . This is a list of all locally recorded ingredients that can be used in the recipes of the Cooking profession. to-40 Durability +35 Intelligence Min. The air damage identification increases or decreases the amount of Air damage the player deals. May 28, 2022 · The way damage to this durability works makes identifications like speed completely irrelevant if not detrimental to armors and jewelry, as it would only help to hasten their degradation. 75 x 500 = 875 durability on an item without using any ingredients Meta-Ingredients • Aspects • Durability Boosters • Duration Boosters This is a list of all locally recorded Tier 2 Crafting Ingredients . More results Meta-Ingredients • Aspects • Durability Boosters • Duration Boosters This is a list of all locally recorded Tier 3 Crafting Ingredients . Jun 17, 2022 · Durability is a key balancing aspect of crafteds (necessary penalty -> if you mindlessly stack strong stuff you'll end up with 1 dura) It also allows for more variation in ingredients (ones with big tradeoffs, others that are safer slaps) This is a list of all locally recorded Crafting Ingredients that have a positive duration modifier or no duration modifier at all. Without ingredients, crafting accessories will result in a basic May 31, 2021 · Crafting ingredients are for making your own items at crafting stations, and powders can be added to items to boost various elmental effects, like increased Thunder damage of decreased Fire defence. Rare enough to make them exciting to find. There are currently 163 alchemism ingredients locally recorded so far. The strength identification grants the player a bonus to their strength skill . " This 'effectiveness' affects all stats, including HP and base damage. More results Apr 22, 2019 · there are some ingredients affecting others 40% Ingredient Effectiveness (To ingredients touching this one) 80% Ingredient Effectiveness (To ingredients not touching this one) like this then do these also amplify base requirements such as-25 Durability +20 Intelligence Min. There are currently 77 cooking ingredients locally recorded so far. This is a list of all locally recorded ingredients that can be used in the recipes of the Jeweling profession. This is a list of all locally recorded Crafting Ingredients with the mana steal identification. If it is too low, try putting higher tier mats, adding an ingredient that gives dura back. I think changing they way durability goes down is a better fix than just upping the durability as a whole, seeing as ingredients wouldn't have to get re-balanced and crafting can mostly stay the same. Durability is now not affected by -% ingredients, thus making the classic way of flipping unpractical. The stealing identification gives mobs a chance to drop Emeralds when you damage them. Meta-Ingredients • Aspects • Durability Boosters • Duration Boosters This is a list of all locally recorded Crafting Ingredients with the loot bonus identification. Accessories don't get lot of durability, and the ingredients are so-so. I propose that ingredients are added into dungeon shops to give these items a use to these players. If this ingredient display does not work, see Category:Armouring Ingredients. These ingredients should mainly come from BOSS ALTARS. it adds base elemental damage to weapons and base ele defs to armor if used. Turbostratus , Feb 22, 2019 #11 Meta-Ingredients • Aspects • Durability Boosters • Duration Boosters This is a list of all locally recorded Crafting Ingredients with the defense identification. This is an issue on my end where I didn't reduce the value to normal amounts if the ingredient wasn't used for a skill that featured durability. Ingredient effectiveness Apr 22, 2019 · Hey, someone with over 100 in jeweling here. 2. This is a list of all locally recorded Crafting Ingredients with the walk speed identification. Dec 18, 2019 · I think it’s a shame that people who run crafted challenges, etc. This is a list of all locally recorded ingredients that can be used in the recipes of the Weaponsmithing profession. This is a list of all locally recorded Crafting Ingredients that have a positive duration modifier or no duration modifier at all. If this ingredient display is not working, see Category:Ingredients with walk speed. What does this do? Adds more variation to crafted gear. There are currently 72 jeweling ingredients locally recorded so far. Strength increases all damage you do, including poison damage, and it also boosts Earth damage. The manasteal identification lets the player gain or lose mana whenever they hit enemies with their main attack. Jul 19, 2019 · Durability items work in the opposite direction, giving proportionally scaling detriments for more durability (besides pykrete, but it used to give -fire def) EDIT: meta-ingredients are generally exempt from this rule due to being wonky in balancing Durability can also be substituted with requirements, like elephelk trunk Jun 25, 2021 · The items you get such as Witherhead's rib and Garoth's Breath are completely useless. More results Jul 9, 2020 · But since the spear crafted for this thread is lvl 87-89 with 49-56 durability and it came out as lvl 88 with almost max durability (55, see the pic in the "on a side note" spoiler) and I've made some other stuff that had lower or higher durability than I expected for that level, I do thinkthat it's probably random from within the level range Apr 12, 2019 · Note the following ingredients: Lively Apple, Manis Carapace, Fresh Water and Herbstzeitlose all have durability modifiers of absurd amounts (in the thousands). Feb 6, 2019 · nerf the durability on ingredients not the effects, like how salted said it would be ik this thread is garbage i'll delete it later CountBurn , Feb 6, 2019 Mar 18, 2021 · Durability degradation and item effectiveness is further in detail explained in this thread: Guide - A Comprehensive Guide To Durability Degration | Wynncraft Forums Some people also use wynntils, a mod which adds all kinds of features (but it can make things a bit complicated for a new player). Mar 31, 2021 · These recipes are so frequently asked in addition to the variant recipes that go along that a thread is required. May 23, 2021 · Level 11 - 20: Nothing changes from Level 1 - 10 to Level 11 - 20. Crafting is performed at Crafting Stations located throughout the world map, which are often located within cities or towns. _____ Pages in category "Lists of ingredients" with positive durability; Ingredients with positive duration prior to February 2024 are from the Fandom Wynncraft Wiki. This is a list of all locally recorded Crafting Ingredients that have a positive durability modifier or no durability modifier at all. it has no durability cost to powder a weapon or armor that has been crafted, so it's impractical to use up so much durability and one or more crafting slots for something like that This is a list of all locally recorded ingredients that can be used in the recipes of the Cookingprofession. The strength identification grants the player a bonus to their strength skill. like this? Wynncraft is a fully-featured MMORPG Minecraft server playable without any mods. Without ingredients, crafting weapons Jan 24, 2020 · Durability. This is a list of all locally recorded Crafting Ingredients with the agility identification. There are currently 83 alchemism ingredients locally recorded so far. The raw spell damage identification increases or decreases the amount of damage the player deals with their weapon's spells by a raw amount. aren’t able to make use of major ID items, and I think it would be fun to work them into your build so I think it would be really cool if some ingredients added major IDs to allowed items. The loot bonus identification increases or decreases how much loot the player gains from mobs and Loot Chests . Pages that were created prior to February 2024 are from Feb 16, 2020 · Even dungeon tp scrolls are rarely needed, as most dungeons are extremely close to cities. Because you're level 28, you don't need to bother with leveling up your skills, focus on the main playthrough and then when you're lvl 80-90+ start Feb 18, 2019 · I did some testing myself in game, and I lose 1-2 durability per minute of ---constant--- walking, regardless of my movement speed. Accessories have durability and deteriorate by 1 each time you’ve moved x amount of blocks or after taking some amount of hits. Mar 26, 2019 · -373 Durability Works fine if you don't give a shit about your durability or cost EDIT: If I'm not mistaken Decaying Heart isn't for Jeweling so your first recipe won't work EDIT #2: This recipe works fine with Frozen Ghostly Essence(more durability), but then your walkspeed drops to 34-40 and you have to deal with an agi req Without ingredients, crafting accessories will result in a basic ring, bracelet, or necklace that has no identifications at all. This is a list of all locally recorded Crafting Ingredients with the thunder damage identification. It involves using refined Ingots and Paper along with certain Crafting Ingredients to craft Helmets and Chestplates. Feb 7, 2019 · -28 durability loss -100 from decaying, +36*2 for borange-effective 6 ingredient slots (3 with 2x effectiveness each) 75+12+12 = +99% (assuming they round up) on each slot-those 3 slots only use the durability from those ingredients (since the effectiveness doesn't affect durability) for instance, you could have 2 ritual catalysts there + lunar Apr 6, 2021 · Got it, the more ingredients you add, the less durability and of course fewer slots for other things but you'll get better damage. I look forward to whatever I'll see these upcoming weeks! Feb 4, 2019 · In the recent push, the ingredient team decided to change how position modifiers affect durability. Walk speed is capped at a maximum of +400% on the player Meta-Ingredients • Aspects • Durability Boosters • Duration Boosters This is a list of all locally recorded Crafting Ingredients with the percent spell damage identification. The gather XP bonus identification increases or decreases the amount of gathering XP the player receives from gathering Crafting Materials for their Professions . If this ingredient display is not working, see Category:Ingredients with mana steal. If this ingredient display is not working . Pages in category "Ingredients with positive durability" The following 10 pages are in this category, out of 10 total. The dexterity identification grants the player a bonus to their dexterity skill . Meta-Ingredients • Aspects • Durability Boosters • Duration Boosters This is a list of all locally recorded Crafting Ingredients with the gather XP bonus identification. May 30, 2022 · Good crafted weapons (T3 materials, the riht ingredients) are better than a class's legendaries and fableds around the same level, but I'd say a bit below (in some cases about equal to) mythics. The only exceptions would really be Eldrich Outlook(which is, well, Eldrich Outlook) and Infested Pit. At 0 durability your item will have 10% 'item effectiveness' left. The poison identification causes enemies to take extra damage over 3 seconds after you initially hit them. Armouring is performed at any of the Armouring Stations found throughout the world. Jun 24, 2023 · The maximum durability of an item is determined by the ingredients you use and the materials you use. Higher level materials give more maximum durability e. If this ingredient display is not working, see Category:Ingredients with stealing. I might have been too stingy with the amount of durability I used, but that is because I assume there will only be 100 durability for every item. Because of the ratio of melee to spells in these durabilities, I think that it is 3 durability bits for melee and 5 for spells. This is a list of all locally recorded Crafting Ingredients with the mana regen identification. Here are some ideas for ingredients. Mana regen triggers every 5 seconds and grants you that much mana, on top of the base amount of +1 mana per second. If this ingredient display does not work, see Category:Scribing Ingredients. Agility gives the player a chance to dodge attacks, allowing them to take no damage or hitstun, and it also boosts Air damage. 5 and 2x more ingredients than rings, which makes crafting high-durability versions of them a lot more time consuming. Meta-Ingredients • Aspects • Durability Boosters • Duration Boosters This is a list of all locally recorded Tier 3 Crafting Ingredients . Meta-Ingredients • Aspects • Durability Boosters • Duration Boosters This is a list of all locally recorded Crafting Ingredients with the strength identification. This is a list of all locally recorded ingredients that can be used in the recipes of the Armouring profession. Nov 23, 2024 · And because higher tier ingredients cost more durability on your items, you are going to need those tier 3s if you want to stay on top of your game. Nov 11, 2019 · - T11 Tools have 100 Durability - 2 Swings = 1 Durability - Using multiple tools decreases your success chances of "refining" - Gathering Speed decreases with durability (worse durability = slower gathering) - Main problem with refining is that you have to go back and forth within refineries. Crafting Ingredients and Powders can be added to add identifications and elemental defenses to the crafted item at the cost of its durability or adding Skill Point requirements to the item. The merchant would sell T2 and T3 ingredients, not T1 or 0(as the dungeon mobs often drop those anyway). Meta-Ingredients, or ingredients with ingredient effectiveness, are ingredients that change the effectiveness of other ingredients. There's certain ingredients that add durability though. The chance to trigger depends on the attack speed of the weapon used. It does affect regular identifications and Dec 16, 2018 · -18 Durability 42 Int Min. Jeweling has kinda been underpowered from the beginning, but ever since Frozen Ghostly Essence got nerfed it's been even worse. Meta-Ingredients • Aspects • Durability Boosters • Duration Boosters This is a list of all locally recorded Crafting Ingredients with the XP bonus identification. Well, in this case, the negative durability makes most of the useful crafted items with MB, have less than 100 dura. They are found from completing certain quests, random mob drops, and loot chests and come in tiers 0-3 with a higher number indicating a more potent effect and scarcer appearance. Mobs take 150% of the damage you received, while player attacks will only result in 50% of the damage reflected back. Also I suck at naming ingredients. Meta-Ingredients • Aspects • Durability Boosters • Duration Boosters This is a list of all locally recorded Crafting Ingredients with the health bonus identification. Level up, explore the largest online adventure map ever and discover unique items, secrets, quests, dungeons & more! This is a list of all locally recorded ingredients that can be used in the recipes of the Scribing profession. The reflection identification gives the player a chance to damage ranged attackers when you are damaged. More results Armouring is one of the eight Crafting Professions. If this ingredient display is not working, see Category:Ingredients with agility. This does not affect the player's movement speed while on a horse or boat. There are currently 88 woodworking ingredients locally recorded so far. Now for normal players this isn’t that big of an issue, because most normal items already outscale crafteds by a lot. tier 3 oak wood gives more durability than tier 1 oak wood. More results Sep 27, 2019 · Let's say you have 500 durability on an item without using any ingredients On this item you use ingredients that put it's durability down by 400 durability. g. Nov 12, 2023 · The concept is quite simple, bracelets and Necklaces cost 1. May 14, 2020 · Basically, every durability point consists of several durability bits. If this list does not work, see Category:Cooking Ingredients. The defense identification grants the player a bonus to their defense skill . Meta-Ingredients • Aspects • Durability Boosters • Duration Boosters This is a list of all locally recorded Crafting Ingredients with the poison identification. -122 Durability There are currently 117 jeweling ingredients locally recorded so far. Meta-Ingredients • Aspects • Durability Boosters • Duration Boosters This is a list of all locally recorded Crafting Ingredients with the dexterity identification. There are currently 135 cooking ingredients locally recorded so far. Rings, Bracelets, and Necklaces are accessories which grant identifications to the wearer, similar to armour. I'd also recommend keeping a hold of Stolen Goods, as those typically sell well. Walk speed is capped at a maximum of +400% on the player. Jewelry is crafted using refined Gems and Oil. More results Jun 21, 2019 · It makes it so that the -durability effect on ingredients isn't really important anymore, and making insane items with low durability won't have any drawbacks, provided you're good enough not to die with them (And in my opinion, it's already pretty hard to die in wynncraft at higher levels, especially with powerful crafted items). Meta-Ingredients • Aspects • Durability Boosters • Duration Boosters This is a list of all locally recorded Crafting Ingredients with the loot quality identification. The loot quality identification increases or decreases the quality of loot the player receives from Loot Chests . 2, giving me +2 walk speed, -10 durability, and +2 AGI req. Jeweling is performed at any of the Jeweling Stations found throughout the world to craft Rings, Bracelets, and Necklaces. If this ingredient display is not working, see Category:Ingredients with strength. For some reason my dagger has got 315 Durability instead of 170 in the Hero Beta. Tier 2 Ingredients are typically rare drops and sell for a moderate amount of emeralds at the Blacksmith . There are currently 75 scribing ingredients locally recorded so far. This is a list of all locally recorded Crafting Ingredients with the strength identification. MB's negative durability much higher than most of the other ingredient effectiveness ingredients, probably because you were expecting MB to have lots of uses and be quite powerful. Ingredient effectiveness does not affect durability or duration. Negative mana regen will take away mana every 5 seconds. But as we find more ingredients perhaps we can make even more better items. Bandage of Undying (☆☆☆) Second Feb 22, 2019 · So if I have an ingredient with +10 walk speed, -10 durability and +10 AGI req, hitting it with -80 ingredient effectiveness results in the walk speed and AGI req multiplied by . List of ingredients with positive duration This is a list of all locally recorded ingredients that can be used in the recipes of the Woodworking profession. Helmets and Chestplates are equipment items that provide health, elemental defense, and identifications. There are a few common exceptions or modifications of the baseline as well, for example ingredients with ingredient effectiveness tend to be above baseline. The thunder damage identification increases or decreases the amount of Thunder damage the player deals. If this ingredient display does not work, see Category:Jeweling Ingredients. After the change: you have 500 + 0. May 21, 2020 · Some of the crafting-unique major Id suggestions. Some examples are Bob's Tear, Decaying Heart, and Borange Fluff. Feb 25, 2019 · Corrupted Fragment: - Intelligence Min with the value of -4 has been added - Intelligence with the value of -3 has been added Blood of the Nivlan Beauty: - Spell Damage Raw Min is now 20 (before: 5) - Spell Damage Raw is now 25 (before: 15) Volatile Matter: - Exploding Min is now 8 (before: 5. I can't fit all the recipes in a 2000 character pinned message on the prof discord due to this. Feb 2, 2019 · However, i dont know how to obtain any of the ingredients below. If this ingredient display does not work, see Category:Woodworking Ingredients. Jul 29, 2024 · Nope, the way durability works is, you know how crafted items have stats depending on the ingredients used? Well, starting at 50% durability, those stats will continually degrade as durability falls, hitting their lowest at 0, but the item never breaks, allowing you to repair it. Most ingredients have negative durability (few have positive) so throwing every high tier ingredient may cause your durability to be 1. Assuming you have 300 durability, and you keep 100 for usage, with 6 slots each ingredient have around 200/6= 33 durability potential. Mar 28, 2020 · I am actually really happy that you guys are actually communicating with us now. 00) - Defense Min with the value of -4 has been Mar 18, 2021 · As a rule of thumb, I always keep ingredients that are Rare and above, have Gather bonuses (Ursine Claws), or give durability (Defiled Luxroot, Nose Ring). fvejlf xwpprfqs dqft plu kmlxkyi zlesn lou phj zzxo lxnb ulf obgolu ukaxxe hei psbyynob